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  1. E

    what if we had a girlfriend?

    here's what I would do. chica: "Do you have a girlfriend?" *leaning toward her, sly smile* "Do you?"
  2. E

    What's in your wardrobe?

    I try to stay comfortable but mainly I divvy them between school clothes, casual clothes, and workout stuff. For school I mainly dress in shorts (I live in FL, and I own like two pairs of pants, if that. sue me) and then most of the time some kind of collared shirt. I have a bunch of diff...
  3. E

    Trying to get this girl...

    yup. nothing beats a confident "Hi" plus that million-dolla smile u got in there bro. go get em.
  4. E

    Whats the suavest things you've ever said to a HB?

    I had a string of sweet neg-hits on a girl that skyrocketed her interest. She was eating McDonalds and I got her bad two or three times, I don't remember all of them but a couple. She said something about she never gets fat, and I was like "excuse me.. did you say.. get?" and she was like...
  5. E

    Ladies and Gentlemen.... I'm back!

    get over it sneaker. stop arguing credentials and raining on someone's parade when you haven't contributed jack to the forum. you're not proving anything. on a lighter note, i bet ya'lls post will be outstanding. i'll be waitin for it.
  6. E

    I Really need help quick!!! Plz read

    Massive Attack: If you're posts aren't constructive at all, at least you could make sure we all don't think that you're a moron because of your spelling and grammatic errors. SuSHI: What Cloud said was an awesome plan, and I second that you definitely shouldn't email her or anything. Just...
  7. E

    Prom tuxedo

    I'm a sophomore and I'm goin to prom. I have an black suit with a white shirt, white tie. I'm still deciding whether to go with white shoes or black shoes. Probably black.
  8. E

    Being her shoulder to cry on???????

    If you're keeping your options open then whats the big deal if you do somethin with one old friend? Keeping your options open meaning you have other girls to switch too if she makes a stupid decision and doesnt stay in your presence.
  9. E

    Giving Her My Number?

    ur alright bro... lol.. Don't stress over it. The only reason I can see you regretting giving this chica your number is if she turns stalker. But you look aight.
  10. E

    How to be a good wingman?

    Be Goose. Playing wingman is easy. Things lighten up for both parties if you actively pursue girl #2. Your boy can easily hook up with his if you're gettin with hers. And it makes for a better atmosphere. If one guys mackin, even if you're supposed to be his wingman he can still ride on...
  11. E

    give the B^TCH another chance?

    He explained it up there bro. It's like you're giving this girl a chance to be your girlfriend but you keep your options open, because she appears unstable. After the 60 days, or whatever length of time, you decide if she goes up or down or stays as a hookup.
  12. E

    What to do when you always see a girl who you've nexted...

    i'll side with smooth on this one, but you need to tread lightly on the shots. If you over do it and she gets pissed she could easily bring up how "you're just mad u got rejected"... THEN you look like a puss.
  13. E

    Clothes make the man?

    clothes are important in how people perceive you. Most likely 85% of the kids at your school don't normally talk to you and get to know your personality. Therefore they go by what they hear about you and what they see. Dress for comfort, but you have to dress for being seen too.