Body Language In real Time


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2024
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In this video, an expert reveal how to know if two people are actracted by each other.
Cool fact is, How do you know this in real time?

I mean, anyone could film the two person, and then judge the video by going slowmotion and commenting it, but how do you manage to do it, if you are one of the two person, in real time?


Master Don Juan
Dec 29, 2017
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In my opinion you can’t.... if your out somewhere and your decide to keep an eye on a girl to observe her body language... your going to eventually creep her out:

When I used to go out with the intent of gaming i was always watching for eye contact. If I would get that eye contact I would throw a smile, and usually it would be reciprocated from that point on its up to you.

When I would approach I could tell they were interested by their mannerisms... watch the eyes.... pupils will often get body language... smiling.... I would gradually close the distance and if there wasn’t a pull back I would occasionally lean in and say something in her ear while touching her arm or shoulder...... next thing they will reciprocate... and I would just keep escalating.

My opinion is you have to be actively engaging them to observe the positive or negative cues. If a cop is conducting an interrogation... he is actively engaging the suspect and his actions will elicit the body language of suspect.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
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In this video, an expert reveal how to know if two people are actracted by each other.
Cool fact is, How do you know this in real time?

I mean, anyone could film the two person, and then judge the video by going slowmotion and commenting it, but how do you manage to do it, if you are one of the two person, in real time?
"Experts" are full of shvt.

Body language is extremely complex and nuanced. Body language is just one part of nonverbal communication which includes other subtle things like tonality, microexpressions, etc.

And, the notion that 80% of communication is nonverbal is patently absurd when you think about it for 5 seconds. In actuality 80% of emotions are communicated nonverbally, not communication in general. You cannot go up to a black person and say the N word and use nonverbal/body language to make it okay. What a bunch of nonsense. There are a lot of classic pop-psychology notions of body language that are contradictory or just silly yet people take them as irrevocable facts. For instance, if someone folds their arms or puts their hands in their might just be because they're cold.

To answer your question though, the last thing you wanna do is analyze these things in real time, no one does this except maybe autistic people. Just go off your gut. We have evolved incredibly sophisticated, unconscious mechanisms in our brain to pick up on social cues without needing to do anything. Your gut will tell you how someone is feeling. That's all there is to it. The key is to stop focusing and worrying about yourself and put all your attention on the other person, this helps remove social anxiety to boot.
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The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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In this video, an expert reveal how to know if two people are actracted by each other.
Cool fact is, How do you know this in real time?

I mean, anyone could film the two person, and then judge the video by going slowmotion and commenting it, but how do you manage to do it, if you are one of the two person, in real time?
I let her do the majority(>60%) of the talking. Its easier to listen and observe, than talk and observe. Its even easier to observe from afar as an silent bystander. I always pay attention to this stuff. Its no different than reading a womans body language when having sex.

I'm probably not the best teacher of this stuff, but the ability to read body language is an important skill in every seducers back pocket. This has always been something that came naturally to me. Its why at the end of a 1st date I know if she wants to go out again or not and I'm never wrong. She can tell me all sorts of feel good things with words, but she can't fake body language. Its why we always say judge her by her actions, not her words. Body language is an action.

Buy reading her body language, you will be able to inidcate her level of comfort, safety, interest level, etc. As I process those signs, I might alter how I lead the conversation, talk more/less about myself, change the topic, move closer, change venues, turn things up sexually. The more she feels comfortable, the more she opens up and connects, the more its appropriate for me to start touching her. That is my goal with every romantic interation I have with a new girl. A woman will give you her body and heart once she feels safe and connected, And she gets that way when the man facilitates accordingly.

How do you do this?

It starts with a mindset. You can't be mindless. When you walk into a new environment you need to observe everything you see. The way things are arranged, decorated, attention to detail, cleanliness, the atmosphere, etc. Then you ask yourself what does this mean. What are they trying to convey. Is the room warm/inviting?

People watching is an excellent way to watch body language in action. Couples in social settings at singles bars/lounges are very interesting interactions to observe.

Positive Signs to look for during romantic interactions:
-Increase in pupil size
-Increased blood flow to her lips
-Does she smile at you
-Increased eye contact
-Does she touch more as conversation goes on
-Positioning and opening of her body towards you
-Moves physically closer. Step back and see if she steps closer.
-Do her shoulders/arms relax
-Relaxed eyebrows/jaw line
-When a woman is trying to impress you, she will sometimes arch her back, move her shoulders back, lean in slightly, and put her t!ts forward.

Here are some random examples/experiences:

A. Last nite I'm on a date with a new girl and we are having a great time country dancing. We have very strong dance chemistry, which is not common. She matches/mimics my motion/energy, right in step with my lead. She is smiling at me and making strong eye conctact the entire time we are on the floor with her body close to mine. Our vibe is so good that women standing around the outside are noticing. I'm scanning their facial expressions while I'm dancing and they are all wishing that could be them out there.

B. When you are with a new girl and get done having sex, the ones that are the least comfortable being naked will walk across the room on their way to clean up with an article of clothing and their arms across their breasts and slightly leaned forward with shoulders in. The girl thats comfortable won't be trying to hide anything. So what does this convey?....A few things.

The least comfortable girl hasn't done this a lot. She isn't comfortable showing her body off. The more comfortable girl is probably a a stripper or was, has been with a lot of guys.

C. A friend of mine was at a bar hitting on a girl. I sat from afar and observed their entire 15 min interaction. Within the first 5min I knew this chic had zero interest in him, solely by her body language. Upon his approach she did turn to greet him but that was the only positive indicator she gave. Within two minutes she is back to facing straight forward, away from him. He tries to move in closer standing to her side, with his arms spread, one hand on the back of her chair, the other on the bar top indicating dominance. Once he did this she got even more closed off and barely turned her head towards him. Next he orders himself a drink and buys one for her.

He comes back to me, complaining how he didn't get anywhere. I told him I could tell in the first 5min she had zero interest, I don't know why you bought her a drink. He was oblivious to the whole thing. He is also one that doesn't pay attention to details like body language.

Her body language went from positive to negative almost instantly. An observant man should have picked up on this and moved on. Showing dominance using his body made her even more uncomfortable. You can't force something when she isn't ready to accept.

An old guy told me the difference between making love and rape was good salesmanship. Reading body language makes you a better salesman.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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I mean, anyone could film the two person, and then judge the video by going slowmotion and commenting it, but how do you manage to do it, if you are one of the two person, in real time?
It's like you didn't watch the explanation by Navarro, but just watched the video without comprehending.
Navarro clearly points out where you can see their non-verbal interest in each other. Mirroring, pointing their body towards each other, touching their faces, leaning in, expressive hand gestures.

I had to learn this stuff from books and experience, I didn't have internet when I started out. Maybe you should pick up a book on non-verbal communication and see if the women talking with you show any of the signs that indicate interest.


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2024
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I would gradually close the distance and if there wasn’t a pull back I would occasionally lean in and say something in her ear while touching her arm or shoulder...
This happen to me, but are usually women doing this to me.
1st context: I was at the gym asking the secretary some infos. She started this
2nd context: I was at the office doing some stuff. A female co-worker started this


Senior Don Juan
Jan 31, 2023
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And, the notion that 80% of communication is nonverbal is patently absurd when you think about it for 5 seconds. In actuality 80% of emotions are communicated nonverbally, not communication in general. You cannot go up to a black person and say the N word and use nonverbal/body language to make it okay. What a bunch of nonsense.
You are the only one bringing this up. Congratulations, you won an argument with yourself.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
Reaction score
You are the only one bringing this up. Congratulations, you won an argument with yourself.
I know, I nipped it in the bud because this is said in every single body language discussion ever made.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
Reaction score

In this video, an expert reveal how to know if two people are actracted by each other.
Cool fact is, How do you know this in real time?

I mean, anyone could film the two person, and then judge the video by going slowmotion and commenting it, but how do you manage to do it, if you are one of the two person, in real time?
That's a matter of experience (pattern recognition). Unfortunately for you, when you get out there, there's going to be a chance that you fail due to a lack of knowledge. I think the important thing for you is to change your attitude regarding failure. As children being raised by government schools, we are highly conditioned to avoid failure. Same with working in big corporations.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
Interesting video will check out later.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
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This: 1715308935103.jpeg

Girls that are into you can look like this. Big eyes, Big smile. Big teeth. Younger girls get giddy & silly Or flouncy. Older ones will act like they’re sharing a secret joke with you.
If she asks stupid questions. She’s probably into you.


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2024
Reaction score


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
Reaction score
Usually whispering it in your ear while touching your arm? This happened

This happened too. But what do you mean with "Younger girls get giddy & silly Or flouncy. "
I’ve noted that younger women (say >22) tend to have less ability to control their excitement.