Conquered Depression!

Aurora Demon

Don Juan
Oct 27, 2021
Reaction score
Boston, Massachusetts
This is the first time in almost 10 years my mood has been so good. Let’s make this change permanent…!

I honestly gave up and thought I would always be in darkness and despair.

Aurora Demon

Don Juan
Oct 27, 2021
Reaction score
Boston, Massachusetts
Background: First of all, I had a really abusive and traumatic life. If I said it all here some of you wouldn’t believe me. So, I’ve always battled depression. And it has only gotten worse in the past few years, my mind would sometimes go to very dark places. My mood never matched my external circumstances.

I tried everything, practically, but U believe the proper combination of some of the things I tried is what beat the depression.

First off eating healthy, proper nutrition.

Nextly, sleeping sufficiently, sleep deprivation is very bad for your brain and body.

Third, exercise properly and regularly.

Then, surround yourself with positive people, situations, and even if your e not in the mood, watch positive shows and listen to upbeat music.

Cut out negative people from your life immediately.

Have a good therapist you see once or twice a week.

Have a go of psychiatrist , and the medication ckmbination that helped me the most was the right anti-depressant and the right mood stabilizer.

Be sure to ask for each of those two , specifically. If it helps, increase the dose each month until it is at its maximum.

You may need to go through several anti-depressants and mood stabilizers.

I lost count of how many I went through until my current combination.

Along with the rest of my life and proper habits and positive environment, my depression just went poof and vanished.

I am in disbelief. I have never felt so good. In over 10-15 years.

No darn thoughts.

I see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I see hope iin my future.

I see the beauty n the simplest things.

Oh, I used 6-HTp, an over the counter supplement when I didn’t have anti-depressants.

So, buy that and take 200 mg a day until you get prescribed anti-depressants.

Do NOT take 5aHtP with ANY anti-septressat. It will cause a disorder called Serotonin Shndrome, where your brain will be in excess of serotonin and then I think it will be depleted, making depression worse.

Immediately stop 5-HTP once you start taking any anti-depressant.

Hope this helps you all!

Have a wonderful fearful day.

There is hope, never let despair break you.

Find the courage and faith to move forward.


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
Great you are feeling a lot better, but I would be careful thinking you conquered it.

Things like that never truly go away 100% and will always be lurking in the background ready to come back when the opportunity arises.

Be vigilant and make sure you continue to do what you have been doing so it doesn't.

Aurora Demon

Don Juan
Oct 27, 2021
Reaction score
Boston, Massachusetts
Great you are feeling a lot better, but I would be careful thinking you conquered it.

Things like that never truly go away 100% and will always be lurking in the background ready to come back when the opportunity arises.

Be vigilant and make sure you continue to do what you have been doing so it doesn't.
Agreed, I didn’t literally mean 100% conquered but “sort of conquered depression” doesn’t have a nice ring to it for a post title haha.

I’ve had a few minor relapses since then. But this thread was just to illustrate that I’ve gotten over the major parts of my recently worsened depression.