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  1. isabelle49000

    I did hurt my husband...

    is it because that kind of behaviour your still virgin today? People can move and can take fly...surprising?
  2. isabelle49000

    I did hurt my husband...

    Being on a dating website so what?
  3. isabelle49000

    I did hurt my husband...

    Come on!!There is no way he's scared of me! 1) he s a military, his nob is to fight for protecting his country 2) I didn't hurt him. i just put him on the ground and pin him 3) he did change in the sense he's more aggressive when he talk to me (when ever he talk..).
  4. isabelle49000

    I did hurt my husband...

    Absolutly and we did talk together about it ;)
  5. isabelle49000

    I did hurt my husband...

    no thx! I am fine as i am :)
  6. isabelle49000

    I did hurt my husband...

    Haha! well he was the one who challenging me. He was sure to take the upperhand but to be honest it was pretty easy for me to put him on the ground. i just had to pull his sleeve to the left and the right couple of time before he loose balance. On the ground, when I was on him, I knew he has no...
  7. isabelle49000

    I did hurt my husband...

    Ow well. I remember that in the beggining of our relationship we did play chess because he did play it in high school. He did teach me the rules, we played couple of games and after 9 or 10 I started to win more than I loose. He was mad everytime and one day he did just refuse to play... I am...
  8. isabelle49000

    I did hurt my husband...

    I really outweight him (30kg+...) and I don't seee the connection between my job and the fact that I beat him in judo ;)
  9. isabelle49000

    I did hurt my husband...

    what do you mean again??
  10. isabelle49000

    I did hurt my husband...

    What do you mean??
  11. isabelle49000

    I did hurt my husband...

    Hello my name is Isabelle. I am sorry for that bad english but as you did guess it's not my native language... I am married since 1 year with Raj, a lovely man I met few years ago in Delhi. Now, we are living together in Paris, france. I am 38 years old and he's 29. Im a beautician and my...