Most commonly asked newbie questions answered right here!

Craig Reeves

Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2003
Reaction score
Texas, USA
I have spanned these forums in search of the most commonly asked questions from not only newbies, but community members here. Check it out!

How can I tell if she likes me?

The only way to be able to tell how interested she is in you is to make a move (number close, date request, kiss, etc.) Watch her reaction. If the move is unsuccessful the first time, you can try again later one more time. If it's unsuccessful the second time, ditch her and move other words...NEXT.

How do I let a girl know how I feel?

Make a move (number close, date request, kiss, etc.). DO NOT tell her with words how you feel or act like a suck-up and buy her gifts and dinners on the first date because you will come off way too eager and wussy. No, you need to be a challenge so that she can see you as being worth fighting for. When you approach a girl and you communicate with her for a little bit, get her email or number (or both) to show her that you like her enough to want to talk with her again. If you are on the date, kissing or holding hands with her is going to show her that you like her, because people don't generally people they dislike.

How do I get out of the "friend zone"?

Now this doesn't always work, but this is the only way you are going to be able to do it - STOP treating her like she's just a friend, however DON'T stop TALKING to her like she's a friend. Start requesting more often that the two of you spend alone time together. If you have not gotten her number, get it. And start holding her hand, start kissing, start doing the things that you would do with a woman that you have just met that DIDN'T start off as just a friend.

How do I approach a girl?

Most guys MAKE it difficult to approach women. There's something that they are afraid of that makes it difficult. The best way to approach a girl is to actually prepare to do it. Yes, actually sit down one day and WRITE DOWN the most common situations that you run into to meet women and come up with a good opening line (or more, if you like) to start a conversation for each. Rehearse the line many times. Don't only rehearse what you are saying, but HOW you are saying it, that's extremely important. Once you are in the situation and you see a girl that you'd like to approach, if you feel confident and comfortable about your opening line, you will feel more confident about approaching her. Just give her direct eye contact, and deliver your opening line exactly the way you rehearsed it - voice tone, body language, and everything. Remember, practice makes perfect.

How do I approach a girl in a group?

It seems that attractive women run in packs, lol. The best way to approach a girl in a group is not to only focus on the girl that you're trying to approach, but the whole group at first, then you can start singling out later. Just try approaching the whole group as if they were just one girl. For instance.

Opening to one girl: "Hey, I'm in a good mood and feel like meeting some new faces. How are you?"

Change that to a group: "Hey, I'm in a good mood and feel like meeting some new faces. How are y'all doing?"

Why doesn't she want to go out with me?

It doesn't matter, and it will be far more trouble than it's worth to find out. All you know is that she doesn't. So.....NEXT!

How do I ask a girl out?

Never ASK a girl that you are interested in for ANYTHING that has ANYTHING to do with her time or attention. No, what you do is you go up to her and tell her that you'd like to spend time with her at (some place) at (some time), and that she should come along. If the two of you spend enough alone time together, it will be alot easier for things to fall in place naturally over time instead of trying to change the relationship overnight.

How do I advance things physically?

Start small and work your way up. Don't try and start big or you will not as successful. Start with hugging her when you see her. Then when the two of you spend time together, initiate hand holding. Once you are comfortable with that, you can move on to the kiss. However, don't go to another step until you feel comfortable with where you are at to begin with. For instance, don't move on to the kiss until you are comfortable holding hands with her.

How do I impress a girl?

If your aim is to impress a girl or win her approval, you will never impress her.

Strange, I know. But the best way to impress a girl is to treat her as if YOU are the one that needs to be impressed rather than her. You need to treat her as if she's trying to get YOUR approval instead of YOU trying to get HERS. I know this seems like the complete opposite to what most newbies are taught from their parents or society, but if you want to "impress" a girl, you need to stop trying to impress HER, but start treating HER as if SHE need to impress YOU.

Where can I meet women?

Don't worry about trying to find a place to meet women because you probably already know of a good place, you just have to use your head. If you're having problems in this area of life, you probably already know of plenty of places that plenty of women are around. Just be ready at any time because any place can be a good place to meet women sometimes.

Craig Reeves

Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2003
Reaction score
Texas, USA
What do I do if she plays "hard to get"?

When a woman plays "hard to get", it is a test. Probably the most common of all tests. She's testing you to see if it will affect you. If you let her playing "hard to get" have an obvious effect on you, you will fail her test. However, if you act as if nothing is going on and continue treating her like you normally do and eventually STOP THE TEST BY MAKING A MOVE, then you will pass.

Women play "hard to get" to test your persistance. If you are not persistant, you will fail. If you are too clingy, you will fail. Showing dissapointment to her test will result in failure, because you are letting such a test AFFECT you. Therefore, you treat her as if you normally would treat her when she plays "hard to get" and stop her test by making a move. If you call her once a week and she's not returning your calls, DON'T BRING IT UP, AND JUST MAKE A MOVE ALREADY. She's trying to see if you'll easily give up. She's sick of trying to figure out if you like her not and is wanting you to make a move. However, don't call anymore than you normally do just because she's not returning your calls. Keep doing what your doing and acting normal and MAKE A MOVE. When she starts playing hard to get, she's bored with the relationship as it stands and usually wants MORE, so give MAKE A MOVE.

What's the difference between persistance and clingyness?

Persistance is a good thing, clingyness is not.

Persistant men MAKE MOVES. Clingy men do NOT.

CLINGYNESS/NEEDYNESS is the pursuit of a girl even when there is no chance that the two of you will ever be together. She may have a boyfriend, or she may have suggested to you that she does not want you to pursue her anymore. Clingyness/needyness is also fueled from insecurity. A clingy guy may get jealous or upset that she has not returned his calls. He may get upset or jealous when she shows another guy attention and not him at the time. It is very common for clingy guys to have been LJBF'd before, and the girl they are clinging on KNOWS that she is being pursued far too much.

PERSISTANCE is the pursuit of a girl when you DO have a chance with her, and you have not gotten any suggestion from her not to pursue her any longer. Persistance is NOT fueled by insecurity. Persistance is fueled by the desire to spend time with her. A persistant man will not get jealous or upset when she has not returned his calls. A persistant man will just keep trying and not worry or focus on the failures. If he wants to spend time with her, he will do it. AS SOON AS SHE SUGGESTS TO HIM THAT SHE DOES NOT WANT TO BE WITH HIM, HE WILL MOVE ON. A persistant man will not get upset with her if she pays attention to other guys at the time, because the persistant man doesn't care about what she's doing with other guys, he likes spending time with HER, so what she does with other guys is HER business.

When should I call a girl when I first met her?

Wait 2-4 days after you get her number.

If you get her email and you want to email her, email her the next day.

(Note: Do not email or call a girl the same day you get her number and/or email.)

Should I open doors for her, pull her chair out, etc. on a date or hanging out?


Should I compliment her?

Compliments lose their power each and every time you give one. So use them very sparingly (like once every 2 or 3 dates) and don't always compliment her on obvious things that she hears compliments on all the time (i.e. her beauty).

How do I flirt?

Most guys make it much more difficult to do this than it has to be because of the mindset that they go into a date with. Most guys make it much harder because they go in trying not to upset her that they forget to have fun. Most guys concentrate way too much on trying to get her to like him instead of having fun with her. They think being nice and cordial is going to make her fall for him and this is just not true. A good way to concentrate on having fun on a date is to get her talking and look for any oppurtunity you can in her communication to have fun with what she just said. For instance:

Me: So what do you do?

Her: Oh, I'm a waitress at Hooters.

Me: Lol. Hooters!? Dang girl, you better get me a free plate over there or something! Heh!

Another example:

Me: So where are you from?

Her: I'm from Los Angeles.

Me: You go up there to meet celebrities or something? Heh.

And you know what? It may be a bit corny at times, but it's BETTER THAN NOTHING. It's better than just, "Oh, that's cool".

How do I get a girl's phone number?

(As you're about to leave) "You know what, I'd really like to call you. Something about you kinda like." (while pulling out your pen and pad and handing it to her).

What if she resists my physical advance (i.e. hugging, kissing, hand holding)?

When she resists your physical advance, do not act as if it bothered you. Just move on to another topic and forget that it ever even happened. If she says anything about it after she pulls away, just say "don't worry about it, you're doing fine" and move on to another topic. Try again later one more time. If she resists again, NEXT her.

When should I make a physical advance?

When she's on a high (the part where she seems to be enjoying you the most.) It is best to make ALL of your moves when she's on a high.

How do I get a girl dig me?

Refer to everything else above.

Welp, I think that's all of them. Questions and comments are welcome!

Later guys!

Capi Crimini

Sep 1, 2003
Reaction score
Or they could just read the stickies already posted and the bible.... or the summary of the bible....

Not beefing your work... great idea... But if newbs just wanted to know this stuff there are already tons of resources and posts like it already.... though it could help,

Most AFC's. Specialy Teenagers think there "different" there not like everyone else this has to be "special"


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Silquee Smoove
CrazyKid, I think we have a new prologue to the New Don Juan Bible.

As do I. But first...It must go to Tips.

Capi Crimini

Sep 1, 2003
Reaction score


Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Craig Reeves

Me: So what do you do?

Her: Oh, I'm a waitress at Hooters.

Me: Lol. Hooters!? Dang girl, you better get me a free plate over there or something! Heh!

Another example:

Me: So where are you from?

Her: I'm from Los Angeles.

Me: You go up there to meet celebrities or something? Heh.



Senior Don Juan
Feb 7, 2004
Reaction score
"Hey, I'm in a good mood and feel like meeting some new faces. How are y'all doing?"
y'all? mby if u live in texas lol

good stuff, its nice to have a refresh course on dj princicples every once in a while

Craig Reeves

Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2003
Reaction score
Texas, USA
Me: So what do you do?

Her: Oh, I'm a waitress at Hooters.

Me: Lol. Hooters!? Dang girl, you better get me a free plate over there or something! Heh!

Another example:

Me: So where are you from?

Her: I'm from Los Angeles.

Me: You go up there to meet celebrities or something? Heh.
Only an example that I came up with in like 5.2 seconds, FYI.

If you had read the sentence RIGHT BELOW that you would have taken that hint.

And I would be honored if this was put in the DJ Bible.

Nicholas Hill

Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2001
Reaction score
Swansea, Wales, UK
I have placed it in the DJB, in its own section.


New Member
Aug 10, 2004
Reaction score
Thanks for the advice man
im new on this site, and ive already put some of this stuff to the test

Craig Reeves

Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2003
Reaction score
Texas, USA
Oh thank you so much guys. I feel honored to contribute something to the DJ Bible. And I must say that the DJB is much, much better now than it was before. Good work!


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Craig Reeves
Oh thank you so much guys. I feel honored to contribute something to the DJ Bible. And I must say that the DJB is much, much better now than it was before. Good work!
Which version?
Aug 11, 2004
Reaction score
Wow. I am new to this forum. I have never read so much tips. I have learned awful lot browsing through DJ. Keep it up guys!:)

Craig, The tip about getting her phone number. Does that same apply to getting her e-mails?



Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
Good post especially

Originally posted by Craig Reeves

How do I ask a girl out?

Never ASK a girl that you are interested in for ANYTHING that has ANYTHING to do with her time or attention. No, what you do is you go up to her and tell her that you'd like to spend time with her at (some place) at (some time), and that she should come along. If the two of you spend enough alone time together, it will be alot easier for things to fall in place naturally over time instead of trying to change the relationship overnight.
i still fell into this trap and it makes me mad for a reason that I never knew why it didn't work for me. Now I know. You would think that after awhile you would get through my head and I used this on a few girls before I changed my style. Thanks Craig

BTW Capi was banned :eek: I feel like I want to cry but I feel so happy. Thanks no more loss of bandwidth which was probably the reason for the change in .com to .net:D
Last edited:


Don Juan
Jun 6, 2004
Reaction score
Awesome post...

I was wondering if you could clarify this a little more....
What do I do if she plays "hard to get"?

Thank You....!


Senior Don Juan
Sep 28, 2004
Reaction score
How do I ask a girl out?

Never ASK a girl that you are interested in for ANYTHING that has ANYTHING to do with her time or attention. No, what you do is you go up to her and tell her that you'd like to spend time with her at (some place) at (some time), and that she should come along. If the two of you spend enough alone time together, it will be alot easier for things to fall in place naturally over time instead of trying to change the relationship overnight.
that would turn to friends zone if not done correctly!?!? (needed to advance things physically at the same time to avoid it?)

am i right?


Don Juan
Oct 28, 2004
Reaction score
great jOb!