Ways to use being ethnically ambiguous to my advantage?


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2021
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Greek Cypriot guy, born and raised in North London, can speak Greek and look VERY ethnically ambiguous.

My ONLY targets are white English women.

I already use this to my advantage by the way i present myself physically, but how can i use this to my advantage in conversation?

Other than having them guess where im from if they ask, what do?

After that, usually ill make a joke about my tanned skin and use that as an excuse to put my arm touching theres to contrast. I know white girls can get insecure about being pale (their paleness being something theyll mention when as we are comparing) so what kind of jokes can i make about that? (Preferably one to show i think its attractive.)

How can i use my foreign language skills to add to my overly Mediterranean character besides teaching them some fun phrases? Any fun games, etc? (Other than a neg calling her uncultured or boring for not knowing any other than English.)


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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After that, usually ill make a joke about my tanned skin and use that as an excuse to put my arm touching theres to contrast. I know white girls can get insecure about being pale (their paleness being something theyll mention when as we are comparing) so what kind of jokes can i make about that? (Preferably one to show i think its attractive.)
Don't become an entertainer if you only do it to score with women.

How can i use my foreign language skills to add to my overly Mediterranean character besides teaching them some fun phrases? Any fun games, etc? (Other than a neg calling her uncultured or boring for not knowing any other than English.)
And don't neg. There are better ways to make her attracted to you than to lower her self-esteem with backhanded compliments.


Don Juan
Aug 27, 2024
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Greek Cypriot guy, born and raised in North London, can speak Greek and look VERY ethnically ambiguous.

My ONLY targets are white English women.

I already use this to my advantage by the way i present myself physically, but how can i use this to my advantage in conversation?

Other than having them guess where im from if they ask, what do?

After that, usually ill make a joke about my tanned skin and use that as an excuse to put my arm touching theres to contrast. I know white girls can get insecure about being pale (their paleness being something theyll mention when as we are comparing) so what kind of jokes can i make about that? (Preferably one to show i think its attractive.)

How can i use my foreign language skills to add to my overly Mediterranean character besides teaching them some fun phrases? Any fun games, etc? (Other than a neg calling her uncultured or boring for not knowing any other than English.)
I can give you advice based upon one of the most successful people I have ever known with women. He is 62% Caucasian and 38% Asian. He is only 17 (too young IMO) and does not even drive yet, but has 1 extremely beautiful woman almost always blonde, always fair skinned a week come over to his house and sleep with him.


Sep 10, 2014
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When you don't make a big deal about something neither will most other people.

People only think things are an issue when you think things are an issue.

People who don't know you tend to think the way you think about yourself. If you think this is an issue, you are right, you will make it an issue for everyone else.


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2021
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When you don't make a big deal about something neither will most other people.

People only think things are an issue when you think things are an issue.

People who don't know you tend to think the way you think about yourself. If you think this is an issue, you are right, you will make it an issue for everyone else.
I dont see it as an issue, i see it as an advantage, but want to know how to make the most out of it


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2021
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I can give you advice based upon one of the most successful people I have ever known with women. He is 62% Caucasian and 38% Asian. He is only 17 (too young IMO) and does not even drive yet, but has 1 extremely beautiful woman almost always blonde, always fair skinned a week come over to his house and sleep with him.
What would that advice be?


Sep 10, 2014
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I dont see it as an issue, i see it as an advantage, but want to know how to make the most out of it
Be a little mysterious about it, sprinkle in some cultural differences, etc...

Women love learning about other cultures, how things are in other countries, etc I have found for the most part. They eat that sh!t up.

My father is from Istanbul so I was raised multi culturally in the US and women find it fascinating and ask lots of questions about things once they find out.

The trick is make them dig for it, don't over volunteer stuff...women like when they have to work hard for something...it makes them more invested. Too many guys get diarrhea of the mouth and just ramble on and on and dump lots of info all at once which means she doesn't need to come back for more once she digests what you gave her.


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2021
Reaction score
Be a little mysterious about it, sprinkle in some cultural differences, etc...

Women love learning about other cultures, how things are in other countries, etc I have found for the most part. They eat that sh!t up.

My father is from Istanbul so I was raised multi culturally in the US and women find it fascinating and ask lots of questions about things once they find out.

The trick is make them dig for it, don't over volunteer stuff...women like when they have to work hard for something...it makes them more invested. Too many guys get diarrhea of the mouth and just ramble on and on and dump lots of info all at once which means she doesn't need to come back for more once she digests what you gave her.
I definitely get diarrhea mouth when i havent been out in a while. Thank you, taking notes


Don Juan
Aug 27, 2024
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What would that advice be?
First (and this is consistent with the big theme in seduction...self improvement) be an athlete. I don't know your age but this kid started in gymnastics at 4, then martial arts (real good at boxing) and eventually became a football and wrestling star. And since the age of 12 he seriously weight trained 3 days a week.

He was always of the opinion that "white guys get women, not asian" (he looks half Asian). I explained to him "the main advantage that white guys have over Asian guys is that they are perceived as bigger and more rugged. Women are drawn to taller men because they provide the evolutionary quality of being able to protect." But that can easily be compensated for through athletics, especially martial arts and bodybuilding. So today this kid has built himself up to 200 lbs, is crazy strong in the weight room and will be cutting down to 190 lbs to wrestle. He is a little over 5 ten, but he is the captain of the wrestling team and, while kind and nonviolent, pretty much every one in his high school is afraid of him.

So, while I am sure you are no longer in high school, develop yourself through bodybuilding and martial arts. Having a great physique and being a good martial artist does not automatically guarantee success with women, but when you combine with good game it becomes a devastating 1-2 knockout. So you must pursue constant self improvement. This, of course, is nothing new. My best friend is a BJJ BB and he emanates confidence. Women pick up on this.

Next, he has an absolutely 100% not give a F%CK attitude about women. None. Almost every gal he sleeps with...and this is nearly every week, he has absolutely zero interest in a relationship. This also creates demand with all the other women of his high school, it is a snowball effect. I am sure you have heard about the concept of social proof. Women talk, and the more they talk about you, the more they will want to be with you.

So he looks very Asian but has tremendous success.

BTW...it should be noted that I do not approve of sleeping with so many women at the age of 17. But there is very little I can do to stop this process.

Much of what I am saying here is already a theme in he seduction community, but it bears repeating.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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The trick is make them dig for it, don't over volunteer stuff...women like when they have to work hard for something...it makes them more invested. Too many guys get diarrhea of the mouth and just ramble on and on and dump lots of info all at once which means she doesn't need to come back for more once she digests what you gave her.
We don't always see eye 2 eye, but I wholeheartedly agree with this. Women get a lot of attention and validation for free, but they don't appreciate that - freely given A&V doesn't hold any value to them. But if they have to put effort in getting your attention and validation, your A&V is special to them. They earned it.

I create intrigue the same way I create suspense in my novels.
In suspense fiction, I create a question in the reader's mind, so they will wonder what will happen next. When you answer their question, you create two more, so they get more invested in learning what will happen in the next chapters. Keep that up and they will clamour for sequels.
In women, I create intrigue by being evasive to the point of mystery when women push too hard for information. Women want to know you, it's part of their 'method/system' to know you're a safe person to be around. Safe in that sense means they won't get maimed or killed, it doesn't mean safe from harm. Or cruelty. I give them the vibe that I'm not as dangerous as I was in my younger years, but not totally safe. Totally 100% safe men are bland and boring. Women like a hint of danger, that's why hybristophiliacs are mostly women.


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2021
Reaction score
We don't always see eye 2 eye, but I wholeheartedly agree with this. Women get a lot of attention and validation for free, but they don't appreciate that - freely given A&V doesn't hold any value to them. But if they have to put effort in getting your attention and validation, your A&V is special to them. They earned it.

I create intrigue the same way I create suspense in my novels.
In suspense fiction, I create a question in the reader's mind, so they will wonder what will happen next. When you answer their question, you create two more, so they get more invested in learning what will happen in the next chapters. Keep that up and they will clamour for sequels.
In women, I create intrigue by being evasive to the point of mystery when women push too hard for information. Women want to know you, it's part of their 'method/system' to know you're a safe person to be around. Safe in that sense means they won't get maimed or killed, it doesn't mean safe from harm. Or cruelty. I give them the vibe that I'm not as dangerous as I was in my younger years, but not totally safe. Totally 100% safe men are bland and boring. Women like a hint of danger, that's why hybristophiliacs are mostly women.
The physical part, i have down since i used to be a personal trainer and work construction, i currently work a physical job and fat just refuses to stick to me. Fallen behind a bit recently but still in good shape

I generally dont give a fck, but once the conversation starts going i do find myself getting way too involved, diarrhea mouth as said above

This is something i definitely need advice on: i genuinely do not care, until the attention is given to me, then i dont realise until after that ive just thrown all principles to the wind and realise i just turned into a gameless r*tard


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2021
Reaction score
We don't always see eye 2 eye, but I wholeheartedly agree with this. Women get a lot of attention and validation for free, but they don't appreciate that - freely given A&V doesn't hold any value to them. But if they have to put effort in getting your attention and validation, your A&V is special to them. They earned it.

I create intrigue the same way I create suspense in my novels.
In suspense fiction, I create a question in the reader's mind, so they will wonder what will happen next. When you answer their question, you create two more, so they get more invested in learning what will happen in the next chapters. Keep that up and they will clamour for sequels.
In women, I create intrigue by being evasive to the point of mystery when women push too hard for information. Women want to know you, it's part of their 'method/system' to know you're a safe person to be around. Safe in that sense means they won't get maimed or killed, it doesn't mean safe from harm. Or cruelty. I give them the vibe that I'm not as dangerous as I was in my younger years, but not totally safe. Totally 100% safe men are bland and boring. Women like a hint of danger, that's why hybristophiliacs are mostly women.
I like the part about creating more questions with your answers, definitely noted.

I have long hair, visible tattoos and piercings, they usually can tell im not a safe, bland guy.

How can i get across that ive grown up and away from doing the truly stupid sh*t, but im still not some bland, boring square?


Don Juan
Aug 27, 2024
Reaction score
Be a little mysterious about it, sprinkle in some cultural differences, etc...

Women love learning about other cultures, how things are in other countries, etc I have found for the most part. They eat that sh!t up.

My father is from Istanbul so I was raised multi culturally in the US and women find it fascinating and ask lots of questions about things once they find out.

The trick is make them dig for it, don't over volunteer stuff...women like when they have to work hard for something...it makes them more invested. Too many guys get diarrhea of the mouth and just ramble on and on and dump lots of info all at once which means she doesn't need to come back for more once she digests what you gave her.
This point cannot be emphasized enough. Just the other day we had a poster claim that he mentioned he was on the spectrum and then was surprised the gal did not want a second date. Many years ago I told a gal I was a recovering alcoholic (no alcohol in 35 years) and poof she was gone. I learned not to talk about it...or make a joke Me: "I'm allergic to alcohol". Her: "how so?" Me: "when I drink I break out in handcuffs, ha ha." And I would only do this if I were offered a drink, usually after the first couple of dates.

All solid relationship coaches will preach this fact. Release information sparingly. The more she talks about herself, the less info you give about yourself, the higher her interest level.

Her: "What car do you drive?" Me: "A coupe." Her: "What kind?" Me: "A 2 door" Her: "Whaaat Kind!!!" Me: "A BMW, sheesh."


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
I learned not to talk about it...or make a joke Me: "I'm allergic to alcohol". Her: "how so?" Me: "when I drink I break out in handcuffs, ha ha." And I would only do this if I were offered a drink, usually after the first couple of dates.
I don't drink because I dislike being impaired, especially in public. I like alcohol (particularly saké, walnut pálinka, and absinthe), but I drink moderately, even in private, because I can be a vicious wing nut when I'm intoxicated and I don't need more scars. My friends know and won't encourage me to drink more than I want to drink.

I prefer cannabis, although I have to vape Bedrocan six times a day for medical reasons and that takes the joy out of it.

All solid relationship coaches will preach this fact. Release information sparingly. The more she talks about herself, the less info you give about yourself, the higher her interest level.
Women often consider me a 'private person'. I can talk easily, but it's not that easy to get me to 'reveal' myself to them, partially because they are intrigued by my darker traits. Which is none of their business.