Thoughts on Semen Retention


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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For those who know me, I always said that NoFap is not a cure for boys and men. Nor is quitting porn a cure either. Which I wrote out below.

Then there is semen retention. This is different from NoFap. Athletes use this extensively. Being in sports back then, it was important that I did not masturbate or do things with a girl to preserve your energy and body resources. They use this practice in the Olympics, too. Only after the competition do they go balls to the wall in sexual activity in the infamous Olympic dorms. The studies on this is not very conclusive because there's men who see a boost in their productivity and performance after being with a woman the night before. Perhaps it is psychological. Which I believe may be the key here.

Any of us can agree that when you do not let loose the beast in at least a week's time [for some of us, three days], you start to get a primitive hunger for women. When you go out, your eyes focus more on women, you become more interactive with them, and you just have a general aura that makes it look like you're instinctive on the hunt. Because this part is true. Whether a man is ****ing a woman on the side or masturbating, removed from their sexual desire, a man will grow to want it as he is held back from it over time.

Semen retention is a natural response from not getting any sexual release. As a result, the body increases its T levels in an effort to seek our a female. Primitively, this meant becoming stronger to fight off competitive males, survive nature, and impress the female. My stance is that if a man wants to increase their chances of a woman, semen retention can be a good idea. But NoFap is a bad idea because it practices a bit of celibacy, the opposite of what you should be doing. Celibacy creates degeneracy just as much as being a porn or sex addict does [the stories of nuns and monks getting it on in freaky ways is not exaggerated]. NoFap will just make the person rebound even harder after they finish it because most just treat it as some fasting method rather than the meditative properties that not having sex is suppose to ellicit. It is meant to temper your soul and also give you more access to your masculine aura. That part should be taught more than just the basic "don't fap for x days, then you become superman."


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Any of us can agree that when you do not let loose the beast in at least a week's time [for some of us, three days], you start to get a primitive hunger for women. When you go out, your eyes focus more on women, you become more interactive with them, and you just have a general aura that makes it look like you're instinctive on the hunt. Because this part is true. Whether a man is ****ing a woman on the side or masturbating, removed from their sexual desire, a man will grow to want it as he is held back from it over time.
How does this benefit you when you rarely go more than two days without sex?

I have the feeling that radiating your thirst is not really going to help you get women. Instead, your lust may motivate you to nail low quality women just to empty your scrotum. Thirst is not attractive, nor is the vibe that you're on 'the hunt'.

True, some women enjoy being your 'prey', but they still don't like the feeling that you're just looking for a place to dump your retented semen. Every woman wants to feel 'special', not just be a convenient receptacle for your spunk.

I could be wrong, of course, as I never needed to 'retent my semen' to perform better.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
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I don't know why there needs to be a distinction of SR from nofap, is SR about also not cumming with women? Because that seems retarded. I also don't know why there's a distinction between noporn and nofap. Ultimately, porn is the problem, if you eliminate porn your desire to fap will go away, and you will eventually be more motivated to seek out sex with women. It's really that simple.

I can tell you from my experience that cutting out porn leads to huge improvements in my life. I haven't looked at porn or fapped in nearly 6 weeks now and I feel quite good. That feeling I get after binging on porn and fapping 2-3 times a day for a few days leaves me in abject state of pure despair and misery that lasts for 2 weeks, and when I quit after about 3 weeks I start to feel significant improvements and it's so self-evident to me that I know with 100% certainty it's not placebo. Porn literally damages the brain, neurological studies show it causes the same brain changes as hardcore drug abuse (meth, heroin, etc).

All that said, I don't avoid cumming if its in the form of a wet dream or sex, and SR seems to imply that wet dreams and sex are bad and that's just nonsense imo. The goal is quitting porn, end of story.

The trifecto to superpowers:
1. avoid porn and minimize any other fantasizing and sexual impulses especially if they lead to fapping
2. maintain the status quo of everything else in your life (eg optimize your hormones, diet, sleep, goals, etc)
3 bust inside women on the regular

If you do these 3 things you will literally develop superpowers and it's absolutely real.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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Was busy with stuff but now I can reply.

How does this benefit you when you rarely go more than two days without sex?

I have the feeling that radiating your thirst is not really going to help you get women. Instead, your lust may motivate you to nail low quality women just to empty your scrotum. Thirst is not attractive, nor is the vibe that you're on 'the hunt'.

True, some women enjoy being your 'prey', but they still don't like the feeling that you're just looking for a place to dump your retented semen. Every woman wants to feel 'special', not just be a convenient receptacle for your spunk.

I could be wrong, of course, as I never needed to 'retent my semen' to perform better.
Your lust motivates you to get out of the house. That's the first step of it. That was the entire point of NoFap. To make men want to pursue women again. Also, men get women by being thirsty. This feminine environment has taught men that lusting for women is bad. Men in the last thousands of years have looked upon women and whistled to them to show they liked them. The thirst that men showed before this era of p*ssyfooting was far more explicit. If anything, we're less showing of our thirst these days than ever before. Though one could argue that all the online simping is the new arena for thirsting.

And all women enjoy sexual attention. Even if she is not attracted to you, no woman can resist the attention from any man wanting to f*ck her. There is a reason a lot of female fantasies, written specifically by women, involves being taken by a strong masculine force. Sometimes represented as a monster. The monster is not always hot either. The woman feeling special comes specifically from being important enough for someone to dominate them. And yes, this alludes that women all have an inner desire of being forcefully taken against their will.

Retaining your semen is not about performance. It's about upping your physical performance.

I don't know why there needs to be a distinction of SR from nofap, is SR about also not cumming with women? Because that seems retarded. I also don't know why there's a distinction between noporn and nofap. Ultimately, porn is the problem, if you eliminate porn your desire to fap will go away, and you will eventually be more motivated to seek out sex with women. It's really that simple.

I can tell you from my experience that cutting out porn leads to huge improvements in my life. I haven't looked at porn or fapped in nearly 6 weeks now and I feel quite good. That feeling I get after binging on porn and fapping 2-3 times a day for a few days leaves me in abject state of pure despair and misery that lasts for 2 weeks, and when I quit after about 3 weeks I start to feel significant improvements and it's so self-evident to me that I know with 100% certainty it's not placebo. Porn literally damages the brain, neurological studies show it causes the same brain changes as hardcore drug abuse (meth, heroin, etc).

All that said, I don't avoid cumming if its in the form of a wet dream or sex, and SR seems to imply that wet dreams and sex are bad and that's just nonsense imo. The goal is quitting porn, end of story.

The trifecto to superpowers:
1. avoid porn and minimize any other fantasizing and sexual impulses especially if they lead to fapping
2. maintain the status quo of everything else in your life (eg optimize your hormones, diet, sleep, goals, etc)
3 bust inside women on the regular

If you do these 3 things you will literally develop superpowers and it's absolutely real.
NoFap is about making me regain their masculine energy lost to not having any purpose. Semen rentention is just a brief hold from releasing your man juice to increase your masculine energy. It's not meant to be as long as NoFap. It's a discipline activity, no different from fasting in some religions.

Porn is but a symptom to someone's personality. They would be doing drugs, alcohol, or other addictions in its place if it did not exist. Substances used to cover a person's weakness. In porn's case, a man's weakness to not get constant good sex from good women. Cutting out porn is just telling a man to be left out to dry, while women around him continue to reap the benefits of society, and wiser men continue to f*ck them. Porn was never the problem.

Semen rentention doesn't take wet dreams or sex into account because it's a short term meditative break. Has nothing to do with sustaining from it. Just putting it on hold for more important tasks. If you're busy with something or exerting yourself, wet dreams are the least of your worries.

That superpower list is meaningless to what is stated here. Semen retention already takes that into account. In fact, it assumes you already do all three. It's just something to help keep up your discipline.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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The trifecto to superpowers:
1. avoid porn and minimize any other fantasizing and sexual impulses especially if they lead to fapping
2. maintain the status quo of everything else in your life (eg optimize your hormones, diet, sleep, goals, etc)
3 bust inside women on the regular

If you do these 3 things you will literally develop superpowers and it's absolutely real.
#1 & #2 are easy to do, but most men have a problem doing #3. :mad:

Chow Mein

Senior Don Juan
Jun 9, 2024
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Edging will make you last longer and harder.
Practice makes perfect and women coming back.


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2024
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I can only speak for how it works for me personally. If I don't fap or sex, horniness does spike after about 5-7 days. After that it reverts to the mean via homeostasis.

Essentially then what happens is the less I fap (assuming no sex happens during this period) the less I think about sex. It probably coincides with periods where I'm focused on other priorities too, as mentioned by OP. However if I fap on the regular, not too much, I'm generally hornier and ready to go on the hunt.

I can see how a period of about a week might be beneficial. Anything more than that I find counterproductive or pointless.

FWIW Studies have found that increased abstinence in ejaculation leads to decreases in sperm vitality and motility. Others have recommended that men ejaculate 21 times per month to decrease the risk for prostate cancer.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Your lust motivates you to get out of the house. That's the first step of it. That was the entire point of NoFap. To make men want to pursue women again.
God, so much to unpack here... Lust keeps me at home, in my bedroom, having sex. Lust doesn't motivate me to 'get out of the house', unless it's for having sex in public. I feel pity for men who need to have a raging hard-on in order to get out of the house and be 'social'.

You know what gets me out of the house? Doing groceries. And you shouldn't be hungry when you go for groceries, it will make you impulse buy all the wrong stuff.

Also, men get women by being thirsty.
Grocery shopping while hungry gets you to buy the wrong food; being thirsty when chasing skirts will make you fall for all the wrong women.
Thirst is bad. Hydrate, dud, hydrate, so you won't drink the Kool Aid.

And all women enjoy sexual attention. Even if she is not attracted to you, no woman can resist the attention from any man wanting to f*ck her. There is a reason a lot of female fantasies, written specifically by women, involves being taken by a strong masculine force. Sometimes represented as a monster. The monster is not always hot either. The woman feeling special comes specifically from being important enough for someone to dominate them. And yes, this alludes that women all have an inner desire of being forcefully taken against their will.
I'm so glad you made such a deep study of the female psyche. And trying to legitimise rape at the same time. Maybe you should write a research paper.

For your information (although I'm sure you will just ignore this) women don't fantasise about rape. They fantasise about 'consensual forced intercourse'. Consensual means they consent to being forced, so it's not 'against their will'. If you don't see a distinctive difference here, I will probably read about you in the newspaper.

And I can give you the reason why some women enjoy consensual forced intercourse, but that effort would probably be wasted on you.

Retaining your semen is not about performance. It's about upping your physical performance.
So, not ejaculating is not about performance, but about upping your performance?
Aren't you a little young for word salad? Or is this just a 'brain fart'?

Travel memoir21

Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2020
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Rio Grande Valley, Texas
I’ve honestly thought of going to stay to a Hare Krishna monastery/temple or a Buddhist retreat of some sort….just to conquer this once and for all.

Id like to be in complete control of my senses someday


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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Asterdam, all the sh*t you just said continues to convince me that you are not a genuine member of this site. There's something feminine about your responses, the way you talk and the way you address points with constant strawman after strawman. Perhaps you're still BP. You can disagree with something without sounding childish, and that is the problem I am seeing with you. None of your points are worth responding to because of the way you are coming at the topic. It reads like another invader to SS looking to stir stuff up. Not worth my time.

Everyone else's response in this thread, fair replies.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Asterdam, all the sh*t you just said continues to convince me that you are not a genuine member of this site.
Sour grapes. I disagree with you, you have no real argument to make, so you want to turn me into Emmanuel Goldstein with a secret agenda to overthrow the SoSuave regime.

I don't know what you mean with a genuine member of this site.
If you mean someone who is here "because they need the collective wisdom of SoSuave to learn how to interact with women in order to get laid", well then, I guess you're right. I'm not here for that.

I'm not hiding that I'm here as a novelist, to do research for the background of a fictional character I'm creating, but I also think it's quite obvious I'm not here for advice.
Debunking the nonsense some people try to give as advice is just for my entertainment, nothing ominous.

There's something feminine about your responses, the way you talk and the way you address points with constant strawman after strawman.
Frustrating, isn't it? I guess that's why you are so persistent to call all women BPD, you can't handle the way women communicate.

Weak responses like accusing a man of "arguing like a woman" when losing an argument is pathetic behaviour. If you can't even hold your own in a direct conversation with me, it's no wonder you cannot handle the indirect way women communicate.

It's no secret why you are here, except that you have the same problem some other members here have. You should listen more than you talk. Take advice, not give it.

I've been challenging your 'semen retention' argument directly. As it is, your whole argument about semen retention makes no sense, not even from a SoSuave perspective.
How difficult must your life be if you need to stop ejaculating in order to get motivated to leave the house. To not ejaculate so you want sex more. :eek:

I may 'argue in a feminine way', but you behave like a whiny snivelling wimp.

You can disagree with something without sounding childish, and that is the problem I am seeing with you.
In my culture we consider that mature behaviour, disagreeing without the discussion turning into a sandbox argument. Not a problem.
However, by accusing me of being a 'feminine acting BP invader' because you cannot handle disagreement is kinda childish.
And weak.
And more than a little paranoid.
I think your ego is too wrapped up in your own delusional arguments.

None of your points are worth responding to because of the way you are coming at the topic.
Translation: "I can't argue on your level, so I blame your perspective and call what I cannot interpret to be without value because I lack the mind to observe objectively." :cool:

It reads like another invader to SS looking to stir stuff up.
Invader? :rofl:
I'm a marauder. A prince of pirates. A destroyer of worlds. :cool:
But not on SoSuave, little buddy. Nothing here worthy of invading, sorry. :(

Not worth my time.
Of course not.
Still, I do appreciate the time you took not providing any clear evidence beyond your 'feelings' that your stupid suggestion to not ejaculate to motivate you to seek intercourse actually benefits anyone.

You did waste your time lambasting me, that sh!t is entertaining to me.
IDGAF what you think about me. Nothing I read so far made you a worthy opponent in a battle of wits.
No class, no humour, petty, jealous, judgmental....
But you do make me laugh. I love clowns. Especially the tragic ones.

Everyone else's response in this thread, fair replies.
Translation: "Everyone else, thanks for not disagreeing with me, but I still wanted you to kiss my anus a little more."

Now you can go crying to the moderators about that evil AA and his ad hominem attack.

"Strawman", really... Where is the middle finger emoji when you need one... :rolleyes:

Chow Mein

Senior Don Juan
Jun 9, 2024
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I’ve noticed in the past years, cuffing season brings out the worse in men.


Don Juan
May 7, 2022
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I think the conversation on this needs to be brought back to the fact that Porn is the major issue.

Porn is scientifically awful for your brain, even in small doses. Our brains are not designed to handle unlimited primal stimulation like that.

Masturbation on its own very infrequently could be considered healthy both physically and mentally but for most people it becomes a bad habit too often which may or may not lead to porn usage.

A root cause in the weakness in today's men is chronic porn usage with masturbation. It directly leads to ED issues in most guys.


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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I think the conversation on this needs to be brought back to the fact that Porn is the major issue.

Porn is scientifically awful for your brain, even in small doses. Our brains are not designed to handle unlimited primal stimulation like that.

Masturbation on its own very infrequently could be considered healthy both physically and mentally but for most people it becomes a bad habit too often which may or may not lead to porn usage.

A root cause in the weakness in today's men is chronic porn usage with masturbation. It directly leads to ED issues in most guys.
Saying porn is unhealthy is saying a man being surrounded by beautiful women ready to perform for him is unhealthy. It's virtual, yes, but it's the same sexual satisfaction. The only thing lacking is physical contact. The unhealthiness only comes from overdoing the activity and not getting anything done, including going to the gym and not getting out of the lazyboy.

I once again stress that these studies on porn keep going after what men like to do, but women continue to consume their instagrams, their tiktoks, their tv, their movies, their soap operas, and their general unhealthy habits because no one wants to upset the feminists. Wives cry to their husbands that men should stop watching porn and give her more attention. Husband goes out and makes it law to forbid porn. Meanwhile, wife sits there and continues to laugh at Price is Right or some other wasteful show. The husband loses yet another outlet for himself. Decides to either watch porn secretly or go to strip clubs or some other activity to compensate.

Removing porn doesn't solve a thing. Attack the problem, not the symptom.