Recent content by Jim88

  1. J

    Think I'm Finally Redpilled

    I never asked for advice dumbass.
  2. J

    Think I'm Finally Redpilled

    I never said all women are like that. I don't think they are. I have plenty of kind and genuinely nice female friends. I just don't want a monogamous relationship. It's too much of an emotional committment and I've had stuff like this happen before. I seem to always fall for girls who are...
  3. J

    Think I'm Finally Redpilled

    No. 100% sure she's not a tranny. And btw, you kinda sound like a fvcking psychopath. Get help.
  4. J

    Think I'm Finally Redpilled

    I never said I'm swearing off all women, where did you read this? I said I'm not going to talk to one girl at a time online, always at least several. Also said I'm not gonna get married. There's no rational reason to get married anyway.
  5. J

    Think I'm Finally Redpilled

  6. J

    Think I'm Finally Redpilled

    Why? If I had jacked off more often I wouldn't have been an irrational emotional horny simp for a mentally unstable girl I never even met.
  7. J

    Think I'm Finally Redpilled

    First off, no rude comments or making fun of me for being a complete idiot. Also for those who don't know my mom has severe BPD, I have OCD and people have said I might be on the Asperger spectrum. So plz don't make fun of me if this sounds retarded or I seem like a drama queen making a big deal...
  8. J

    Women gained everything, why get married?

    I agree I'll never fcking get married.
  9. J

    Getting Out of a Funk

    Thanks I appreciate it. I'll have to check that book out. It's hard not to worry about "304s" at my age tho
  10. J

    Getting Out of a Funk

    Thanks man
  11. J

    Getting Out of a Funk

    I'm just wondering how to snap out of a funk. I don't think I'm "clinically" depressed but I'm a bit bummed out and apathetic about a few things. I try to approach women and have gotten one girls snapchat which she promptly deleted/blocked me from as soon as I tried to contact her. Started a...
  12. J

    No Approach Anxiety but Not Approaching?

    Thanks. What's a good approach, just like "hey I just saw you here and wanted to come say hi" or what? Also how do I approach girls in groups walking past me
  13. J

    No Approach Anxiety but Not Approaching?

    I agree. Will try. I'm near a college campus with 10,000 people which is not super small but small enough I worry a little about getting a weird reputation lol. But I guess just starting conversations cant hurt lol. I've done it a few times but not nearly enough.
  14. J

    No Approach Anxiety but Not Approaching?

    Lol, picturing that'd make me less likely to approach.
  15. J

    No Approach Anxiety but Not Approaching?

    Probably right. I don't think I have low T (horny all the time lmao) but def had a f*cked up childhood as my mom pretty much dominated my dad all the time. I also think too much in general before acting and making decisions. I think I'm gonna just try to take more action in life in general and...