Recent content by marmel75

  1. marmel75

    My last post here...perspective from a dead man given a second chance

    Got a tremendous health scare a few weeks ago and was told i should be dead by multiple doctors. I don't want to get into any details but it's fixable and I'm in the process of doing that now. In effect it was something that showed no symptoms but kills many people. I escaped with no real long...
  2. marmel75

    How much I like young HBs. Tonight reminds me.

    Yeah ones they find cool and normal, not some dude who is a desperate hornball ready to spank their asses when they walk by the first day on the job
  3. marmel75

    Was I in the wrong here? In regards to paying for a first date?

    I would have said I'm paying for the first round and the other two are on you. You should have at least punished her for behavior with your c0ck and grudge fvcked her. It seems she was up for it, asking what you were doing the rest of the night(aka seeing if you were up for fvcking). Nothing...
  4. marmel75

    What went wrong with this?

    You didn't do anything wrong. Maybe she had a boyfriend but she wanted the free validation you would provide. Plus when she gets together with her girlfriends she can show off how many guys are trying to get with her and hope she has more than her friends...
  5. marmel75

    Do Men Commit Suicide Over A Woman?

    Yeah sometimes. No woman is worth that.
  6. marmel75

    How Happy Are You?

    OP, being a Redskins fan you definitely can't be too happy. Its a shame owners can't be fired because that team much like the Knicks with Dolan is going nowhere until Snyder sells the team. Which will be no time soon.
  7. marmel75

    Time for a break

    I've had pretty good successes on OLD including several 6+ month relationships, up to 2 years....its all in the perceived value you provide to them.
  8. marmel75

    HB7.5 41 yr old MILF quickly gives me her number and that.

    Typically this actually works the opposite of how you'd expect it. They usually turn out to be AW's. Had this happen a few times to me, never met any of them
  9. marmel75

    You can't win this game with women and sex because the rules are heavily stacked against you

    Anything to protect your fragile ego i guess...
  10. marmel75

    You can't win this game with women and sex because the rules are heavily stacked against you

    Then you are simply either bad at sex or very unimaginative in the bedroom.
  11. marmel75

    You can't win this game with women and sex because the rules are heavily stacked against you

    Sex is surprisngly easy to get as long as you aren't a desperate creep and actually are willing to put a moderate amount of effort into obtaining it. Anyone who says otherwise either wants it to fall into their lap without any effort on their part or is a desperate creep who turns women off.
  12. marmel75

    Most alpha guy I know and now....

    Getting married because you got a woman pregnant is NOT a valid reason to get married. I know several guys who did the same thing, none of them really loved the women but felt "obligated". The marriages all were not good, filled with constant arguing and fighting and all ended in divorce after a...
  13. marmel75

    Computer science/programming

    DevOps means different things at different general the role requires both programming and business ability as you will act as an intermediary between the programmers and consumers of the product and ensure the programming team fully understands what it is the consumers need from the...
  14. marmel75

    A game to get a woman Vs. game to keep a woman?

    Simple...once you are in a relationship for a period of time you have to show vulnerability and some weakness and show a softer side...without those things a woman will not view you as being compatible long term
  15. marmel75

    I am crushed and I don't know what happened

    There isn't anything you could have done different other than committing to a serious relationship. Women will only go with that for so long before they look for someone to give them what they want.