Do you think young women are leaving religion because their hypergamy has convinced them to pursue the dual-mating strategy of cad genes, dad support?
Religion tells them: No sex outside of marriage
But feminism tells them: Hell no! Wating until marriage to have sex is patriarcal and oppressive! What you should do instead is:
- Give your V-card to a Chad for free, get pumped & ghosted by him, become an alpha-widow.
- Ride the c0ck carousel during "The Party Years" until you eventually reach "The Epiphany Phase"
- Optional: Maybe get pregnant by a Chad, become a single mom.
- Find a beta bucks provider, make him wait for sex while you give other guys One Night Stands and Same Night Lays
- Marry the beta bucks provider, give him the minimum amount of access to your p00zy as possible, cuck him, and get pregnant (not necesarrily by him)
- Divorce and take half his money, child support (bonus points if not his child), and alimony
- Return to the Carousel, this time with money provided by the beta bucks ex-husband.