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  1. M

    How important are muscles to girls?

    I act normal, its not an issue of being "mental". My problems are related and they feed into one another. Meeting women is not even a realistic goal to me. Saying hi to them is too muxh; for me there is no point. I know that I lack the confidence or whatever else they want and I know that there...
  2. M

    How important are muscles to girls?

    Anorexic. I just don't like to eat... .. Especially in public since I couldn't eat a full dinner if I ordered one at a restatraunt. People will ask you why aren't you eating? etc. Plus, since I've not really eaten right for years and years, I feel physically uncomfortable from it. If I...
  3. M

    How important are muscles to girls?

    I'm like 6'2" and 140lbs. I'm underweight, but thats because I have an eating disorder and I really can't do much about it. The only thing I am confident about is that girls definently don't like thin guys - never had a date in my life.
  4. M

    Anyone wanna become a monk?

    Makes sense to me. You can only beat your head against a wall getting no where for so long
  5. M

    Are Any Of You Guys Natural DJ's

    I hope its a girl
  6. M

    Online Personals (Merged threads)

    How? I have been utterly unsuccessful in getting even a single reply on all the online dating sites I've tried. Can you guys post some transcripts of what you did to get an answer?
  7. M

    Never Been Laid?

    26 & still counting here
  8. M

    Getting a Six Pack

    What about the lower abdomen? Thats where I need help.
  9. M

    Inside Chest Hurt

    If you are really worried maybe you should ask a doctor ... and not the internet. Just a thought.
  10. M

    How should I tell her I've never had sex?

    Hey, me too; sans the part about actually having actually found a girl.