I feel like women sometimes cancel a date solely as a **** test.
If a woman cancels a date without offering a
contingency plan, then she has low interest in you.
Point blank, period.
But, to offer my two cents (of which 95% of the time, never gets followed)...
1. Never take a woman out on a date until you engage in physical, intimate contact.
2. Make sure women passes your sh!t test,
before you take them out on a date.
And what is your sh!t test?
See #1.
If I’m right about that, what response are they looking for ? A man’s response could be sad, bummed out, cold, nonchalant and not caring or showing much care and concern over the reason for the cancellation. (Not a first date).
Or, a man's mentality should be to
not let it happen in the first place.
You are speaking as a victim.
Don't allow yourself to become a victim.