Just don’t really care anymore about women


Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2014
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Los Angeles
Not in like a hating women way but just feeling like they just aren’t worth committing to. Can’t trust them and that’s the biggest thing.

I have a 1.5 year old daughter and I’m honestly just feeling like I don’t need anyone else in my life she makes me happy when I have her (50/50). I imagine having my gf move in and I’m just like really what value does she bring to my life? This isn’t my baby’s mom btw lol my baby’s mom was abusive to me as a partner, treated me like I never did anything right and I couldn’t live my life doing things I wanted like car shows. But at least she worked with me to help me with my business. Wasn’t just along for an easy ride and place to stay. She actually brought value into my life but has tons of past trauma from childhood that was brought into it.

Learning Curve

Master Don Juan
Feb 7, 2023
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Not in like a hating women way but just feeling like they just aren’t worth committing to. Can’t trust them and that’s the biggest thing.

I have a 1.5 year old daughter and I’m honestly just feeling like I don’t need anyone else in my life she makes me happy when I have her (50/50). I imagine having my gf move in and I’m just like really what value does she bring to my life? This isn’t my baby’s mom btw lol my baby’s mom was abusive to me as a partner, treated me like I never did anything right and I couldn’t live my life doing things I wanted like car shows. But at least she worked with me to help me with my business. Wasn’t just along for an easy ride and place to stay. She actually brought value into my life but has tons of past trauma from childhood that was brought into it.
Be careful here.

You don't want to stay alone for the rest of your life and remove any sexual interaction with women just because you "ain't feeling it"

As you have your business (wealth) and i suppose you have your health in check, then you should have your love-life also in check.

If you don't want to commit, then don't. But have an active sex-life because you will end up being miserable.

The woman you say it's your "GF" which you say "what value does she bring to my life" why are you with her?

You are with the wrong woman. Go find a chick that will bring some value to your life.

But remember, humans are born to interact, and to experience love-life, not to stay alone because of ignorance and stupid advise the society gives now.

Make your choices wisely, and explore rather than commiting to being alone.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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The right woman can be of tremendous support to a man and help him grow but she cannot complete him

I've been through similar phases where I've though they just aren't worth it but ultimately I needed to work on myself to attract a better type of woman

Dismissing all women because you've had some bad experiences is naive and unwise


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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I have a 1.5 year old daughter and I’m honestly just feeling like I don’t need anyone else in my life she makes me happy when I have her (50/50).
Concentrate on being a good father. Take your daughter to the playground. Talk with the other moms, but keep your emotional distance. Enjoy raising your daughter. I got enormous satisfaction from being a stay-at-home dad after I retired. Seeing the world through a child's eyes is a wonderful experience.

I wasn't single when I took my children to the playground, but the moms didn't know I was married and tried to put me together with their sisters/girlfriends, because good fathers are desirable to women. Having young children, especially if they're cute, works even better than walking a cute dog, especially in these times when a lot of 'baby daddies' fail to take responsibility.

You've been abused and traumatised, and your attitude makes sense. Don't jump back into the pool. Take your time to interact with women in a non-sexual, non-romantic way, see if you can find trust again. Most young parents go through a lot of turmoil that puts sex on the back burner. If you don't feel like letting/having women in your life, just don't pursue women. Consider it 'taking a break'.

Women can be a boon or a burden. Leave the burdens for other guys.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
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We all can feel this way at times.

Your daughter is your focus. Having a kid is great.

I think the key is to always be social with them. Don’t lose those skills. Flirt with all of them even the old ladies for practice

I was shy in school and didn’t grow up with sisters or even many women friends. That’s why it probably took me until college to really get alot of quality interactions with women. Even then it took joining forums like this, listening to alot of seminars, reading alot to understand them more

Beyond that i think we have a tendency to generalize womens behavior on here and other red pills forum it can be helpful but you sure need to calibrate based on individual women and the only way to do that is to have lots of interactions with women.

There was an old term that people would us. “That guy is smooth with women”. Smooth talking with women takes lots of interaction with them.

so i am saying take a break from thinking about them and maybe this forum but dont take a break from in person interactions with lots of women (including ones you arent interested in)


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
Concentrate on being a good father. Take your daughter to the playground. Talk with the other moms, but keep your emotional distance. Enjoy raising your daughter. I got enormous satisfaction from being a stay-at-home dad after I retired. Seeing the world through a child's eyes is a wonderful experience.

I wasn't single when I took my children to the playground, but the moms didn't know I was married and tried to put me together with their sisters/girlfriends, because good fathers are desirable to women. Having young children, especially if they're cute, works even better than walking a cute dog, especially in these times when a lot of 'baby daddies' fail to take responsibility.

You've been abused and traumatised, and your attitude makes sense. Don't jump back into the pool. Take your time to interact with women in a non-sexual, non-romantic way, see if you can find trust again. Most young parents go through a lot of turmoil that puts sex on the back burner. If you don't feel like letting/having women in your life, just don't pursue women. Consider it 'taking a break'.

Women can be a boon or a burden. Leave the burdens for other guys.
i realized after what i wrote that Amsterdam Assassin covered what i wrote in a much better manner.

You consistently have some of the best advice and writing on the board (makes sense since you are a writer Amsterdam)


Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2014
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Concentrate on being a good father. Take your daughter to the playground. Talk with the other moms, but keep your emotional distance. Enjoy raising your daughter. I got enormous satisfaction from being a stay-at-home dad after I retired. Seeing the world through a child's eyes is a wonderful experience.

I wasn't single when I took my children to the playground, but the moms didn't know I was married and tried to put me together with their sisters/girlfriends, because good fathers are desirable to women. Having young children, especially if they're cute, works even better than walking a cute dog, especially in these times when a lot of 'baby daddies' fail to take responsibility.

You've been abused and traumatised, and your attitude makes sense. Don't jump back into the pool. Take your time to interact with women in a non-sexual, non-romantic way, see if you can find trust again. Most young parents go through a lot of turmoil that puts sex on the back burner. If you don't feel like letting/having women in your life, just don't pursue women. Consider it 'taking a break'.

Women can be a boon or a burden. Leave the burdens for other guys.
at first after getting out of the abusive relationship I thought it was great to have a woman that’s just nice. But I’m seeing after a few months that I’m just settling because to me my ideal partner has always been someone to help run my business. This girl is basically just wanting to be taken care of.

I agree though, my daughter is the best thing in life. Just want to do what’s best for her, focus on her for a while I think


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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It's perfectly natural to end up here when dealing with women. I'd even say it's " healthy " to conclude women ain't shyte. And I also agree you still wanna find a way to deal with them.

Use it or lose it. Life is all about the order of importance.

Let me give you some examples: one guy I know hasn't seen a naked woman in probably Ober a decade. He firmly believes he is not attractive enough to bag ANY woman.

Then I also know two other men who haven't seen women naked in ages. BUT, these dudes both decided to use the power of their euro to fly over some women from 3rd world countries.

Both nearing 40, have zero game, arr unwilling to go out and have a good time with the homies but yet they go ALL IN on a strange woman from a completely different culture. Order of importance. They THiNK they cheated the game and bypassed all laws. Its like having a friend whose convinced he can rob the bank without consequences.

Needless to say tO say all three of them are cut out of my life. It hurts somewhat, but dealing with men who are blindsided by one view and one view only is dangerous. Gotta be open to learn and progress.

Women are important. Important enough to study them . But not important enough to commit (figurative )suicide .


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
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I stopped caring too. It has nothing to do with bitterness, lack of dates/sex, or lack of general IOIs/interest from women. In fact the opposite tends to be true, the better I do with them the more I start questioning why I even bother. Modern western women are an absolute joke and it's not worth sifting through the 1/10,000 women who are even worth the headache. I cannot seriously consider doing anything more with them than FWB sort of things and even that can bring headaches and invite chaos into your life. Hell, even a stable, healthy LTR with a good woman can destabilize your life.

Just focus on raising your daughter and being a good father and find your path in life. I will say, it's important for children to both a masculine and feminine source of guidance (ie, mother and father, or at very least role models/mentors) in their life so I wouldn't rule it out, but I'd bet my life savings that a single father is better than a single mother in the vast majority of cases. Do you have sisters or anyone else who can help you?


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
women...just feeling like they just aren’t worth committing to. Can’t trust them and that’s the biggest thing.
My sense is that this is likely a temporarily feeling. I think you are feeling the after effects of the end of a bad relationship.

You did pick a subpar partner for an LTR. You acknowledge that she added some value to your life. Her abusiveness and some other bad traits ultimately caused the relationship to fail.

It is difficult to find a woman worthy of a commitment. The idea of commitment goes to the next level when marriage is involved (the government gets involved in your personal life) or a child enters the picture. The idea of co-parenting with someone after a relationship fails isn't a pleasant thought. For a minimum of 18 years, co-parenting is very involved with your ex. Even after a child turns 18, the co-parenting isn't likely to end. You might still have to dealing with your ex for your adult child's birthdays, possible graduations, the annual holidays, etc.

Modern western women are an absolute joke and it's not worth sifting through the 1/10,000 women who are even worth the headache.
Yes, modern women in Western nations are very difficult. I've been dating in some of the biggest USA metros since my college graduation nearly 20 years. It has been an massive effort. I have had headaches and trauma as a result of big city dating while being a working adult.


Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2014
Reaction score
Los Angeles
I stopped caring too. It has nothing to do with bitterness, lack of dates/sex, or lack of general IOIs/interest from women. In fact the opposite tends to be true, the better I do with them the more I start questioning why I even bother. Modern western women are an absolute joke and it's not worth sifting through the 1/10,000 women who are even worth the headache. I cannot seriously consider doing anything more with them than FWB sort of things and even that can bring headaches and invite chaos into your life. Hell, even a stable, healthy LTR with a good woman can destabilize your life.

Just focus on raising your daughter and being a good father and find your path in life. I will say, it's important for children to both a masculine and feminine source of guidance (ie, mother and father, or at very least role models/mentors) in their life so I wouldn't rule it out, but I'd bet my life savings that a single father is better than a single mother in the vast majority of cases. Do you have sisters or anyone else who can help you?
summed it up perfectly man. I do have a sister but she’s not who I’d want my daughter looking up to at all. My mom already does help thankfully since my business keeps me really busy. Her mom has mental issues but is for the most part a good mom at least.