I've got this result out of 3 pics. So now I'd like to see your results too guys.
Women send us IOI's, and my height definetly play a role in that.
That's why women who don't care about my height are really into me
Anyway, I don't think this works since I'm getting 8.5 and brad pitt only 7
View attachment 13832
Brad Pitt getting scored a 7 doesn't surprise me.
Is Brad Pitt above average? Absolutely. The only reason society views him as a 10, however, is because of his fame. So 7 sounds about right for him (when we're solely taking looks into account)
That's what's awesome about AI. It doesn't take social standing/personal bias into account. It only takes your actual looks into account.
Younger images of me consistently score in the 7s (I was even pushing an 8, at 7.98, my senior year of high school). Images of me from more recent years mostly score in the 6s, with a sprinkling of 5s (and one picture I took earlier this month scored in the low 7s)
It doesn't surprise me you get IOIs because of your height. My point when I replied to
@H8CourtshipWithAPassion was that he probably gets IOIs from gals without realizing it (because his ASD prevents him from reading the IOIs...I say that as a fellow man with ASD who's probably failed to pick up on my fair share of IOIs)