Recent content by Pandora

  1. P

    How to try and finally get out of the friendzone?

    I have used this tactic before. You find a date and bring her around. The girl that put you in the friendzone will get pissed. If she does not get angry then you have no hope. I agree it is not right to use the other girl. I probably should not have said get "serious". Its hard to explain but...
  2. P

    Random thoughts on lust : Quagmire

    Its so dang silly man. Spending half our lives chasing the orgasm.
  3. P

    How to try and finally get out of the friendzone?

    Hey you might be able to get some sex. I hope you do. That would be cool. I do know with 99% certainty that you dont want to date her. She will resent you because you were not her first choice. If you get her pregnant she will 99% leave and screw you over. Unfortunately with women if you are...
  4. P

    How to try and finally get out of the friendzone?

    Regardless you dont want this girl for a LTR. She will never love you like how you deserve. If you just wanna smash then ok.
  5. P

    How to try and finally get out of the friendzone?

    An older dude told me in my 20s that the best way to get out of the friendzone is to get serious with another girl and bring her around. Women are nuts and there are different types of friendzones. You got the friendzone where you are disgusting and she would never touch you. You also go the...
  6. P

    My prediction for dating by 2028 and beyond the foreseeable future

    I have noticed that White guys seem almost genetically drawn to Japanese/ asian women. They really like the phenotype. Why is this?
  7. P

    My prediction for dating by 2028 and beyond the foreseeable future

    This is very true bro. White women are at the top of the beauty standards in the West and even in the East to a large extent. As for me personally I like Latinas a little more. Then I also like biracial black women and then middle easterns. Hey i cant choose I like them all.
  8. P

    Random thoughts on lust : Quagmire

    I have some friends that are ruled by lust. I call them Quagmire archetypes. They are constantly in creep mode. They let sex ruin their lives. Some of these men are successful but have multiple "baby mommas". These are men of all races. Ever since I got married I have forced...
  9. P

    My prediction for dating by 2028 and beyond the foreseeable future

    Latinas and North African women just entered the chat lol. Bro give me a big booty Latina that looks like Pocahontas ANY day bro. OMG you have no idea. Of course my wife is Middle Eastern and they are gorgeous too. Its difficult to say that white women are the most beautiful. Is it that we dont...
  10. P

    My prediction for dating by 2028 and beyond the foreseeable future

    Is she white? She looks Middle Eastern or Euroasian. And that dude is punching way out of his league here lol...but he has power and money so its all good.
  11. P

    Observations after being married

    Yup exactly.
  12. P

    Observations after being married

    Women that would not "fuk you" would marry you. Women often used to say we can get married if I am still single but we aint having sex. In her head it can be two different types of guys. Of course she wants to marry her prince charming but she dont mind marrying her absolute last choice in a...
  13. P

    Observations after being married

    Yes this is what I am referring to. The reason it is so evil when girls do it is because if you made a move on them they would reject and frustrate you. They would banish you back to the friendzone that you just tried to escape. The whole time in the back of their head you were in the "husband...
  14. P

    Observations after being married

    Not just women you know. Women who show any extra attention to you outside of work. Like for example if she texts you at all or she want to hang out with you at all. This is more of a guy in his 20s thing. Remember those girls that would never have sex with us but wanted us in their orbit. They...