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  1. M

    Winter BC WEEK 2

    Break the Cycle B/c W01 2008 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Pre-Disclaimer - earlier today my dog *black lab ~alex~ * jumped up on my laptop in the car and my J key isn't always working. I'm not one for proof reading. so if you see a few...
  2. M

    Winter BC WEEK 1

    B/c W01 2008 (Pre-Disclaimer - earlier today my dog *black lab ~alex~ * jumped up on my laptop in the car and my J key isn't always working. I'm not one for proof reading. so if you see a few missing blame it on him. With that said..) Al moh forgot my name on the list. Breaking the...
  3. M

    Christmas Bootcamp

    Hi, I'm Matt. I'm from Jersey, on the out skirts of NYC, so I'm constantly meeting, and engaging in conversation with all sorts of different like of women. I don't go club hopping, but get out socially. I aspire to be a DJ in my own way. I don't want to knock some others DJ's practice that might...