I'm wondering if I can teach this...


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2010
Reaction score
Wilmington, DE
Lately, I've been tossing around business ideas and what I think I'm really good at to consider whether I have a skill that I can teach others.

And it occurred to me, maybe this.

This last week when I had the house to myself I slept with 3 different women in 4 days; 2 FWBs and 1 new one-night stand. My exes and FWBs always buy me expensive sh** with zero expectation; a computer monitor, gaming chair, designer jacket, Nikes, a watch, etc. I must be doing something right.

And I'm doing this as a 30-year-old guy living at his parent's house in suburban Delaware making less than $40k/year. I know plenty of people living in way better circumstances, doing way worse when it comes to women.

I helped my brother get some momentum, I helped my cousins figure it out, and I've successfully wingman'd plenty of times for my friends - or even ended up in a double-close situation.

So now I'm wondering how much I could really help guys improve with women if they were willing to listen.

I don't think I'm perfect - I have plenty of posts asking for help - and I know some people would discard my advice BECAUSE of my financial/living situation, rather than the success I manage to achieve with women DESPITE that situation. Still, I'm curious if there are guys lurking on this forum who would appreciate that kind of mentorship.

Lately, most posts here come from the usual suspects and revolve around philosophies or ideologies and how bad the dating landscape has become.

But I'm wondering who REALLY wants help, and if they'd be interested in having me provide them that.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
Back in the day skepticism always lay with the better looking PUA’s. Some people would say that a good looking guy with an average level of game could pull much more consistently than an average guy with good game.

I always felt pretty good about game. With my clothes on i am average and dont attract attention for my looks. With my clothes off i get attention for my physique of course women rarely see me shirtless except for in summer months or on beaches and those who see my full physique like me enough to sleep with me anyways.

So if you are pulling based on looks and not game or status expect some skepticism from your potential customer base.

that being said i encourage you to help others where you can


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
Reaction score
If you are good with women. And people know it. You will get one of two reactions.
People will take it in stride. And not exhibit much curiosity.
Or. They will act surprised and want to know your secret.
In the first instance, you are good looking and people expect good looking guys to do well with women. There is nothing you can share with other men.
In the second, you’re punching above your weight. You’re not good looking enough for your success to be looks alone. Here some may seek your guidance.
One way to gage this: Do men ask your advice on how to get girls? If so. You are in the second category.


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2023
Reaction score
Do you have a plan in place? What mediums would you use to teach men how to attract women? What will be your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)?

To be fair, most men typically seek advice when they get ghosted by their "oneitis" and want to win her back. The common advice is usually to walk away. Alternatively, they may look for suggestions on how to turn their unsatisfying relationships into something more fulfilling.

For example, the influencer "How to Beast" provides dating, relationship, business, and workout advice on his channel while based in Austin, Texas.

I believe the PUA (Pick-Up Artist) industry is outdated, and the Red Pill industry might be nearing its maturity stage. However, if this is your passion, go for it. You could potentially tap into the next big wave. For instance, a matchmaking business could work well, as many people are now more inclined toward convenience and are less willing to put in the effort, but I guess that will be more like pimping lol

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Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2010
Reaction score
Wilmington, DE
Back in the day skepticism always lay with the better looking PUA’s. Some people would say that a good looking guy with an average level of game could pull much more consistently than an average guy with good game.

So if you are pulling based on looks and not game or status expect some skepticism from your potential customer base.
That skepticism isn't lost on me. I know I'm good-looking, but much of WHY I'm good-looking were conscious decisions; going to the gym, getting braces, LASIK for my eyes, regular grooming, wearing clothes that fit well, etc.

Point being is that there's a lot you can control in that department. I certainly don't have money or status, so those aren't really factors. As for game, one can always improve. But what it boils down to is being able to read social cues and knowing how to act accordingly - if you're an ugly, fat loser with no money or friends there's not some sort of cheat code script you can read to a woman that'll make her want to jump your bones.

That said, there's certainly a "limit" as to who can/can't be helped. Not sure where to find them. Most of this forum is comprised of people who either post regularly and have their sh** together to some extent - and people who lurk and never post who might not have their sh** together but are afraid to ask. I don't know.

If you are good with women. And people know it. You will get one of two reactions.
People will take it in stride. And not exhibit much curiosity.
Or. They will act surprised and want to know your secret.
In the first instance, you are good looking and people expect good looking guys to do well with women. There is nothing you can share with other men.
In the second, you’re punching above your weight. You’re not good looking enough for your success to be looks alone. Here some may seek your guidance.
One way to gage this: Do men ask your advice on how to get girls? If so. You are in the second category.
I'm sure there are people in both camps. The people who know me are the ones who ask. They aren't surprised that I get girls, but they are surprised that I sleep with so many different ones so quickly. It's actually kinda crazy when you go outside this forum and see how bad a typical guy is when it comes to women.

I have one very tall friend, in great shape, and good-looking - he can't talk to girls he finds attractive unless he's plastered. I have a cousin who has gone on multiple 1+ year dry spells. I have another friend at my gym I got into conversation with and found that he had a date scheduled with a girl he's seen 4 or 5 times now, and revealed the furthest they've gone is a kiss - singular.

I think I'd be good at helping guys create an abundance mindset so they can choose, rather than be chosen.

Do you have a plan in place? What mediums would you use to teach men how to attract women? What will be your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)?

To be fair, most men typically seek advice when they get ghosted by their "oneitis" and want to win her back. The common advice is usually to walk away. Alternatively, they may look for suggestions on how to turn their unsatisfying relationships into something more fulfilling.

For example, the influencer "How to Beast" provides dating, relationship, business, and workout advice on his channel while based in Austin, Texas.

I believe the PUA (Pick-Up Artist) industry is outdated, and the Red Pill industry might be nearing its maturity stage. However, if this is your passion, go for it. You could potentially tap into the next big wave. For instance, a matchmaking business could work well, as many people are now more inclined toward convenience and are less willing to put in the effort, but I guess that will be more like pimping lol
I didn't put too much planning into it; I think the market is probably small, taboo, and filled with grifters. Part of the reason I found this place was because I got tired of watching "PUAs" go out "into the field" and record videos picking up girls that you later found out were paid models or scripted encounters, I found it disingenuous. Found SS, read some, journaled some, and learned by doing.

The thing is I didn't come here because of oneitis. I came here because I saw everybody around me losing their virginity to some average long-term girlfriend where sex was treated as a reward. I didn't want that, I wanted to be able to pick. I don't know how many people have that mindset when it comes to dating.

I'd probably do something in the realm of instructional video courses, one-on-one weekly progress calls, or something like that. Maybe require people to keep their own journal or log things like their visits to the gym or the foods they're eating.

I've seen some of the influencers, including How To Beast, but I'm not so inclined to listen to their advice. In his case, he's married to his longtime girlfriend. In other cases, as mentioned above, plenty of actresses and models are brought in to make it look "easy". They all have something to sell - which isn't the problem, I would too - but the way they generally go about it seems scummy.

I don't know, like I said, haven't put too much thought into it because the main problem I foresee is finding people who have this problem with women, with limitations that can be overcome (legitimate disabilities, for example), who are willing to listen and act.

Never try to read a woman's mind. It is a scary place. Ignore her confusing signals and mixed messages. Assume she is interested in you and act accordingly.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
Most PUA stuff is absolute bullsh1t. But there is a lots of unrelated bullsh1t for sale... and people buy bull****.

So yeah, go sell your bullsh!t. I'm sure you will do great.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
I don't know, like I said, haven't put too much thought into it because the main problem I foresee is finding people who have this problem with women, with limitations that can be overcome (legitimate disabilities, for example), who are willing to listen and act.
Well you have them here, with some caveats...

The main thing, in my opinion, is whether you have a new insight or a new approach or whether you are just rehashing old information already available.

When you see this as a 'business', in order to make profits or even just a living, you will have to screw people over. You will gloss over harsh truths in order to assuage your students/followers that things that are not under their control will come under their control. You will lie to them so they'll stick around to fund your lifestyle.

And either your integrity will fuel your self-loathing leading to destruction/redemption, or you'll stop caring and just amass as much money as you can from the stupid people.

Unless you can be in this business with the integrity to genuinely and selflessly teach and help other people, you will likely self-destruct in narcissistic hedonism.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
@BPH you can test the waters right here on this forum. That will tell you if what you have to say resonates with guys and is helpful or not. Develop a following and take it from there. SS would be an easy source to recruit customers from.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
@BPH -- I think you can make a valid case as one of the top seducers on this board. You have a notch count nearing 100 despite living in Delaware and sometimes living with your parents. Your income has never been strong.

There are a lot of pickup artist types out there trying to sell a solution to men seeking to get laid more. It's a crowded marketplace. It would be challenging to sell your seduction tactics and strategies as compared to others like Playing with Fire, AG Hayden, Austen Summers, Michael Sartain, etc.

There are better corporate sales roles out there if you want to do sales. You might also look into corporate marketing as well. Seduction is related to both sales and marketing.


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2010
Reaction score
Wilmington, DE
Well you have them here, with some caveats...

The main thing, in my opinion, is whether you have a new insight or a new approach or whether you are just rehashing old information already available.

When you see this as a 'business', in order to make profits or even just a living, you will have to screw people over. You will gloss over harsh truths in order to assuage your students/followers that things that are not under their control will come under their control. You will lie to them so they'll stick around to fund your lifestyle.

And either your integrity will fuel your self-loathing leading to destruction/redemption, or you'll stop caring and just amass as much money as you can from the stupid people.

Unless you can be in this business with the integrity to genuinely and selflessly teach and help other people, you will likely self-destruct in narcissistic hedonism.
I don't think I have something new and innovative - I just think I'm good at doing what needs to be done to be successful with women. It's just like the gym; I'm not jacked and ripped because I'm doing something other people don't know about - I'm just doing it longer, better, and more often than they are.

The second part of your message is what I'm explicitly looking to avoid, and why I'm wondering if I can teach this, as that experience is exactly what brought me here. It's also why I say there would be limitations as to who can be helped because I can't promise success to everybody.

@BPH you can test the waters right here on this forum. That will tell you if what you have to say resonates with guys and is helpful or not. Develop a following and take it from there. SS would be an easy source to recruit customers from.
I don't know about that. There's gotta be a better place. The active members on this forum are mostly established members who have been here for several years. A majority of posts here are theories, observations, or news stories, rather than young guys asking for advice.

Further, I can't really think of anybody who I'd say "has a following" outside of Pook and Rollo. I'd assume most people would value advice from people with higher reaction scores and lower post counts - things I don't have, mostly due to my high school journaling.

I feel like there's gotta be a better place than here, but I'm not sure where. And again, I haven't thought too far ahead with this, I'm just wondering if I COULD be a good teacher of this skill.

@BPH -- I think you can make a valid case as one of the top seducers on this board. You have a notch count nearing 100 despite living in Delaware and sometimes living with your parents. Your income has never been strong.

There are a lot of pickup artist types out there trying to sell a solution to men seeking to get laid more. It's a crowded marketplace. It would be challenging to sell your seduction tactics and strategies as compared to others like Playing with Fire, AG Hayden, Austen Summers, Michael Sartain, etc.

There are better corporate sales roles out there if you want to do sales. You might also look into corporate marketing as well. Seduction is related to both sales and marketing.
On paper, being attractive and good with people and all that, you might assume I'd be good at sales - but so far my track record has not shown that. I'm good at selling ME to WOMEN, but I have so far NOT been good at selling PRODUCTS/SERVICES to MEN.

I think part of what's missing in that equation is my belief in what I'm selling, and my understanding of what I'm selling. I haven't really had those in any of my business ventures so far - usually because I'm selling a solution that I haven't seen work yet - but in this case, the "solution" has been working well for me for a very long time.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.
