Going for and getting with college girls while in your 30s.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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Ever since moving to Miami, I have noticed that college girls here are much more integrated into adult society compared to a college town or even NYC. Here are a few instances I have noticed of this.

1. I have rented at two different buildings that are nice buildings and not cheap to rent at. The push was for there to be working professionals and families there. Well, a bunch of students at The U found a way to game the system and get 3 to 4 bedrooms which they split with roommates. A lot of these students were sorority girls.

2. There is a bar next to where I live which is usually a chill dive bar but every Thursday, it and the bars around it get flooded with college kids. I like this place and know the staff.

3. Almost every nightlife venue I have been to in Miami has a good chunk of college girls, usually wealthier girls that go to The U, flood into it. You do get some grown women but college aged girls often go there too even though they are not college venues.

My hopes would be they just stay on The U campus, I mean they have money since its a private school, frat houses, and other ways to party just amongst themselves but they do not. This means that I unintentionally approach a chick and found that she is not even old enough to legally drink! The bouncers here in Miami also don't seem to care and let these 19 and 20 year olds in.

I guess what I am trying to ask is this....

Is it just strange and weird to go for college girls in your 30s even when they are showing up in every avenue you are in?


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Obviously, the more fit and attractive you are, the more forgiving they will be of you. But let me say this: I guarantee you will not be the first 30 year old who has hit on them. Girls of prime age have guys of all ages attracted to them and they know it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 31, 2018
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Girls of prime age have guys of all ages attracted to them and they know it
This. Basically every hot girl i've banged and spoke in detail about this sort of stuff told me that from the age of about 12-13 they've essentially been hit on by fully grown men (like 20-50) on a good number of occasions.

My hot ex told me a tonne of crazy stuff that's happened to her from when she started secondary school (at 12 ish)

I think a lot of guys just don't realise this, and how young it starts for them. So being 18 and hit on by a 30 year old, even if they have no interest and it's unwelcome, would hardly be shocking to most!


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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This. Basically every hot girl i've banged and spoke in detail about this sort of stuff told me that from the age of about 12-13 they've essentially been hit on by fully grown men (like 20-50) on a good number of occasions.
12-13 sounds pretty shocking, but I'm hoping most of the guys are simply mistaking them for being older. I'm sure there's a group that isn't though.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Is it just strange and weird to go for college girls in your 30s even when they are showing up in every avenue you are in?
Not at all. Go for it! You might be able to differentiate yourself as a mature man with more going for him in life than an undergraduate or graduate student.

1. I have rented at two different buildings that are nice buildings and not cheap to rent at. The push was for there to be working professionals and families there. Well, a bunch of students at The U found a way to game the system and get 3 to 4 bedrooms which they split with roommates. A lot of these students were sorority girls.
Nice! That seems like it would increase the quality of nearby pussie. I don't recommend banging women in your own building in a lot of cases but some of these females who attend The U (University of Miami) have hot friends who don't live in that building. There's some social circle game potential in the apartment building if you are interested.

2. There is a bar next to where I live which is usually a chill dive bar but every Thursday, it and the bars around it get flooded with college kids. I like this place and know the staff.
This is good. Keep going here! You might get some situational status, which can impress some women and help you seduce.

The U campus, I mean they have money since its a private school, frat houses, and other ways to party just amongst themselves but they do not. This means that I unintentionally approach a chick and found that she is not even old enough to legally drink! The bouncers here in Miami also don't seem to care and let these 19 and 20 year olds in.
I like The U. The U is a school that's one of many schools I've referred to as "Hot Girl U" on this board before.

There's a similar dynamic to The U and Metro Miami with Southern Methodist University (SMU) and Dallas. SMU is a school similar to The U. SMU is an expensive private school.

SMU's campus location is centrally located in the Dallas metro area. SMU's campus is on the border of Dallas and University Park (a wealthy enclave municipal bubble that is centrally located), near Downtown Dallas.

While there are a few bars that are considered SMU college bars, a lot of SMU students go to bars with the post-college 20s-30s crowd in Dallas.

I think Dallas bouncers are a little more stringent with 18-20 year olds than Miami bouncers. There are plenty of 21-22 year old SMU students in their junior and senior years going out to general, non-college specific Dallas bars.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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I used to live in a university dominated area last year i met a lot of female uni students from about 19-24 in my gym which most of them ended up going too

Some were more mature than others but nearly all of them seemed attracted too me

A few managed to find me on instagram and one started messaging me she was 20 and I was 30

She was cute and I would have smashed her but I left the area

I was smashing another 23 year old student for 6 months she was hella trouble , but would let me do pretty much anything with her in bed and used to like dressing up sexily a lot so was fun

I don't see a problem with it , just be aware most of these girls are going to be too immature to date

If you can get sex with them obviously you get a ride whilst they're in their prime and no man in his 30's is turning down sex with a hot 20 something

It deff gives bragging rights if you can pull it off

None of my close friends have come anywhere near to accomplishing what I have with younger women


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
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USA, Louisiana
My advice for an older man is put your youth behind you. Leave the college chicks to college dudes. But if this is what you want, well just go for it.

If you are in your 30s, there are plenty of good women in their late 20s early 30s that are a lot easier to date with only minor emotional chaos.


Master Don Juan
Oct 7, 2013
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Miami fl
Ever since moving to Miami, I have noticed that college girls here are much more integrated into adult society compared to a college town or even NYC. Here are a few instances I have noticed of this.

1. I have rented at two different buildings that are nice buildings and not cheap to rent at. The push was for there to be working professionals and families there. Well, a bunch of students at The U found a way to game the system and get 3 to 4 bedrooms which they split with roommates. A lot of these students were sorority girls.

2. There is a bar next to where I live which is usually a chill dive bar but every Thursday, it and the bars around it get flooded with college kids. I like this place and know the staff.

3. Almost every nightlife venue I have been to in Miami has a good chunk of college girls, usually wealthier girls that go to The U, flood into it. You do get some grown women but college aged girls often go there too even though they are not college venues.

My hopes would be they just stay on The U campus, I mean they have money since its a private school, frat houses, and other ways to party just amongst themselves but they do not. This means that I unintentionally approach a chick and found that she is not even old enough to legally drink! The bouncers here in Miami also don't seem to care and let these 19 and 20 year olds in.

I guess what I am trying to ask is this....

Is it just strange and weird to go for college girls in your 30s even when they are showing up in every avenue you are in?
hey ive been down here twenty plus years dm me if you want to hang.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
My advice for an older man is put your youth behind you. Leave the college chicks to college dudes. But if this is what you want, well just go for it.

If you are in your 30s, there are plenty of good women in their late 20s early 30s that are a lot easier to date with only minor emotional chaos.
I totally agree I get it younger women are hotter, and more fun, and heck Gen-Z chicks actually like Anime, unlike millennial women. However when it comes to the reliability factor what would a 35-year-old guy and a 19-year-old college student talk about outside of sex?


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
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This. Basically every hot girl i've banged and spoke in detail about this sort of stuff told me that from the age of about 12-13 they've essentially been hit on by fully grown men (like 20-50) on a good number of occasions.

My hot ex told me a tonne of crazy stuff that's happened to her from when she started secondary school (at 12 ish)

I think a lot of guys just don't realise this, and how young it starts for them. So being 18 and hit on by a 30 year old, even if they have no interest and it's unwelcome, would hardly be shocking to most!
Yep. You shared my thoughts exactly. Men think women are at peak SMV from 18-25 or whatever and get all gleeful when they hit the wall and finally lose the spotlight, but they don't realize that women have been riding on the highs of peak desire from men since like, age 12 or 13. For clarification, I'm not saying that 12 year old is peak physical attractiveness to all men, but within the context the social environment that they occupy it is, especially considering women start puberty before men. Think about it, when did the "popular girls" form in school? Right around age 12-13. The prettiest girls in school at that age might as well be a goddess in the eyes of all her male classmates. And many of them start having sex around this time, and it's usually a very small handful of boys in the entire school they're all fighting for. And once they get around high school aged, they are absolutely are aware of their effect on men of all ages, and this only gets continues to grow as they age, until it peaks in their college years.

I gotta say, I still occassionally catch disturbingly young women (girls) doing things like sneaking glances at me, and some they're so young and doing such obvious things that I don't even want to bring up examples because the mere fact that I notice it instead of actively suppressing it from my memory is disturbing enough to me on its own. But point being, younger women know EXACTLY how attractive they are, they're not so naive like society tells you. I often see women around 15 with these tiny little skirts or leggings dressed like a 20 year old college hoe and it's really fvcked up. By the time they're in college, they've probably seen it all. An older man hitting on her won't be creepy or weird (if he's attractive to her) unless she's been utterly brainwashed by feminism to think it's wrong. If anything, her ego will love knowing she can attract a man of any age.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 31, 2018
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I don't even want to bring up examples because the mere fact that I notice it instead of actively suppressing it from my memory is disturbing enough to me
this made me lol, because I was going to reply to my own post a few days back after what I saw during a visit to the supermarket as it kind of backed up my previous post, but I thought writing it would just be a bit weird!
But I went shopping in a supermarket here (sainsburys!) and in there were 2 girls. I honestly think they were YOUNGER than 12! But they both had pretty faces (hopefully I can say that. I mean, it's just a fact.) but they were both dressed like full of club girl hookers! Make-up on too. high riding top. Tiniest shorts you can imagine. You could see everything. And even though they were clearly super young, it's hard to describe but it's like they had older 'energy'. It's like kids aren't kids anymore! As they walked past me, I looked back, not to look at them, but to see the reactions, and sure enough every guy was starring lol. Even the 'security' guy couldn't take his eyes off them. One of them in particular is gonna be a stunner when she's older and looked like a little model. And girls like that will be being hit on by men very soon, and it won't stop for a long time!

And yes, I agree with everything in your post and getting back to the main topic, an older guy hitting on an 18 year old won't be 'shocking'. It COULD even be welcome and lead too a lay or whatever IF she thinks he's good looking. Probably need to be a youthful looking 30 year old in general. A few of my prior wingmen who are kinda out of the game now got some harsh rejections in tn their days seemingly soley for looking their age (some grey hairs, wrinkles etc. Some of these young ones couldn't me more superficial lol)


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
Reaction score
this made me lol, because I was going to reply to my own post a few days back after what I saw during a visit to the supermarket as it kind of backed up my previous post, but I thought writing it would just be a bit weird!
But I went shopping in a supermarket here (sainsburys!) and in there were 2 girls. I honestly think they were YOUNGER than 12! But they both had pretty faces (hopefully I can say that. I mean, it's just a fact.) but they were both dressed like full of club girl hookers! Make-up on too. high riding top. Tiniest shorts you can imagine. You could see everything. And even though they were clearly super young, it's hard to describe but it's like they had older 'energy'. It's like kids aren't kids anymore! As they walked past me, I looked back, not to look at them, but to see the reactions, and sure enough every guy was starring lol. Even the 'security' guy couldn't take his eyes off them. One of them in particular is gonna be a stunner when she's older and looked like a little model. And girls like that will be being hit on by men very soon, and it won't stop for a long time!

And yes, I agree with everything in your post and getting back to the main topic, an older guy hitting on an 18 year old won't be 'shocking'. It COULD even be welcome and lead too a lay or whatever IF she thinks he's good looking. Probably need to be a youthful looking 30 year old in general. A few of my prior wingmen who are kinda out of the game now got some harsh rejections in tn their days seemingly soley for looking their age (some grey hairs, wrinkles etc. Some of these young ones couldn't me more superficial lol)
Yeah I've seen a lot of girls like you describe specifically in grocery stores and places like Target. The outfits some of them wear are just insane, walking right on the line of what is considered acceptable... you do have to wonder if they complain about men looking at them, I kind of doubt it, I suspect they are relishing in the newfound attention, which only goes to breed more narcissism. Tiktok is filled with jailbait girls of this type, it's absolute clown world, and no one calls them out on it.

Anyway, as this relates to hitting on young women, I've talked to some of them about this whole topic, and they assume by default that older men are balding, with bad skin, and a "dad bod", If you're in your 30s or 40s and in good shape, with glowing, healthy skin, and good hair (or the shaved head+beard look with tats), you're an anomoly to them, they're so used to dealing mostly with clueless, effeminate fags her own age, or pudgy older men with soyboobs and lizard skin. So no need to feel weirded out for hitting on an 18 year old, or even a 17 year old. People will judge you, but, unconsciously they're envious, and while not all younger women like older guys, many of them do if you're in that category I described above. You probably do need a lot of calibration to do it effectively, though, and it's certainly not the demographic to be careless with. Personally, I only do it if they give me undeniable IOIs.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 21, 2022
Reaction score
Women will automatically label an older man creepy if he's balding.
I very much doubt they'd do that for bald fit men who shave their head. I'll give you 3 examples of bald dudes who were around 40yrs old in these photos:

1723916260355.jpeg 1723916419723.jpeg 1723916523145.jpeg


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
Reaction score
I very much doubt they'd do that for bald fit men who shave their head. I'll give you 3 examples of bald dudes who were around 40yrs old in these photos:

View attachment 12935 View attachment 12936 View attachment 12937
That's why I said balding and later put in the disclaimer (or the shaved head+beard look with tats). A shaved head is one thing, a man who is visibly balding is an automatic disqualification for 99% of young women, especially if they're also overweight or fat. Not a single young women on Earth wants to have sex with Kevin Malone. Btw, did you know he was only 32 in his first appearance in The Office?

Also, one other thing, but you need good bone structure to pull off the shaved head look, and be ripped, not pale, have good facial hair, and probably be tatted. Jason Stathom is an anamoly, most men with a shaved head are coping if they think they look anywhere near as good as him.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 21, 2022
Reaction score
Not a single young women on Earth wants to have sex with Kevin Malone. Btw, did you know he was only 32 in his first appearance in The Office?
Agree, but it's not his balding per se ... it's his fat level and haircut that's the problem. He's younger and taller than Statham so he'd probably be just as if not more attractive, if he was interested in working out and eating healthy.
Jason Stathom is an anamoly, most men with a shaved head are coping if they think they look anywhere near as good as him.
And probably most men who still have hair in their late 30s and 40s are coping if they think they look as good as Chris Hemsworth or Henry Cavill. ;)

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
My advice for an older man is put your youth behind you. Leave the college chicks to college dudes. But if this is what you want, well just go for it.

If you are in your 30s, there are plenty of good women in their late 20s early 30s that are a lot easier to date with only minor emotional chaos.
yeah but my situation is more on distance

The bars right next door to me are flooded with volume or I have drive 5 miles to a venue which might not even be full on that night.