Gent Z

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Feb 14, 2024
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Spin-off of this thread

Given that it's well established that attractive people earn more money, get promoted more often, and enjoy sturdier social support systems, let's commend and encourage all young fellas who are making a conscious effort to be more alluring

The entirety of the male population throughout most of The Anglosphere has spent nearly a decade retreating from public life, and into fantasy worlds of MCU movies, comic books, and YouTube reaction videos, with the inevitable result being that our self-care has gone to s-it. The only way out of this is for more of us to stop hiding in our basements, and to resume putting ourselves out there, with our best feet forward, once more

oOh Nasty

Master Don Juan
Apr 23, 2002
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The entirety of the male population throughout most of The Anglosphere has spent nearly a decade retreating from public life, and into fantasy worlds of MCU movies, comic books, and YouTube reaction videos, with the inevitable result being that our self-care has gone to s-it. The only way out of this is for more of us to stop hiding in our basements, and to resume putting ourselves out there, with our best feet forward, once more
And it seems the basement dwellers make themselves feel better by labeling themselves as sigma males. Actually, I still don't really know what it means. All I know is that part of my YouTube algorithm has videos popping up saying "why SIGMA males..." etc.

I imagine it's a guy who wants the respect of being an attractive alpha male while being introverted or anti-social.


Feb 14, 2024
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And it seems the basement dwellers make themselves feel better by labeling themselves as sigma males
These fellas frequently label themselves MGTOW Alphas. The temptation to settle for playing the hero in our own imaginations is always strong, and social media has made resisting said temptation more daunting than perhaps anytime in history

"I imagine it's a guy who wants the respect of being an attractive alpha male while being introverted or anti-social"

A large percentage of the heterosexual male population within The Post-Industrial World is in straits similar to those of "Gay America" in The 1970s... Claim they want nothing to do with society, drop out, then lament that everyone hates them
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Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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Of course, using this label appeals to black pill basement dwellers...frankly, the mainstream description sounds like platitudes. It lies from someone who knows he's not alpha, so he made an alternative label to assuage his inadequacy. Note the terms unconventional and non-conformist; yeah, sure, bud...

I'm not a dweeb! I'm a rebel!

A Sigma Male is a masculine individual who embodies characteristics often considered unconventional or counterintuitive to traditional societal expectations of masculinity. Sigma Males tend to defy norms and blur the lines between what's typically seen as "alpha" (confident, outgoing, assertive) and "beta" (introverted, reserved, empathetic).

Key traits:
  1. Unconventional: They don't conform to traditional social norms or expectations.
  2. Independent: Sigma Males often prioritize their interests, desires, and values over external pressures or validation.
  3. Introverted: They may not be naturally outgoing or charismatic, but they're comfortable being alone and focused on their pursuits.
  4. Emotionally intelligent: Sigma Males are often highly attuned to their emotions and those of others, allowing for empathetic connections and deeper understanding.
  5. Authentic: They're unapologetically themselves, without pretenses or artificial personas.
  6. Resourceful: Sigma Males tend to be self-sufficient, adaptable, and able to handle uncertainty and ambiguity.
  7. Non-conformists question authority, challenge norms, and are open to alternative perspectives and ideas.
Notable characteristics:
  • May not be interested in traditional masculine pursuits like sports or extreme activities
  • They can be introverted or extroverted but often prioritize their interests over social pressure
  • Tend to focus on personal growth, self-improvement, and learning rather than competing for status or validation
  • Often have a unique sense of humor, irony, and dry wit

If you're interested in exploring the concept further, I recommend checking out:
  1. The Sigma Male Blueprint: A comprehensive guide to understanding and embracing the Sigma Male archetype. PDF
  2. "The Sigma Male" by Matt Forney: A popular article that sparked the modern discussion around Sigma Males. Article
  3. Reddit's r/SigmaMales: A community dedicated to discussing and exploring the concept of Sigma Males. Forum
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Feb 14, 2024
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Of course, using this label appeals to black pill basement dwellers...frankly, the mainstream description sounds like platitudes. It lies from someone who knows he's not alpha, so he made an alternative label to assuage his inadequacy. Note the terms unconventional and non-conformist; yeah, sure, bud...

I'm not a dweeb! I'm a rebel!

A Sigma Male is a masculine individual who embodies characteristics often considered unconventional or counterintuitive to traditional societal expectations of masculinity. Sigma Males tend to defy norms and blur the lines between what's typically seen as "alpha" (confident, outgoing, assertive) and "beta" (introverted, reserved, empathetic).

Key traits:
  1. Unconventional: They don't conform to traditional social norms or expectations.
  2. Independent: Sigma Males often prioritize their interests, desires, and values over external pressures or validation.
  3. Introverted: They may not be naturally outgoing or charismatic, but they're comfortable being alone and focused on their pursuits.
  4. Emotionally intelligent: Sigma Males are often highly attuned to their emotions and those of others, allowing for empathetic connections and deeper understanding.
  5. Authentic: They're unapologetically themselves, without pretenses or artificial personas.
  6. Resourceful: Sigma Males tend to be self-sufficient, adaptable, and able to handle uncertainty and ambiguity.
  7. Non-conformists question authority, challenge norms, and are open to alternative perspectives and ideas.
Notable characteristics:
  • May not be interested in traditional masculine pursuits like sports or extreme activities
  • They can be introverted or extroverted but often prioritize their interests over social pressure
  • Tend to focus on personal growth, self-improvement, and learning rather than competing for status or validation
  • Often have a unique sense of humor, irony, and dry wit

If you're interested in exploring the concept further, I recommend checking out:
  1. The Sigma Male Blueprint: A comprehensive guide to understanding and embracing the Sigma Male archetype. PDF
  2. "The Sigma Male" by Matt Forney: A popular article that sparked the modern discussion around Sigma Males. Article
  3. Reddit's r/SigmaMales: A community dedicated to discussing and exploring the concept of Sigma Males. Forum
Yeah, long before this notion of The Sigma Male existed, Clint Eastwood and Steve McQueen(No disrepect to either of these two as entertainers. I've enjoyed their work)pioneered the image of The Lone Wolf, who exists apart from and above "normal" society, and who always single-handedly defeats The Evil Overlord and his legions of henchmen

Works great in fiction, and diasterously for any man who tries to do that s-it in real life. As we're witnessing today


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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There are very few actual Einzelgänger, most of these Lone Wolf types are pretenders.


Feb 14, 2024
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It lies from someone who knows he's not alpha, so he made an alternative label to assuage his inadequacy

Yep... That alternative label is "Unplugged Alpha". So unplugged, they're consuming mountains of YouTube videos each day


Master Don Juan
Oct 7, 2013
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Miami fl
And it seems the basement dwellers make themselves feel better by labeling themselves as sigma males. Actually, I still don't really know what it means. All I know is that part of my YouTube algorithm has videos popping up saying "why SIGMA males..." etc.

I imagine it's a guy who wants the respect of being an attractive alpha male while being introverted or anti-social.
So true


Feb 14, 2024
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There are very few actual Einzelgänger, most of these Lone Wolf types are pretenders.
And the endless refrain ("Don't work for someone else... Start a business right out of high school, just like Jobs and Gates. You'll be a multi-billionaire by age 27, who can go through life dressing and speaking like a teeny bopper*")we hear out of so many of within The Manosphere has led their followers into an endless cycle of poverty and social leprosy

*The ignorance this worldview is rooted in couldn't be more woeful

Quote: "Another is the myth of the kid genius—that all entrepreneurs are young software prodigies. In fact, the average entrepreneur is thirty-nine years old and has worked in corporate America for at least a decade. Schramm discusses why people with work experience in corporate America have an advantage as entrepreneurs. For one thing, they often have important contacts in the business world who may be customers for their new service or product. For another, they often have the opportunity to strategize with knowledgeable people and get valuable advice"


Feb 14, 2024
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And it seems the basement dwellers make themselves feel better by labeling themselves as sigma males. Actually, I still don't really know what it means. All I know is that part of my YouTube algorithm has videos popping up saying "why SIGMA males..." etc.

I imagine it's a guy who wants the respect of being an attractive alpha male while being introverted or anti-social.
In fairness to these fellas, they're just the latest incarnation of our culture's fixation on so-called "authenticity"


Saying "I'm Sigma/An Unplugged Alpha" is really just a jargonized way of expressing the same rationalization we've heard from ne'er-do-wells* since times immemorial: "I may be broke and without much power and influence in the world, but I'm MORE REAL than those back stabbing meanies on 5th Avenue and K Street who realized what one has to do in order to be successful, then acted accordingly"

*By "ne'er-do-wells" here I mean: "We've all trotted out this excuse, whenever we ourselves aren't doing well"


Feb 14, 2024
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I'm not a dweeb! I'm a rebel
To date, no dissident within The Manosphere has had either the gumption or intellectual wherewithal to put for a Red Pill counterpart to Titanic McGrath

Despite the many parallels between Wokeness and Red Pill Theology. And we're all worse off for it

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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To date, no dissident within The Manosphere has had either the gumption or intellectual wherewithal to put for a Red Pill counterpart to Titanic McGrath

Despite the many parallels between Wokeness and Red Pill Theology. And we're all worse off for it
What pray tell does quoting my post about sigmas have to do with your post?

Frankly man I do not think most anyone here is reading your posts as they seem scattered and strewn about every possible thread, and mostly incoherent (at least to me).

Please try for clarity, brevity and succinctness as I doubt I’m the only one who is at loss here.

Today alone, you’ve posted 23 times, most days you do, at least that many times or more, and they go unread or lightly skimmed, if that. Ever notice that few people quote you or respond to you? Take a chill man.
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Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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And the endless refrain ("Don't work for someone else... Start a business right out of high school, just like Jobs and Gates. You'll be a multi-billionaire by age 27, who can go through life dressing and speaking like a teeny bopper*")
Most entrepreneurial ventures fail. Jobs and Gates were outliers. In seduction, Neil Strauss was an outlier as a student of seduction. Most students of pickup/seduction don't have the levels of success Strauss had.

Making decisions based on outlier cases is not a good idea.

Another is the myth of the kid genius—that all entrepreneurs are young software prodigies. In fact, the average entrepreneur is thirty-nine years old and has worked in corporate America for at least a decade. Schramm discusses why people with work experience in corporate America have an advantage as entrepreneurs. For one thing, they often have important contacts in the business world who may be customers for their new service or product. For another, they often have the opportunity to strategize with knowledgeable people and get valuable advice"
It's difficult to launch a successful business between the ages of 18-29 as a young adult. Most of the 18-29s now are Gen Z, as the youngest Gen Y/Millennials in 2024 are turning 28-29 in this calendar year.

It's difficult to launch many business types without strong work experiences in corporate and a strong personal network. If a person doesn't have a strong enough personal network to get a corporate job, then it is likely that their network isn't strong enough to support an entrepreneurial venture. Launching a business is very difficult and even more difficult than landing a corporate job, even in the most difficult of corporate job markets (think late 2000s/early 2010s and now).

The typical late 30s/early 40s person now was starting their career when the late 2000s recession arrived. That recession was quite damaging to early Millennials. Early Millennials took the worst of the Great Recession. I think even fewer of them are in a good place to launch a new business in 2024.


Feb 14, 2024
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Most entrepreneurial ventures fail. Jobs and Gates were outliers. In seduction, Neil Strauss was an outlier as a student of seduction. Most students of pickup/seduction don't have the levels of success Strauss had.

Making decisions based on outlier cases is not a good idea.

It's difficult to launch a successful business between the ages of 18-29 as a young adult. Most of the 18-29s now are Gen Z, as the youngest Gen Y/Millennials in 2024 are turning 28-29 in this calendar year.

It's difficult to launch many business types without strong work experiences in corporate and a strong personal network. If a person doesn't have a strong enough personal network to get a corporate job, then it is likely that their network isn't strong enough to support an entrepreneurial venture. Launching a business is very difficult and even more difficult than landing a corporate job, even in the most difficult of corporate job markets (think late 2000s/early 2010s and now).

The typical late 30s/early 40s person now was starting their career when the late 2000s recession arrived. That recession was quite damaging to early Millennials. Early Millennials took the worst of the Great Recession. I think even fewer of them are in a good place to launch a new business in 2024.
Entrepreneurship is terrific, and by all means, let's encourage it. As Schram points out though Most successful ones are folk who've spent a few minutes in the workforce, discovered a need, then filled it

Bringing the conversation back around to the subject of this thread: The advice that large segments of The Manosphere have been giving men for the past decade now ("Drop out of Blue Pill Normie society, and associate only with those who think exactly as you do. Earning a living isn't an obstacle: Just start a business")has been egregiously shallow, and had a deleterious effect on those whom these same Red Pill gurus claim to speak on behalf of

I'm thus heartened to see more and more guys challenging the party line, and discussing pragmatic ways to influence the world around them. Part of which = Being conscious of how we appear in public


Sep 10, 2014
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Yeah, long before this notion of The Sigma Male existed, Clint Eastwood and Steve McQueen(No disrepect to either of these two as entertainers. I've enjoyed their work)pioneered the image of The Lone Wolf, who exists apart from and above "normal" society, and who always single-handedly defeats The Evil Overlord and his legions of henchmen

Works great in fiction, and diasterously for any man who tries to do that s-it in real life. As we're witnessing today
Clint Eastwood is badass...even in The Mule.

Although I was really hoping to have him tell those Mexican dudes "You just have to ask yourself...'Do I feel lucky today?' Well.... do ya, punk?"


Feb 14, 2024
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Clint Eastwood is badass...even in The Mule.

Although I was really hoping to have him tell those Mexican dudes "You just have to ask yourself...'Do I feel lucky today?' Well.... do ya, punk?"
Must confess that I walked out of that flick disappointed. Dude went through all the trouble to cast Taissa Farmiga, then failed to feature a sequence in which she's compelled to save her gramps(Eastwood's character)from getting beheaded by the cartel, by performing on stage with a mule in Tijuana


Feb 14, 2024
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And it seems the basement dwellers make themselves feel better by labeling themselves as sigma males. Actually, I still don't really know what it means. All I know is that part of my YouTube algorithm has videos popping up saying "why SIGMA males..." etc.

I imagine it's a guy who wants the respect of being an attractive alpha male while being introverted or anti-social.
Then again, the divide between the Looksmaxxers/those of Gent Zs mind and the indefinite adolescence advocated by some of The Manosphere's leading voices really just may be the latest variation of a more long-standing conflict

Quote: "A lot has been written about the impact of Mad Men; from the boom in whiskey (especially American), the return of classic gents tailoring, or the potential rejuvenation of male manners.

Whilst once ‘retro-sexual’ was used as reference for the beer swilling, football loving, lad about town, it seems that today it is more correctly viewed as someone who embraces traditional masculinity in both behaviour and dress"

In a similar fashion: Whereas the "retrosexual" of The late 10s-early 20s was a pork rind chomping, Pabst guzzling keyboard warrior, today's Looksmaxxer could be a re-embrace of so-called trad virtues, like looking after one's body and being conscientious regarding one's appearance


Feb 14, 2024
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And it seems the basement dwellers make themselves feel better by labeling themselves as sigma males...
It's been my observation that fellas such as these are, overwhelmingly, adherents to the teachings of self-proclaimed Alphas such as

Whereas Feminism conned a large portion of the female population into believing that life is as cut and dry as "You're upholding Patriarchal Oppression, if you shave your armpits and refuse to dye your hair magenta", many of The Manosphere's Pharisees bamboozled entirely too many men into believing that their choices are similarly stark:

"Any guy who doesn't desperately and indefinitely prolong his adolescence is, by default, a stodgy boomer who's upholding Gynocentrism/The Feminine Primary Social Order"


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
The RP sphere pushes this hyper masculine chest beating image.* But a lot of young women prefer pretty boys. So I don’t think young guys are wrong to looksmax. It makes sense for them.

*This isn’t because of “evo psych” as they claim. It’s because a lot of RP guys are older (or lacking the genetic looks namely face and hair) and probably can’t rock the pretty boy look. So leaning more heavily into masculinity is the only game (left) in town except for $. This also makes sense under the circumstances.
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