Would marry a girl for money?


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2024
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Anyway the discussion of "marrying a girl just for money" reminded me that girls "would marry a guy just because he's famous on social media" because he showed social proof and pre-selection to everyone and he "catched" him.

Either way, I'm wondering which one is more of a "fake interest"


Master Don Juan
Oct 7, 2024
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he wears a condom every single time
Good advice

You see a woman's body calibrates to the intersection of her vaginal flora with his semen & flora. Her body knows his body and her flora and immune system get accustomed to his flora, pH, etc. So you don't get weird discharges, infections, smells etc in a monogamous sexual relationship, under normal circumstances.

So if your friend decides to dip his djck in strange vagina? Guess what happens? The new woman's vaginal juice is dfferent that the monogamous woman's, and voila! You get bacterial vaginosis (BV) which is foul smelling bacterial overgrowth in the loyal woman's vagina from the introduction of another woman's biology/flora, carried home in the urethra of the man (your penis scoops up microbes from your sexual encouters, especially if you are raw without a condom), and this woman to woman cross contamination from the man's promiscuity causes the BV infection in the monogamous female partner.

Not cool. Same can occur with yeast or candida.
None of this is a man's problem

Hopefully she will cheat on him too. Fair is fair right?
Women do that all the time, so yes, I agree, its fair game

I know a lot of guys who cheated. You know what, ever single one of them got caught
That's the risk of cheating, your argument is?

And its typically because he is frustrated with his woman, its not because he is horny for some new piece of ass.
Again your argument is?

Stop projecting your own personal belief's.
I'm not projecting, I wrote it how I think.

They miss the mark quite often.
According to your own beliefs I assume. Good thing opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has one.

Anyway the discussion of "marrying a girl just for money" reminded me that girls "would marry a guy just because he's famous on social media" because he showed social proof and pre-selection to everyone and he "catched" him.

Either way, I'm wondering which one is more of a "fake interest"
Or a single mother marrying a beta provider, last time I check men are women were equal with respect to relationships.

I'm still waiting for a counter-argument, not for some feel good words for the woman. Funny how women help themselves with tactics in how to have the best life when it comes to relationships, but men throw each other under the bus when it comes to have the best life a man can have. Its kind of pathetic seeing all of that.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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Good advice

None of this is a man's problem

Women do that all the time, so yes, I agree, its fair game

That's the risk of cheating, your argument is?

Again your argument is?

I'm not projecting, I wrote it how I think.

According to your own beliefs I assume. Good thing opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has one.

Or a single mother marrying a beta provider, last time I check men are women were equal with respect to relationships.

I'm still waiting for a counter-argument, not for some feel good words for the woman. Funny how women help themselves with tactics in how to have the best life when it comes to relationships, but men throw each other under the bus when it comes to have the best life a man can have. Its kind of pathetic seeing all of that.
My argument is, its very short sided thinking to think with your dihk. For the average guy, that's not more than 5.5" ahead. Why risk sabotaging a great relationship with a solid girl? Those types are pretty rare.

And if you are such a great guy, and think she is wrapped around your finger then tell her up front thats what you want. You that much of a badazz? You suggest hiding it, how weak is that behavior?

A guy like you must have plenty of options that he can name his price.


Master Don Juan
Oct 7, 2024
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Those types are pretty rare.
There are no unicorns

And if you are such a great guy, and think she is wrapped around your finger then tell her up front thats what you want. You that much of a badazz? You suggest hiding it, how weak is that behavior?

A guy like you must have plenty of options that he can name his price.
If it were me, I would do exactly that.


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2020
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The young me basically did marry for money, had everything going until she signed out her property into a family members name and I bolted cause yeah I was on it for the money

Now, around 10 years later? It's a hard sell, chicks with money have so much option and choice, your a fool if your not looking over your shoulder and hers constantly... You'd need a really big skill set, functional guys will out work you, losers will out time you... You basically need to accept your gonna only be able to do so much and will only fit so much and where you don't, others will, surely a triangle will develop over time.

So your either the guy or the other guy and both are interchangeably linked


Master Don Juan
Oct 7, 2024
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It's a hard sell, chicks with money have so much option and choice, your a fool if your not looking over your shoulder and hers constantly
Women many options. What you are saying right there, is that you don't feel adequate to be with her because she has more money thant you, this being an insecure guy.

You'd need a really big skill set, functional guys will out work you, losers will out time you
That happened to you because you didn't felt "worthy" of a woman who happens to have a wealthy family. No wonder you failed.

You basically need to accept your gonna only be able to do so much and will only fit so much and where you don't
This is you projecting. Do you feel that low of yourself that because her family is wealthy, you don't think won't do so good?

Iron Rule of Tomassi #8

Always let a woman figure out why she wont ƒvck you, never do it for her.

And if they get married, he will be a fagg0t who gets half of that mansion when she gets bored of him. Beats being a fagg0t who loses half his sh!t in a divorce.
See, this guy knows what's up.

Sega Genesis

Don Juan
Sep 9, 2024
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You never got around to this. What do you mean love but not love as one had in the past? This implies a romantic notion of love and genuine love can result from going through life together.
So it's a different type of love?

Not the hot, passionate "makes you crazy with all the highs and lows, ups and downs" love...

but rather a more stable peaceful love which can become somewhat mundane at times, but it feels safe and secure.

And she has money!!

@New_Journey is that what you mean?
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Master Don Juan
Oct 7, 2024
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Not the hot, passionate "makes you crazy with all the highs and lows, ups and down" love...

but rather a more stable peaceful love which can become somewhat mundane at times, but it feels safe and secure.
Maybe more like a lot desire for her, but a more logical type of relationship with benefits for the man.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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So it's a different type of love?

Not the hot, passionate "makes you crazy with all the highs and lows, ups and down" love...

but rather a more stable peaceful love which can become somewhat mundane at times, but it feels safe and secure.

And she has money!!

@New_Journey is that what you mean?
I believe there needs to be some passion in marriage. If two people don’t long for each other’s company or like having sex with each other, problems are to be expected, even those which extend to the children because they see a sterile marriage.

Romantic love blinds people to the reality of what life will likely be with another person. What turns people on or causes infatuation has nothing to do with:
1. Child raising.
2. Dealing with in-laws.
3. Finances.
4. Recreational plans.
5. Dealing with sickness, accidents, and emergencies.

Marriage is serious sh-t, much of which has nothing to do with the fuzzy wuzzies. I think many marriages fail because of romantic love. Historically romantic love meant one had gone mad.

Sega Genesis

Don Juan
Sep 9, 2024
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I believe there needs to be some passion in marriage. If two people don’t long for each other’s company or like having sex with each other, problems are to be expected...
^^100% agree!

Romantic love blinds people to the reality of what life will likely be with another person.

I think many marriages fail because of romantic love.
Maybe it's me but these^^ two statements seem to contradict.

I mean you say in marriage there needs to be passion and longing and all those intoxicating feelings but aren't those feelings borne and exist from romantic love?

But yet you say many marriages fail because of romantic love?

If there's no romantic love existing between them, they're essentially friends. And friends don't feel passion and longing...

What am I missing?

Sega Genesis

Don Juan
Sep 9, 2024
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Historically romantic love meant one had gone mad.
I do believe that "falling in love" feeling, infatuation, limerence can be likened to a sort of temporary insanity (this has been written about) and once that settles down, that's when a couple can truly "love."

However it's still romantic love.

Not sure how a marriage or a relationship can happily exist without romantic love.

Not a Disney fairytale, there's a clear distinction between romantic love and that.
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Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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A few thoughts since some of y'all don't seem to realize:

There will be no benefit to speak of to the husband in the event of divorce. Why? Wealthy families protect the wealth. This girl benefits from the wealth of the family but owns nothing. Therefore the husband cannot take from her.

The father or the family will own the couple's home in a trust or partnership structure, which neither the wife or husband will own, for example.

My best girlfriend from college and also my maid of honor for my recent wedding both fall into the above category (from wealthy families where the martital home is NOT owned by the couple.) My sister was married to a man whose family trust owned their first marital home.

Families protect their children by owning the assets. That way an interloper cannot swoop in and take advantage of the children.


Master Don Juan
Oct 7, 2024
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which neither the wife or husband will own
The guy will save a lot of money by living with her. Only a fool would not take that opportunity to save money, work hard on his things and improve his life even better. Also, since her family have money, it will be easier for her to pay for things in the house. And if they divorce, what's made in the marriage will go 50/50


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2020
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you still don't love her, but you like her, sex is great, she is very submissive and feminine.

Would you marry her knowing that you never gonna love her the way you loved in the past?
She’s obviously attractive enough if the sex is great. And if the sex is great, the man is in love.

What you are asking makes no sense.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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A few thoughts since some of y'all don't seem to realize:

There will be no benefit to speak of to the husband in the event of divorce. Why? Wealthy families protect the wealth. This girl benefits from the wealth of the family but owns nothing. Therefore the husband cannot take from her.

The father or the family will own the couple's home in a trust or partnership structure, which neither the wife or husband will own, for example.

My best girlfriend from college and also my maid of honor for my recent wedding both fall into the above category (from wealthy families where the martital home is NOT owned by the couple.) My sister was married to a man whose family trust owned their first marital home.

Families protect their children by owning the assets. That way an interloper cannot swoop in and take advantage of the children.
What about the case of a woman’s family giving money or assets to the groom? My family gave us a lot of money. Its ours. We “didn’t earn it” (how terrible).

My mother also paid off my wife’s remaining student loans a long time ago.
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Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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What about the case of a woman’s family giving money or assets to the groom? My family gave us a lot of money. Its ours. We “didn’t earn it” (how terrible).

My mother also paid off my wife’s remaining student loans a long time ago.
Those are choices made by the families. I gave my son the diamond setting which he had crafted into his wife's wedding set. I wasn't wearing it, and she treasures it as it has become, for her, a sentimental familt piece (and it's a beautiful setting that suits her style much more than mine). I have also given my daughter in law fur coats and other items of value. Those are my choices and my daughter appreciates my generosity as I'm sure your wife does as well.

For wealthy families it is foolish not to have a level of interest about a suitor's motivation. It is similarly foolish not to protect a person, who might be blinded by feelings, for their own best interest. Families of means have done this for centuries and continue to do it in modern times. It is a prudent practice. Just as I set up my own means to protect assets when I was unattached. I have obligations to my ex husband, myself and my children that do not involve my current husband. My current husband has known that since early on.

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
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Check my handle - love my kids but worst decision I ever made save for those three angels