Search results for query: college/

  1. gwoppin

    New Beginnings

    Today went well: - Haircut complete - Job application complete - Kept tobacco consumption minimal - Hygiene up I applied for a part time position at McDonald's, which would provide me with: - Enough time and money to push forward with my art business - Better ability to train as it wont be...
  2. G

    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?

    As for my odds of getting laid at my current age, I thought of one silver lining (as far as my looks). Even though (after seeing what I look like), your assessment of me is average, it's worth keeping in mind that I prefer a significantly older woman. I imagine an older woman would compare me...
  3. SW15

    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?

    College stories still count as notches now. That isn't taken away. There were some elements of my college sex experience of 2001-2005 that would be relevant to a college student trying to seduce today but much of it wouldn't be relevant. In terms of thinking about seduction now, my seductions...
  4. G

    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?

    You described me to a tee when you said a college student using tech methods to pursue non-students is a sign he's having a hard time getting a woman on campus. I fully admit I had a hard time getting a woman on campus (seeing as the most success I ever had shooting my shot with girls on campus...
  5. SW15

    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?

    It's 2024 and we're talking about 2012 stuff. There's a case to be made that your tactics haven't changed with the times. Tactics tend to need to change more often than overall strategy. Overall strategy is based on fundamentals that tend to shift more slowly. If you attended college from...
  6. G

    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?

    Of the 6 partners I had sex with during college, 3 were 20-somethings (all 3 of which looked good). With the decent-looking (but thick and way older) woman, I posted an ad on craigslist specifically seeking out a much older woman. Don't get me wrong though, I obviously had a hard time getting...
  7. MatureDJ

    How to REKINDLE a relationship after overstepping boundaries?

    But she doesn't want you. That's it (or like my favorite black-pill character would say, "C'est ainsi"); that's all that matters. She could have the greatest personality in the world, but if she doesn't want your seed, it's OVER for you.
  8. B

    How to REKINDLE a relationship after overstepping boundaries?

    One doesn't get that impression from the content of those texts you shared. Work on communicating like a psychologically mature MAN, instead of a child. A side-effect of this will likely be that your more attractive to women
  9. B

    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?

    Yes, that's because he didn't have the same self-limiting belief system you do. That should resonate with you, I hope and you should actually look at that as one reason why your belief system is wrong.
  10. G

    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?

    We still did other stuff (cuddling, BJs, fondling each other, I even ate her out once, which tasted gross). The sexlessness was mainly because we both lived at home. Also, worth mentioning: She was fat (and far below me on the looks scale). On more than one occasion, I've had to dip way below...
  11. S

    How to REKINDLE a relationship after overstepping boundaries?

    I'm already at college, lol. And I've had girlfriends before. My interest in a relationship came from her because I hadn't felt what I felt with her for a long time. She has a personality that I thought was great.
  12. G

    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?

    The Jeffrey Dahmer comment was part of a larger pattern. I was viewed as the freaky creep in middle school, high school, and college. Getting compared to Jeffrey Dahmer by a woman at 23 (after college) was a sign that even in the real world, my freaky creep aura was there. Had I been compared to...
  13. D

    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?

    @GoodMan32 Which hookup/dating websites have you had success on? For me, it was only POF.
  14. B

    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?

    What did you learn from each failure and do differently when things didn't work? Or did you keep trying the same thing over and over again? Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. The length of time doesn't matter. If you do...
  15. G

    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?

    Middle school, high school, and college covers a 10 year stretch. I don't remember exactly how long it took for me to master the art of riding a bike. I know one thing though: It took me way less than 10 years to master riding a bike. On the other hand, expressing interest in a girl in-person...
  16. G

    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?

    The hookup websites I got laid from were craigslist and datehookup. This was back when craigslist still allowed sex ads. I signed up for Adult Friend Finder (as well as various other hookup websites whose name I forget) in college, with no luck. To give you an idea of what era I was in...
  17. G

    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?

    I've had 9 free sex partners. That being said, the "make a move on a woman in person; get laid" strategy has never gotten me laid. Of my 9 free partners, 7 came from hookup websites. 2 just sort of happened (with neither of us making the move). I've also been on dates with 8 different gals...
  18. E

    New Beginnings

    We have all been there in high school college or in the real world places like this in your library or good pictures to start to help find yourself get better grooming habits and build your confidence.
  19. RickTheToad

    Life POV's to live like a male

    Makes sense. The moral of the story is that life and society is changing, so a person must change and adapt with it. It's important to pivot and know how to maximize their value to themselves and what they can offer for trade (work). Sadly, with people being more and more isolated and living...
  20. G

    my female next door neighbor

    I should mention: I haven't always been entirely passive. I expressed interest in girls during college. Not counting dating/hookup sites, however, only one of the girls I expressed in during college so much as gave me a date (a sexless date). As for why the last woman I had free sex with never...