I think females are more 'advanced' than men


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2022
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Something I realised lately, the difference between the genders has become clearer and it seems to me now women are more advanced in their personal development and understanding. This has some major consequences for the socio-political landscape and can affect all things going forward in society.

The video below kinda makes it clearer what I mean. You see, most guys are all about keeping their income and making more, and other than that trying to get laid, put on muscle, diet, and sports and other hobbies. But, the women, they are really thinking about self-development and growth, and tbh these things are important. Its like the men only care about external material things but the women care more about their internal state and growth and development. They take their emotional and mental state more clearly, take a lot of time for themselves like retreats and feeling good, and also training and development stuff.

This has major implications for romantic interactions as that work and time women are putting into self-care/self-growth etc directly correlates with Game and Internal Game and this 'non-material' ie non-economic/professional, monetary aspect of life has more relevance to Game and attraction and emotional skills.

Because of this, females imo are now becoming more 'smarter' and relevant than men. Its like the men have been too beta and too 'manipulated' for too long and still cant see the real reality in front of them which is Game but work and money stuff and then getting/keeping women is keeping them fully occupied that they cannot seethe other side of freedom and self.

I think women are past that life of being married to a guy who wants to come home and sit in front of the tv.



Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
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Its like the men only care about external material things but the women care more about their internal state and growth and development. They take their emotional and mental state more clearly, take a lot of time for themselves like retreats and feeling good, and also training and development stuff.
Is this what you call personal development?

Because of this, females imo are now becoming more 'smarter' and relevant than men. Its like the men have been too beta and too 'manipulated' for too long and still cant see the real reality in front of them which is Game but work and money stuff and then getting/keeping women is keeping them fully occupied that they cannot seethe other side of freedom and self.
Most women I've seen don't develop themselves in any meaningful way, besides gaining experience with their and other's emotional states.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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Men have ruled the world in pretty much every segment since the beginning of time and still do. They've dominated politics, engineering, law, medicine, and business.

lol, "more advanced".....and "smarter"

Now I do agree that women think about themselves a lot! They love being catered to and are good at that.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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men evolved to go out into the world and kill sh*t so everybody could eat.

women evolved to create and maintain relationships and to "manipulate" men so they and their kids would get fed.

different roles different skills
Lolz humans evolved so both sexes have these traits. Genders don't evolve separately, which is what this comment comically implies.

Posting in a Kavi thread 11/11/2024.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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They take their emotional and mental state more clearly,
Found the fundamental flaw - they make take their emotional and mental states more seriously, but certainly not more clearly.

Delusion leads to devolution, not evolution.

C'mon man.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 1, 2022
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The flaw with this topic is thinking about men and women as the same and then try to rationalize the different behavior.

They are different, the way the brain works at a low level is different.

Try soaking your brain in estrogen and it will also start working different.

In some ways a dog is more advanced than a man. Running speed, hearing, smell, and some instincts. Somehow we usually learn to manage the dog, and the dog will love us. Some never learn how to manage the dog, and get bit. Does this sound familiar....

If you let the dog manage you, you get bit. It is the way.


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2023
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Women have historically faced a different battlefield than men. Throughout ancient times, power was largely gained through physical strength and brute force, a domain predominantly ruled by men. This left women without the means to wield power in the same way, politically, socially, or within the home. However, women understood that men’s primary desire often centers on sex. By controlling the dynamics of giving or withholding it, women found a long-lasting and effective means of turning the power balance in their favor.

In modern times, brute force and strength are less relevant, and women’s power over men has become more psychological. Women understand the emotional bonds that form when men fall in love—how men can become emotionally vulnerable, gullible, and easily manipulated. Through emotional play, women can create pleasure, stir confusion, and influence desire, shaping men's emotions and decisions.

In this context, there’s little incentive for a woman to invest time or energy into persuading someone who is powerless or lacks any value to offer.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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Genders don't evolve separately,
Actually they do.

Easy read but tons of academic references showing many differences in evolution between the genders.

Humans (or rather proto humans) are the only animals that split along gender lines way back in the day as far as food acquisition.

Different skills, different roles, different traits.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2022
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My post is related fundemantally to the idea of 'What is the end game' and my major point is the 'End game' for men looking to relate to high quality ie middle class educated women isnt going to sitting on the couch watching tv into middle age.

In saying men are still living life and strategizing with the end goal of sitting on a couch watching tv in house they paid for with kids grown up etc but young women today as they progress in life will get bored of that and surely will leave such men.

So as men to be successful in life esp middle class men will probably need to learn how to 'entertain' by doing more emotional and social stuff like parties travel? Wellness basically all other higher stuff other than just making money and paying bills and sitting on the couch butni dont see men doing anything in that direction.


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2020
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My post is related fundemantally to the idea of 'What is the end game' and my major point is the 'End game' for men looking to relate to high quality ie middle class educated women isnt going to sitting on the couch watching tv into middle age.

In saying men are still living life and strategizing with the end goal of sitting on a couch watching tv in house they paid for with kids grown up etc but young women today as they progress in life will get bored of that and surely will leave such men.

So as men to be successful in life esp middle class men will probably need to learn how to 'entertain' by doing more emotional and social stuff like parties travel? Wellness basically all other higher stuff other than just making money and paying bills and sitting on the couch butni dont see men doing anything in that direction.

If you think you win the endgame by "entertaining" her, you lost already.

You will be her fvcking clown for the day, until she finds someone that"entertains" her "more".


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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"I think females are more 'advanced' than men"

Marcie, the Cal Tech mechanical engineering grad, is probably more advance than Zeke, the meth head residing on the outskirts of Paducah. Notice that both are outliers on the continuum of our species though

The other 98%(male AND female alike)of us are remarkably ordinary, and far more akin to The characters here
than we are MCU superheroes


Master Don Juan
Mar 7, 2022
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In this context, there’s little incentive for a woman to invest time or energy into persuading someone who is powerless or lacks any value to offer.
except if she wants to have progeny... and Chad wouldn't give her the time of day because he has options... humans are social animals especially women. women need men more then men need women.


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2023
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in my experience doesn't matter if a woman is 25 or 50, she's still a girl on the inside that's susceptible to the same emotions.

I've seen grown women behave like children regardless of their emotional maturity, it doesn't mean anything.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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I would say that in the West, men are at a low point historically, and women are perhaps at a high point (in some ways).
Women are naturally more skilled socially than men, who have other strengths. One problem is that in today's culture, women are encouraged to expand themselves and try new things, while men are not. Men are discouraged to display their masculinity in any meaningful way. It's no wonder so many end up in the basement playing video games.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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I'll give chicks this much: No man has taken a chainsaw to The Manosphere in public, on par with this evisceration
of feminism by a woman. Though everything SS says there is no less true of The Church Of The Red Pill

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
Reaction score
Something I realised lately, the difference between the genders has become clearer and it seems to me now women are more advanced in their personal development and understanding. This has some major consequences for the socio-political landscape and can affect all things going forward in society.

The video below kinda makes it clearer what I mean. You see, most guys are all about keeping their income and making more, and other than that trying to get laid, put on muscle, diet, and sports and other hobbies. But, the women, they are really thinking about self-development and growth, and tbh these things are important. Its like the men only care about external material things but the women care more about their internal state and growth and development. They take their emotional and mental state more clearly, take a lot of time for themselves like retreats and feeling good, and also training and development stuff.

This has major implications for romantic interactions as that work and time women are putting into self-care/self-growth etc directly correlates with Game and Internal Game and this 'non-material' ie non-economic/professional, monetary aspect of life has more relevance to Game and attraction and emotional skills.

Because of this, females imo are now becoming more 'smarter' and relevant than men. Its like the men have been too beta and too 'manipulated' for too long and still cant see the real reality in front of them which is Game but work and money stuff and then getting/keeping women is keeping them fully occupied that they cannot seethe other side of freedom and self.

I think women are past that life of being married to a guy who wants to come home and sit in front of the tv.

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Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2022
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Fake trad will get humiliated soon enough.

One time there was a huge group of male warrior kings all of them with big weapons and they used to live by your laws subjugate women and keep other men as slaves. Surely they were the heroes of ppl like you.

They were the mycenaeans, hittites etc. Big walls, big weapons, horses and chariots, armies and they thought they would last forever.

They all got wiped out because they were no match for the Barak Lightning Fire.

But there friends the romans survived and became powerful and made a big religion and then write about Barak and made him into Lucifer and they wrote a lot of bs.

But the Barak clan wrote in the Hindu books that when the great male warriors were turned into ashes, that this was done for the rights of women.

The Barak Lightning Fire (Prometheus Lucifer Barak) will rise again like the Phoenix and the big Nations and dictators will tremble as it is written in the bible about Lucifer who made the Nations tremble.

And women will flock to Barak the real Trad hero and all the fake trad beta males like you will tremble and even the Nation's will tremble when they see the colours of Barak.

Red and Blue

Red and Blue the colours of Kavi Barak.

Back then all peoples knew about THE FIRE ie Prometheus Ignis etc but they didn't know about the FIRE In The WATERS but they did find out when the LIGHTNING struck them and the Boats and Fire destroyed the fake warriors friends of the romans the mycenaeans hittites etc which the roman and christians kept crying about in the bible and calling Lucifer a destroyer because them and their wannabe tough guys friends got humiliated by the Lightning.

Now there are still some fake wanna warrior trad men as our job wasnt competed then but surely it will completed soon.

Ofcourse we were around and we began the marriage system and now i am here to see its end.