Good grief - now harridans are having "egg showers" for their frozen ova


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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What is an egg shower?
In short, it’s a party to celebrate someone (maybe yourself) who is in the process of freezing their eggs. It’s just like a traditional baby shower thrown for someone who’s pregnant and nearing their due date. In reality, an egg shower is a way to acknowledge the significance of deciding to freeze your eggs, and to show support for someone who has probably faced a lot of weird questions, and maybe even some backlash, about their choice. And about that choice... It’s kind of a big deal.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I'm not surprised at all.

There were 2 pregnancies from my social circle in recent years that were a result of in-vitro fertilization (IVF). Neither one happened with a woman 35+ either. One of the women who got pregnant via IVF made a massive Instagram announcement providing great details into her fertility journey with over 100 fertility shots needed for a pregnancy.



Master Don Juan
Aug 12, 2022
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I'm not surprised at all.

There were 2 pregnancies from my social circle in recent years that were a result of in-vitro fertilization (IVF). Neither one happened with a woman 35+ either. One of the women who got pregnant via IVF made a massive Instagram announcement providing great details into her fertility journey with over 100 fertility shots needed for a pregnancy.

100 shots? :oops: Mother Nature is telling you something. Best to save that money for cat food.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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100 shots? :oops: Mother Nature is telling you something. Best to save that money for cat food.
I agree that her 100+ fertility shots before a pregnancy was indicative that Mother Nature was trying to tell her something.

I would not have called her the "cat lady" type. She wasn't highly promiscuous before getting into an LTR and marriage with one of my acquaintances.

Because she was in my social circle, I had my eye on her for some time before I met her at a private residence party in real life. I had seen her on Facebook before I got to meet her in real life (this was early/mid 2010s before Instagram got really big). I did approach her at party that night and my approach went nowhere. It wasn't a warmly received approach. She wasn't rude but she wasn't welcoming either.

Years later, I learned one of my friends also tried to get her as they were in the same co-ed sports league. His approach went nowhere with her either. She wasn't rude to him but she wasn't welcoming either.

When I approached her, I didn't know that she had a rather prudish reputation. I only learned of that reputation years after my approach.

I think she and her husband could have been good adoptive parents. They seem to be a decent couple. I'm not around them much so all I see from them is what's on social media. Well known divorce attorney James Sexton (who once mentioned in a podcast with Rollo Tomassi that he read "Rational Male") has mentioned that he often sees how happy couples look in their social media accounts. He notes the difference between a social media presence and reality. I think the adoption for them would have been better than everything that they went through with infertility.

I think she knew that post on Instagram was going to get a lot of likes and some comments. In a way, that Instagram post for her was her "virtual egg shower" or "virtual baby shower". She likely had a real life baby shower too.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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I agree that her 100+ fertility shots before a pregnancy was indicative that Mother Nature was trying to tell her something.

I would not have called her the "cat lady" type. She wasn't highly promiscuous before getting into an LTR and marriage with one of my acquaintances.

Because she was in my social circle, I had my eye on her for some time before I met her at a private residence party in real life. I had seen her on Facebook before I got to meet her in real life (this was early/mid 2010s before Instagram got really big). I did approach her at party that night and my approach went nowhere. It wasn't a warmly received approach. She wasn't rude but she wasn't welcoming either.

Years later, I learned one of my friends also tried to get her as they were in the same co-ed sports league. His approach went nowhere with her either. She wasn't rude to him but she wasn't welcoming either.

When I approached her, I didn't know that she had a rather prudish reputation. I only learned of that reputation years after my approach.

I think she and her husband could have been good adoptive parents. They seem to be a decent couple. I'm not around them much so all I see from them is what's on social media. Well known divorce attorney James Sexton (who once mentioned in a podcast with Rollo Tomassi that he read "Rational Male") has mentioned that he often sees how happy couples look in their social media accounts. He notes the difference between a social media presence and reality. I think the adoption for them would have been better than everything that they went through with infertility.

I think she knew that post on Instagram was going to get a lot of likes and some comments. In a way, that Instagram post for her was her "virtual egg shower" or "virtual baby shower". She likely had a real life baby shower too.
Hmm, that's interesting PUA tactic - scout a chick on SM, and then in the course of doing your SocialCircleMaxxing, when you see her, you have already prepared for the meeting in person.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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that's interesting PUA tactic - scout a chick on SM, and then in the course of doing your SocialCircleMaxxing, when you see her, you have already prepared for the meeting in person.
It is. Some guys would likely be creepy doing that. I wasn't. I was suave and smooth. I think her Facebook at that time was mostly private, so all I recall seeing were a few Facebook pics. I knew nothing profound about her when approaching her for the first time at that party in someone's apartment.

I was disappointed that she wasn't interested in me. At first, I did feel a bit insulted when she ended up with one of my acquaintances from the social circle. As I learned more about her, it made sense to me why we didn't initially get together. She was known for being prudish and I would have pushed for sex from her far faster than she would have liked.


Master Don Juan
Aug 12, 2022
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I agree that her 100+ fertility shots before a pregnancy was indicative that Mother Nature was trying to tell her something.

I would not have called her the "cat lady" type. She wasn't highly promiscuous before getting into an LTR and marriage with one of my acquaintances.

Because she was in my social circle, I had my eye on her for some time before I met her at a private residence party in real life. I had seen her on Facebook before I got to meet her in real life (this was early/mid 2010s before Instagram got really big). I did approach her at party that night and my approach went nowhere. It wasn't a warmly received approach. She wasn't rude but she wasn't welcoming either.

Years later, I learned one of my friends also tried to get her as they were in the same co-ed sports league. His approach went nowhere with her either. She wasn't rude to him but she wasn't welcoming either.

When I approached her, I didn't know that she had a rather prudish reputation. I only learned of that reputation years after my approach.

I think she and her husband could have been good adoptive parents. They seem to be a decent couple. I'm not around them much so all I see from them is what's on social media. Well known divorce attorney James Sexton (who once mentioned in a podcast with Rollo Tomassi that he read "Rational Male") has mentioned that he often sees how happy couples look in their social media accounts. He notes the difference between a social media presence and reality. I think the adoption for them would have been better than everything that they went through with infertility.

I think she knew that post on Instagram was going to get a lot of likes and some comments. In a way, that Instagram post for her was her "virtual egg shower" or "virtual baby shower". She likely had a real life baby shower too.
The Instagram posting was a cry for attention. “Look at my struggle, give me sympathy…me me me”. The days before all this social media blush!t required you to create real relationships with people. Now she can get 100s of dopamine hits from social media. She was looking for a particular sucker and actually did you a favor by prescreening herself.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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The Instagram posting was a cry for attention. “Look at my struggle, give me sympathy…me me me”. The days before all this social media blush!t required you to create real relationships with people. Now she can get 100s of dopamine hits from social media.
When she made that Instagram post, it seemed to me like it was an attention seeking post. Your comments are correct about that.

She got her dopamine hits from that post. It was likely her most liked post of all time.

She was looking for a particular sucker and actually did you a favor by prescreening herself.
When she first got into an LTR with one of my acquaintances in the mid-2010s, I was disappointed that it wasn't me. As time went on, I eventually reached the same conclusion that you stated in the quote above.

4 men from my immediate social circle made plays to attract/seduce her, including me. Additionally, I'm sure she was getting plenty of outside attention in the mid-2010s. I know she was in a co-ed sports league for a few seasons where many men likely hit on her. She probably also had some guys in her DMs (Facebook and early Instagram). If she used a dating app/website around that time, she also would have had more attention. At a minimum, she had men from her social circles, men at bars, men from her co-ed sports leagues, and men from her DMs. She had abundance.

At her peak, she was in most men's cute range. I think most men would have rated her in between 5.8 - 6.7 on the 10 point scale.

She made my acquaintance wait multiple months for first time sex. Their initial coupling was blue pill. I think she would have been frustrated by my early attempts to escalate and she would have ended things with me via a text message after 1-2 dates had she liked my initial approach.

It would have ended up as a waste of time for both of us. It might also have caused some friction in our social spheres.

Her later fertility problems were not anticipated. She didn't wait too long to get pregnant. She was doing this in her early 30s.