Master Don Juan
"judge them and call them out on their bad behavior"You need to judge every woman for her words and actions, and hold her responsible for both. I mean every single woman you come in contact with.
Let them see that you are judging them. This is counterintuitive. Instead of repelling women, you will be attracting them.
There is a way to judge while still being friendly, open, and gentlemanly. Dealing with women successfully always involves doing the counterintuitive thing.
"call them out for their bad behavior and put them back in their place"
Those quotes are used in discussions about setting boundaries on this forum, I notice that many men in LTR often employ these phrases. However, it frequently appears to manifest as passive-aggressive behavior.
Consider these real-world examples where women are 'called out' and 'put back in their place':
Example 1: A woman repeatedly and deliberately forgets a shared responsibility. For instance, she often doesn't pack a lunch, knowing you rely on it for work and expect it to be prepared in advance for a busy morning. The response is to 'put her back in her place' by judging and criticizing her for the consistent lack of preparation, suggesting she doesn't take the task seriously. This is just one example, but I often see this type of 'correction' delivered by men in a passive-aggressive manner, often with raised voices, as if they were scolding a child.
When I read the quote "'call them out for their bad behavior and put them back in their place,'" this is what I visually think of: scolding a child for improper behavior, make their emotional part weaker to let them rationalize what they've done.
Now, when you suggest doing this with every woman in your life, it also appears difficult, given the many social settings we have, such as family, girlfriend, workplace, and hobby groups, etc. Sometimes, you just can't have the same approach to it.
If this is just what it takes, it seems easy, which might explain why we see women keeping those LTRs with judgmental, controlling, aggressive, reactive men, while more passive men, who are often considered higher value, remain single.
There are men who react to these situations by withdrawing attention, turning away, or being indifferent with an "I don't care" attitude, and they are often seen as weak. So, why do we see women submitting to reactive men who raise their voices, while the community suggests it's not a good thing for mature men to be reactive, but instead to remain calm like a mountain in a storm?
Also, are the women who respond well to being judged, to being fixed, really the ones we need, the healthy women, or are they just the ones who do it and like a man like that, just because they had a father who did it, and who was therefore abusive?
If man can understand and apply the correct perspective on this issue, their value to others will increase significantly.
Other quotes
This idea of holding the frame and she’ll behave is nonsense too. Women aren’t afraid of leaving a man because of how many options they have. “Id better act right or he’ll dump me” is what we’d like to think women will respond to dominance but it’s actually “who does he think he is? I’m gonna leave/cheat/get on tinder,etc.” is the actually real life response. Does anyone that is legit dating right now have a different experience? If so I’m all ears but this is what I’ve found to be true.
Perhaps some examples of how you do this in a way that is not negging or dreading and actually inspires her or has a positive impact on her emotions?
Make no mistake; these eyerolls and other rude/dismissive things that women do when guys approach ARE intended to establish (and/or reinforce) a “She’s better than you” dynamic. But you don’t need to accept that dynamic. She can think she’s better. But you don’t have to believe that.
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