Almost any 8+ girl I meet is a social media addict, and thus impossible to date


Master Don Juan
Sep 17, 2016
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I have traveled quite a bit recently, across north america, europe, a little bit of asia. It doesn't matter what the culture is, what the language, what time zone you are in.

Girls of a certain level of physical attractiveness, that happen to be single, that are age 25 or below, are addicted to social media like crack. Tik tok is the worst offender, followed by instagram, but snapchat as well has its place.

They simply have little to no capacity for thought, especially anything original. Their attention spans are reduced to nothing. A picture of food, of a dog, of their friends doing stupid dances, or of the latest mainstream outrage to hop on board on, it is all the same. Any date I have gone on I could write what I would hear in an envelope, seal it, and have a third person verify that all the talking points, mannerisms, stances would match what I wrote down.

It is a tragedy, how modern day oligarchs have released such a weapon upon society with no repercussions.

They cannot resist the attention, the illusions of a life of excess, of luxury, of adoration. Of the smug feeling of getting more likes or views compared to their peers.

It is just a sickening world we live in, but nature has a funny way of correcting itself into an equilibrium, I am just not sure what the end game will be.


Master Don Juan
Aug 21, 2022
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Before total despair sets in and you go monk mode, let's stop for a second and reflect. ;)
You were a tourist, a foreigner in those places and on top of that probably got your dates via dating apps. This virtually eliminated any average girl interested in a serious relationship. What's left are the adventurous (meaning they are either masculine and/or promiscuous) and dim witted bimbos.


Master Don Juan
Sep 17, 2016
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Before total despair sets in and you go monk mode, let's stop for a second and reflect. ;)
You were a tourist, a foreigner in those places and on top of that probably got your dates via dating apps. This virtually eliminated any average girl interested in a serious relationship. What's left are the adventurous (meaning they are either masculine and/or promiscuous) and dim witted bimbos.
Fair point. But let me ask you, for girls that are single, what is there throughput of meeting new guys?

Social circle, in person approaches, and dating apps as as last resort correct?

Any girl who is an 8+ will not need the dating apps usually, so it's very rare to find one on any app.

She will be approached, but many guys will be annoying in person, and will eventually get tired of going out and shaking off guys.

So, she will rely on her social circle, which will naturally expand through instagram and other socials that are not convential dating apps.

And there is always a bigger fish on the instagram dm's waiting to swoop in.

Many of these girls conversely are just not single, in the prime age of like 23-28, that are attractive, mentally stable, educated, etc. You just will very rarely find them in the wild, be it a tourist or a local who is going to the bars and nightlife venues to meet girls.


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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Girls of a certain level of physical attractiveness, that happen to be single, that are age 25 or below, are addicted to social media like crack.
and? how does this make them impossible to date?


Master Don Juan
Sep 17, 2016
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and? how does this make them impossible to date?
If you don't yet see how damaging the mental/pyschological effects are from heavy social media use, I don't think me writing a huge exposition on the topic will help you understand.

How it numbs/deletes creativity, emotions, attention span, breeds narcissism, entitlement, essentially amplifies all of the worst attributes of the human condition.


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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If you don't yet see how damaging the mental/pyschological effects are from heavy social media use, I don't think me writing a huge exposition on the topic will help you understand.
I am dating two 8+ 19 year old girls that are extremely addicted to tiktok/ig, so just wanted to know how that would make it impossible to date them but ok lol


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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I have traveled quite a bit recently, across north america, europe, a little bit of asia. It doesn't matter what the culture is, what the language, what time zone you are in.

Girls of a certain level of physical attractiveness, that happen to be single, that are age 25 or below, are addicted to social media like crack. Tik tok is the worst offender, followed by instagram, but snapchat as well has its place.

They simply have little to no capacity for thought, especially anything original. Their attention spans are reduced to nothing. A picture of food, of a dog, of their friends doing stupid dances, or of the latest mainstream outrage to hop on board on, it is all the same. Any date I have gone on I could write what I would hear in an envelope, seal it, and have a third person verify that all the talking points, mannerisms, stances would match what I wrote down.

It is a tragedy, how modern day oligarchs have released such a weapon upon society with no repercussions.

They cannot resist the attention, the illusions of a life of excess, of luxury, of adoration. Of the smug feeling of getting more likes or views compared to their peers.

It is just a sickening world we live in, but nature has a funny way of correcting itself into an equilibrium, I am just not sure what the end game will be.
I see it all the time on the subway. :confused:


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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If you don't yet see how damaging the mental/pyschological effects are from heavy social media use, I don't think me writing a huge exposition on the topic will help you understand.

How it numbs/deletes creativity, emotions, attention span, breeds narcissism, entitlement, essentially amplifies all of the worst attributes of the human condition.
It's the 21st Century version of the Boob Tube.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
Delete social media, never look back and make the best decision you'll make for yourself in a long time.
LOL, I put my Facebook account on pause, and then when I was ready to use it again, it wouldn't let me (it keeps getting hung). Maybe the Sugarman doesn't let folks on pause go back so that they don't delete everything.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Delete social media, never look back and make the best decision you'll make for yourself in a long time.
I've never had Facebook, let alone whatever other social media apps are popular now. I'm sure this has saved me a lot of aggravation over the years, but I'm also sure that it has cost me some closer contact with my family and other social events.

Doctor Doom

New Member
Oct 13, 2024
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It’s all part of the matrix. Virtual vs. Reality. This is why it’s healthy to step away from the illusion and focus on reality (eg. mental health, health, career, goals, etc).

Not all, but most people want to get a taste of fame. Social media has done just that.


Don Juan
Jan 1, 2022
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opinion: we are talking about 8+. what is 8+, probably some will think 8+ is really 10+ and some will think of a 7...

regardless many men think they deserve 8+ when they are a 5. then we make lots of excuse for why rejection, social media, its raining, politics, culture.

to top it up, occasionally a dude that is a 5 gets and 8+, and gets played and messed with until the head is spinning.

improve ourselves or pick from like value.

the social media thing is nice, it makes it very clear who is seeking attention. we can adjust our plans accordingly.

social media is visual. if you look good, its good, if not, then not. no need to be good, only to look good(powerful and fun)


Senior Don Juan
Feb 17, 2021
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Rizal, Philippines
I have traveled quite a bit recently, across north america, europe, a little bit of asia. It doesn't matter what the culture is, what the language, what time zone you are in.

Girls of a certain level of physical attractiveness, that happen to be single, that are age 25 or below, are addicted to social media like crack. Tik tok is the worst offender, followed by instagram, but snapchat as well has its place.

They simply have little to no capacity for thought, especially anything original. Their attention spans are reduced to nothing. A picture of food, of a dog, of their friends doing stupid dances, or of the latest mainstream outrage to hop on board on, it is all the same. Any date I have gone on I could write what I would hear in an envelope, seal it, and have a third person verify that all the talking points, mannerisms, stances would match what I wrote down.

It is a tragedy, how modern day oligarchs have released such a weapon upon society with no repercussions.

They cannot resist the attention, the illusions of a life of excess, of luxury, of adoration. Of the smug feeling of getting more likes or views compared to their peers.

It is just a sickening world we live in, but nature has a funny way of correcting itself into an equilibrium, I am just not sure what the end game will be.
The endgame is that they would stay independent and will not end up reproducing, or if they did, it would be with a partner they wouldn't really believe as the best, partly because they have started to accept that's who they deserve.

Men are also responsible for selectivity, hence the need to also vet for critical thought.

Social media is quite an interesting filter for consumers versus creators, and by extension, actual and pretentious creators.


Don Juan
Jun 12, 2023
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Internet is a double edged sword. It has the ability to bring out the best and worst out of people. Unfortunately, it's brought the worst out of the majority and just shown how shallow and addicted humans are.
Everyone on social media thinks they are special- let alone a woman who's been told that a lot in real life.
Reality will hit hard one day, though.

Learning Curve

Master Don Juan
Feb 7, 2023
Reaction score
I have traveled quite a bit recently, across north america, europe, a little bit of asia. It doesn't matter what the culture is, what the language, what time zone you are in.

Girls of a certain level of physical attractiveness, that happen to be single, that are age 25 or below, are addicted to social media like crack. Tik tok is the worst offender, followed by instagram, but snapchat as well has its place.

They simply have little to no capacity for thought, especially anything original. Their attention spans are reduced to nothing. A picture of food, of a dog, of their friends doing stupid dances, or of the latest mainstream outrage to hop on board on, it is all the same. Any date I have gone on I could write what I would hear in an envelope, seal it, and have a third person verify that all the talking points, mannerisms, stances would match what I wrote down.

It is a tragedy, how modern day oligarchs have released such a weapon upon society with no repercussions.

They cannot resist the attention, the illusions of a life of excess, of luxury, of adoration. Of the smug feeling of getting more likes or views compared to their peers.

It is just a sickening world we live in, but nature has a funny way of correcting itself into an equilibrium, I am just not sure what the end game will be.
This is actually quite true.

Reality is, there is chicks out there who are quality, but it has been reduced to such a small amount that now is like searching for gold in the desert.

It's unreal how hard it is to find quality chicks.

Don't stop dating because the modern world is f3ucked up, just be adaptable bang, rins and repeat until you find something that could be potentially quality.

Improve your filtering strategies, this could also help.

Aks for instagrams before going on dates, when a chick has an instagram with 200 posts of her face and her body posing like a role-model you know you are dealing with a narcissistic personality most probably.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Girls of a certain level of physical attractiveness, that happen to be single, that are age 25 or below, are addicted to social media like crack. Tik tok is the worst offender, followed by instagram, but snapchat as well has its place.
YMMV, but my lovers tend to put away their baubles of vanity and have normal conversations with me. I don't give a sh!t how much time they spend on social media when they're not with me, but when they're with me the phones and tablets stay in their bags.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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I think the good news is younger men are starting to tire of the female sexuality over exposure , I'm seeing more and more memes appearing on instagram taking the p1ss out of wannabe IT girls which simply wasn't happening a few years ago it was just all simping for them

Younger women have probably shot themselves in the foot a bit as they've made the kitty too expensive and now the simps who were previously fans are starting to sour into black or red Pillers

Also flex culture in general is starting to tire you can sort of see it transpiring on the balance sheets of luxury brands and after a decade of flaunting you do wonder just how much flex is left

Its funny because a guy I know is on holiday with a UK influencer famous for being on reality TV and that's it , I went too look at the influencers page and he's posting the very stereotypical influencer style posts talking about " vip this " and Crazy night that"

And I'm just looking at the content and it just feels corny and old , like are we really still doing this

I personally feel like society has taken social media as far as it can go , theres no crevice of vanity or shame left to explore on there we quite literally have seen it all before

It does feel now as though a lot are just going through the motions and you wonder just how much further the whole social media culture can go

The only thing holding it all together is the fact Humans love to signal status and false virtue

Remove the "like" and the follower count the whole thing would fall apart tomorrow

I think we have an interesting decade ahead of us thats for sure especially as more and more millennials start to fade into online irrelevance which is already happening

Social media is no fun when you can't get attention ;)