Iranian FWB

Mr Cubes

New Member
Jun 28, 2024
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i got to know an irianian women on tinder a few weeks ago who lives in germany since a few months. i'm not into muslims but luckily she isn't one and she doesn't like islam. her parents are though, but they accept her lifestyle. she left her country recently since the mullah regime got very restrictive and doesn't let women walk around without hijabs anymore etc. also she is pretty smart, a scientist who just finished her phd.

what surprised me is that she doesn't come across as super nerdy or stiff like many scientists. when i talk to her about her science topics she is very passionate about it but for everyday topics she immediately switches to sweet normal girl mode. she has a very happy personality, childish playful despite being in her mid 30s. already on the first date the vibe was very flirty without her appearing slutty, there just seems to be some natural attraction. also she likes sex a lot. she is very tight and i'm big so she can't take it very long and hard. but we just do it quite short and often then, i finish pretty fast anyway because she is so tight.

since she comes from such a conservative environment, there are lots of things she hasn't tried yet, so it's fun to watch her discover. i.e. she never smoked weed, i tried with her but it doesn't have any effect on her, seems to be immune :D. she had never been swimming in public with a bikini, so we did that too. and yesterday was the highlight, we found a hidden spot between the plants at a lake shore and had sex there. meanwhile behind the plants muslims were having barbecue and children playing. :lol:

what's also relaxed is that she doesn't want to have children. i was going through hell in the past with other girls when their period was delayed and they started blabbering about how it wouldn't be too bad if they were pregnant and how i wouldn't have to worry because they would take care of the child work. luckily it never got that far.

currently you can consider it FWB and i'm pretty happy with it, but she actually aims for a relationship. she dated one tinder guy before already who said he just wants to have sex, so she dropped him at some point. the last time the topic came up i dogded it by saying i was just in a long relationship for years, so i'm fed up with it currently but in the long run i'm looking for relationship too. not sure how long this will hold up but i couldn't come up with a better idea yet. :D

anyway, i appreciate any reactions to my story.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
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Hi Cubes,
Travelled through Iran in the mid sixties....Such nice people...I never had any contact with their Women,but many have the most stunning eyebrows...Google in are Iranian women good wives Quora...You will get many first hand experiences....Your one sounds a keeper.


Master Don Juan
Aug 21, 2022
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OP doesn't make much sense.
Allegedly conservative woman in her mid 30s who hasn't smoked weed nor wore a bikini in public, has sex with him behind some plants, close to people barbecuing and children playing, after first meeting him a few weeks ago. :rolleyes:
So either OP is trolling us or he got trolled big time by a slut posing as a little innocent Snow White.

Mr Cubes

New Member
Jun 28, 2024
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OP doesn't make much sense.
Allegedly conservative woman in her mid 30s who hasn't smoked weed nor wore a bikini in public, has sex with him behind some plants, close to people barbecuing and children playing, after first meeting him a few weeks ago. :rolleyes:
So either OP is trolling us or he got trolled big time by a slut posing as a little innocent Snow White.
I didn't say she was conservative. Obsviously she is not if her country is annoying her so much that she leaves. Probably just a freedom loving woman from a conservative place who found her new home and is trying new stuff now.

Of course i can't rule out for certain that she is just a posing slut. But then she would be expert level. i'm not easily fooled and haven't found any suspicious behavior or lies yet. But let's see, to be continued...


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
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i got to know an irianian women on tinder a few weeks ago who lives in germany since a few months. i'm not into muslims but luckily she isn't one and she doesn't like islam. her parents are though, but they accept her lifestyle. she left her country recently since the mullah regime got very restrictive and doesn't let women walk around without hijabs anymore etc. also she is pretty smart, a scientist who just finished her phd.

what surprised me is that she doesn't come across as super nerdy or stiff like many scientists. when i talk to her about her science topics she is very passionate about it but for everyday topics she immediately switches to sweet normal girl mode. she has a very happy personality, childish playful despite being in her mid 30s. already on the first date the vibe was very flirty without her appearing slutty, there just seems to be some natural attraction. also she likes sex a lot. she is very tight and i'm big so she can't take it very long and hard. but we just do it quite short and often then, i finish pretty fast anyway because she is so tight.

since she comes from such a conservative environment, there are lots of things she hasn't tried yet, so it's fun to watch her discover. i.e. she never smoked weed, i tried with her but it doesn't have any effect on her, seems to be immune :D. she had never been swimming in public with a bikini, so we did that too. and yesterday was the highlight, we found a hidden spot between the plants at a lake shore and had sex there. meanwhile behind the plants muslims were having barbecue and children playing. :lol:

what's also relaxed is that she doesn't want to have children. i was going through hell in the past with other girls when their period was delayed and they started blabbering about how it wouldn't be too bad if they were pregnant and how i wouldn't have to worry because they would take care of the child work. luckily it never got that far.

currently you can consider it FWB and i'm pretty happy with it, but she actually aims for a relationship. she dated one tinder guy before already who said he just wants to have sex, so she dropped him at some point. the last time the topic came up i dogded it by saying i was just in a long relationship for years, so i'm fed up with it currently but in the long run i'm looking for relationship too. not sure how long this will hold up but i couldn't come up with a better idea yet. :D

anyway, i appreciate any reactions to my story.
You've met her only a few weeks ago and you're already talking like she a different bread of women, you seem to be super eager and are putting her on a big a$$ pedestal.

Slowdown cowboy, temper your expectations so you don't end up with a disappointment. Also, mid 30s and has no kid? Red flag.

Mr Cubes

New Member
Jun 28, 2024
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You've met her only a few weeks ago and you're already talking like she a different bread of women, you seem to be super eager and are putting her on a big a$$ pedestal.

Slowdown cowboy, temper your expectations so you don't end up with a disappointment. Also, mid 30s and has no kid? Red flag.
well at least i resisted to let her lure me in with the relationship thing so far... i'll try to watch out :)

regarding the 30s no-kid-thing i agree it's a red flag if a woman actually wants kids. then there seems to be something wrong with her if she hasn't made it yet. but some people just opt to not have kids and then it's fine imo. i'm like that too.

Mr Cubes

New Member
Jun 28, 2024
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No one is immune from weed. It's just that people new to it aren't very good at smoking yet. Feed her an edible next time.
haha, that's exactly what i thought as well. i assumed that she was not smoking correctly so i taught her all kind of rules: don't just suck into your mouth, it has to be in your lungs. keep it in your lungs longer etc. and the last time it really looked like she did it correctly and her thoat was even hurting from the vaporizing. would really surprise me though if she was indeed immune, never met someone who is. so as a conclusion i also told her we need to try edibles before we can be sure about this. maybe i'll try to make a tea, should be easier...