Bio/psychological Factors Behind a Woman's Desire for a Man


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2024
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What factors and elements contribute to a woman genuinely desiring a man?
I have personally observed this phenomenon in my life, especially with a particular woman, and it was evident that she was truly attracted to him based on his behavior.
Could we delve deeper into understanding what triggers a woman's biological and psychological desire for a specific man? Let's focus on concepts like "Imprinting" and other related aspects of our species, excluding the LMS theory from this discussion.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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What factors and elements contribute to a woman genuinely desiring a man?
I have personally observed this phenomenon in my life, especially with a particular woman, and it was evident that she was truly attracted to him based on his behavior.
Could we delve deeper into understanding what triggers a woman's biological and psychological desire for a specific man? Let's focus on concepts like "Imprinting" and other related aspects of our species, excluding the LMS theory from this discussion.
Thats a deep question. There are many different triggers for women. Desire in a woman is almost always a response to something. Thats why touch is so important to women. Touch will be most every woman's love language. Its also likely why dancing(country) is the fastest way to create burning desire that I've ever experienced. Theres a reason most all of my same-night-lays were with women I met in country dance halls. The touch thru dancing ignited the desire and it started on the dance floor several hours before we were naked. Whats that word you don't hear much.....oh yeah, "foreplay". The most beautiful thing about a woman is when a guy does his job correctly, she will open up and give you everything. Its so powerful and beautiful. I hope all of you can experience that multiple times. Thats what burning desire looks and feels like on the receiving end.

All 3 of the women I've lived with have said that they liked how I touched them throughout the day. Simple pats on the butt when they walked by, boob squeezes, fingers between their legs, spank their butt, etc. Touch is a major trigger to lighting the flames of desire or keeping it going.

A woman feeling good about herself and her body is also important. They are always wanting a man to desire them and re-affirm their worthiness. The man can create that deep desire in her by providing the external confirmation that she is worthy. When a woman is in a relationship and texts selfies to her man she is looking to be validated. By the man providing that validation she can feel good about herself. The man creates that feeling she desires. He provides her with the means to get that dopamine hit she is after. Its works a lot like sex does. Sex is typically about the woman. A smart guy gets his needs met, but knows she is the focus. Why? Because its creates the feeling she is desirable and thats what they all crave.

You guys that are done with sex in 15min, refuse to do oral, and its all about yourself, I've heard the complaints from the women you've been with. You never got the flame burning enough to create burning sexual desire. Burning sexual desire is when she offers you every single inch of her body and nothing is off limits. You can't be self-serving to ignite that and it starts outside of the bedroom. Women I have loved never told me no to anything sexually. Its because I laid the ground work that created the burning sexual desire. Once she is there, "no" is not in her vocabulary. Its like the ultimate reward for the man.

Its how you make them feel. Make her feel desired and she'll make you feel like a man that can do no wrong. She'll allow you full access and expose herself 100%.

The other thing that creates desire in a woman is a mans leadership. She wants the man that can make a plan, and be confident in his decisions. Women are responders, thats why male leadership is important and why they crave it. You can't be a good leader if you are also a responder. Ever see a business lacking leadership? What happens is management goes around putting out fires(responding to problems). They get so busy putting out fires that they don't have time to get ahead and address the things that keep creating those fires. Don't be the guy that asks a girl out and has no plan for the evening. Show good leadership by planning ahead. Then communicate to her what it is you'll be doing. Multiple venues should always be on the card. This is how you create desire.

Women also respond well to words. Text messaging can be a powerful tool to create desire in a woman. I once seduced a woman I had never met entirely through text messaging back and forth. 5hrs later I was headed to her house at 11pm and having sex.

I have a girl that I am seeing this coming wknd. You can bet I am using words, songs, and pictures thru text to ignite desire. I just got a "can't wait to kiss your face and be naughty with you, only 3 more days" text. That came after me validating her with the selfie she sent.

As always, when the man leads correctly the woman will respond positively and thats how desire is created. The man must always poke her flames of desire like he tends to his campfire. Women are responders, they are the flame. Its the man that manages it. How hot do you want it?
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Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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If you look at archetypes, they are mostly determined by their behaviour.