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  1. Z

    Womens' quest to betaise alpha males:

    Interceptor, you seem to have great wealth of information pertaining to this topic, but what are the things usually females do to **** test you? You mentioned if a man turns emotional and reacts to it, they become more beta.. Women need to feel our strength.. But what if a woman throw ****...
  2. Z

    Womens' quest to betaise alpha males:

    We all know that women tend to turn into mothers in a LTR or a marriage. But really what do they do to make alpha men into betas? Throw **** tests or constant requests? And if alpha men cannot be turned into beta males, does the testing escalate into heavier ones.. We all know the end...
  3. Z

    Heres a good qns: Reversal Oneitis?

    Ah joker, thanks for your input.. maybe oneitis is not the word I was supposed to use then... for example, this guy is missing this girl, hoping she would call or text over, or spend some time with him.. <-- we call this oneitis right? So when girls from my workplace says they miss thier...
  4. Z

    Heres a good qns: Reversal Oneitis?

    Many, if not most of us guys here have been through oneitis, and have been infected by it before.. we all know the dreaded feeling.. sadness mixed with emotional pain.. everyone of us post in for cure and for sharing our oneitis problem. But the root is? But is it possible we cast or infect...
  5. Z

    My Support Thread... Help me get over x , TY

    A simple story I followed your thread, following your story and have been reading your pathline since. Im not stalking you, but then Im using this thread for my own healing management. You see, feelingloved, I feel that Ill just share a bit of my own experience here, and hope I can reach...
  6. Z


    means he can practically sit on the armchair, and seduce the hell out of women... and men alike. No, but in all seriousness, Pook has my deepest respect as with Senor Fingers, it was his posts that were so long, eg: 15 lessons, Kill the desperation, Being a Man, Feeling Down On Ur Love Life...
  7. Z

    Quest to get a gf or get laid by Feb 32nd, 2039.

    Uh luke, im putting 20 USD into the pot saying U will not get laid by feb 3rd, 2008. Wanna raise me on it? I'll paypal u the money if u can get laid by a nice/innocent/fair/pretty/cute/single/attractive babe. Pick any. Hookers and Harlots does not count. No need to post pictures, no...
  8. Z

    Girl at work with a boyfriend.

    Erm, what I did was to befriend her first and play the angel's advocate. Explain to her that you like someone else, and make sure she knows the other person to lower her defenses of u. Now to the basics, u work with her, its easy to show ur value cos she knows u like someone else, what you do...
  9. Z

    Quest to get a gf or get laid by Feb 32nd, 2039.

    ... having a lack of scripture knowledge didn't stop me from getting laid u know.. ... hmm... its the boring details of what I used to know cancels the attraction for the girl wanting to sleep with me.. u might want to stop ur internet dating thing and go out to the nature and start being...
  10. Z

    Quest to get a gf or get laid by Feb 32nd, 2039.

    holy shyt bro, i was trying to imply im a chinese guy having a malay muslim girlfriend, which is a big issue cos im a pork eater and my gf's religion heavily is against people who eat pork... wtf did u go all the way to interprete that shyt for man? I jus tot I quote some scriptures to make...
  11. Z

    Quest to get a gf or get laid by Feb 32nd, 2039.

    ..... Essau's descendents literally mean malays, erm, muslims.. ya.. err, the way you replied to me confuses and frightens me. Im outta here.
  12. Z

    Quest to get a gf or get laid by Feb 32nd, 2039.

    Uh bro, ur a Master Don Juan with Posts: 1,326 and counting. Getting laid isnt the end, to be honest, its just nothing, believe me. I got my sweet gf last month and I got laid 30 days later, which was yesterday. When I was scimping thru the threads for my questions I happened to read ur post...