Search results for query: college/

  1. G

    Initiating female contact as a male gender role is not as bad as it seems

    You're damn right, shy men have plenty of nerve barriers (even more-so if the shy man is on the spectrum). I think I've mentioned on this forum that the mere thought of asking a woman out is enough to make my heart start pounding a mile a minute. Additionally, when it comes to asking a woman...
  2. B

    Video on why nightlife is dying

    As we've discussed on this thread and elsewhere: A man pursues The Good Life for himself first and foremost, not because of the "elasticity of women's desire". Attaining upper middle class status-all points above insulates him from many of the ills which disproportionately affect men who occupy...
  3. SW15

    Video on why nightlife is dying

    I think Millennials will be the last generation for a while to partake in nightlife to a great extent. Swipe apps greatly put a dent into nightlife in the 2010s, with later Millennials (1990-1996 births) favoring them. Early Gen Z (1997-2003 births) is even less oriented to going out to...
  4. G

    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?

    Come to think of it, none of the free sex I've had has come from me making a move (not even the free sex I got from hookup websites). Of my 9 free partners, 6 came from craigslist (And they messaged me about an ad I posted. I'd say that counts as the woman making the move). 1 messaged me on a...
  5. Solomon

    Video on why nightlife is dying

    I think the millennial and maybe older Gen-Z generation is the last to do nightclubs Honestly Where I live you saw clubs start dying as early as 2007 and the recession slowly started to kill nightlife. The city I'm at had a very robust nightlife scene, so even when it was dying it was still...
  6. SW15

    Observations on Dallas' Scene

    Some of the same questions that you ask would be the same questions I would ask. I think you should feel good about your thought process. I don't think there's a good answer to it. I think the fact that it's not a suburban pussie wasteland as you are still near Downtown Dallas and other good...
  7. SW15

    The Importance of Money in Men's SMV

    It would be a waste of time for a 32-38 year old guy to try to daygame on campus randomly. However, an existing student can randomly daygame on campus and it would likely be less of a waste of time. His campus daygaming would be more likely to be talking to women from his 200+ person lecture...
  8. Dash Riprock

    The Harshest Lesson/s Life Taught You (so far)

    The whole blood is thicker than water saying. 100% Pure BS. Family will f*ck you over a lot quicker and with less remorse than friends or even a business partner. Something about, "Oh, it's only my (son, daughter, brother, sister, etc.) they don't need to be paid back. They'll understand." And...
  9. Solomon

    The Importance of Money in Men's SMV

    I totally disagree with the first paragraph but agree with the 2nd A guy 32-38 can live near a college campus, which has college bars or even, college parties and in some cases college clubs, even if he lives 15 minutes from said campuses it's still close enough to uber too. On another note why...
  10. SW15

    The Importance of Money in Men's SMV

    The first sentence is true but a 32-38 year old man making $200,000 - $350,000 isn't as well situated as it might appear at first. A 32-38 year old man in the working world at any wage level isn't able to access the college campus world. It is going to be challenging for him to be able to do...
  11. SW15

    Fellas stop thinking you're not good looking enough

    At any given time, the majority of women will not be unattached and open to interaction with new men. Anyone who does non-bar approaching knows this very well. Non-bar approaching can be a great way to find women isolated from her friends/social connections. The downside with non-bar...
  12. Solomon

    The Harshest Lesson/s Life Taught You (so far)

    There is levels of friendship- You may treat someone as a best friend but they view you as an acquaintance it's important to understand. Just because someone pops bottles with you and goes to the club doesn't mean they want to get to know you on a deeper level. A lot of people are ok with...
  13. M

    The Harshest Lesson/s Life Taught You (so far)

    1. Internships are very important for a lot of college majors when it comes to landing a job after. Perhaps even more important than your grades. 2. Talent is everything. You either have it for a given type of work (or hobby), or you don’t. You can’t “outwork” or “out grind” your way...
  14. RangerMIke

    The Harshest Lesson/s Life Taught You (so far)

    Never buy anything that is being sold over the phone. Abandon bad habits (gambling, too much drinking, drugs, smoking) and adopt good ones (exercise and eating right). Don't pay for college unless you are studying something that requires professional certification (i.e. engineering, law...
  15. B

    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?

    It's also a fact that you haven't made near enough approaches to even contemplate that. Until you've done 1000 approaches get gone and stop posting and start approaching. You obviously aren't here for help you are only here to spew nonsense and look for someone to agree with you. Honestly I'm...
  16. B

    better to get sure thing date or date that you're more comfortable with?

    Strongly suggest you start learning how to handle your liquor so you can go on drink dates... They're cheap, they're fun, they're low-stress, there's usually a dancing area where you can physically escalate a bit, and they take place at night where you can transition into something more...
  17. G

    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?

    It's a fact the most I've ever gotten from making a move on a woman in person is a sexless date from an extremely strange college classmate. How does pointing out this fact make me a delusional excuse maker?
  18. H

    The Importance of Money in Men's SMV

    You can see the traditional methods go down as women liberation took over in the west. Online is the exception, but it's still part the same problem.
  19. SW15

    The Importance of Money in Men's SMV

    ...lives. This topic was likely mentioned in the famous "college sex" thread (see below). When a man is on the campus of a reasonably sized college/university, he has access to the most good looking and unmarried 18-23 year old undergraduate students. This is great. However, it's not really as...
  20. All_Kindz_Of_Gainz

    New strategy for securing straight to your house dates

    That was exactly why I got snipped, no more pregnant scares, no thinking about this woman wanna trap me. I prefer to pay $10k for having it reversed, than to pay more than $500k in 18 years of a child that I didn't plan, plus all the headache of dealing with baby mama, her boyfriends, her...