Elevating Your Social Status and Demand


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2024
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How to hack society and your status to make yourself in demand?

We all know that we live in cities with defined social circles structures.
So, if there is something that could make us "in demand" both in terms of attraction to the opposite sex and in society in general, what could it be and how could it be identified?

As we fight a battle to know our internal needs, live life according to our values and ideas, we also have to adapt to the external environment to raise our status and be in demand.
We could also think about whether being in demand would be a mistake, or, be content with not being in demand and live a life on your own path.
But anyway, there would be always someone who is the reference or most influential part of that social group, and who is automatically the most requested, mainly by the members of that same group, then by external people.

When I was young, it was easy for me to join some social groups and immediately rise to the front.
I noticed how my perceived status would change from one day to the next and how, from the attention and respect I received, life had a different flavor. Now, having become an adult, experiencing the Pygmalion effect as I am short in stature, it is much more difficult if not impossible for me to make my way.

Having said that, how do we understand and structure ourselves based on what our city offers and could offer, and make us of high status for that particular group in which we want to progress in our lives?? It is clear that becoming a public figure opens the way to many more things, but not everyone is lucky enough to be able to do it and rather it would be possible for many people who are without a status to find a social "niche" and become important there .

To give you an example, I knew a boy my age who no one knew or cared about him. He became deputy mayor and "Magically" was getting his attention from everyone.

Now I put myself in the shoes of a woman... If I were a woman of value, I would go looking for a man of value. How does this man demonstrate his worth? Maybe have these characteristics?

- Education, languages and large vocabulary.
- Professional success: high-ranking jobs or entrepreneurial success. Be a published author, patent holder, and have influence.
- Wealth: Demonstrated through owning assets or through owning businesses such as sports clubs, being a mentor to a group.
- Social, political and famous connections.
- Public recognition: awards, titles, media.
- Genetics and appearance.
- Exclusivity: Knowledge and participation in exclusive events or experiences, perhaps also invited in the VIP category.
- Rare travel and experiences: Frequent or exotic travel, especially to luxury destinations, can be associated with high status, but also engage in rare experiences, such as zero-gravity flights or deep-sea exploration.
- High profile assistance: legal representation by high profile bureaucrats or top medical assistance.
- Rare Collectibles: Owning rare or unique items, such as classic cars or rare books, or art, or a wine cellar.
- High-class sports: participation in luxury sports, such as polo or horse racing.

How does it demonstrate these characteristics to me in the first place? Well, social media are now like social CVs, and therefore at first glance the man could show them in this way, and then confirm with his daily routine. Obviously, how this man knows how to "game" also comes into play. You know what I'm referring to.. But all of it, we can also say that it comes thanks to the positive reinforcement of our life experiences.

How can individuals navigate the complexities of societal status and personal value to authentically position themselves for success and be in demand?


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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How to hack society and your status to make yourself in demand?
In order to do what? Attract women?

You want to 'hack' society and trick women in thinking you're someone of high status? What a droll novel approach...


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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In order to do what? Attract women?

You want to 'hack' society and trick women in thinking you're someone of high status? What a droll novel approach...
Allthough you are right..OP is also right...

Lately I've been fixing the boss's house. It is almost shocking to see how life can be when you make it. Doesn't matter that dude is 5,7 and skinny, he is a millionaire and has a successful company. Suddenly the bluepill seemed alive like never before. No way his wife "just" walks away from all that luxury, own Range Rover, cleaner ect ect. But I'm going off topic now.

(Unfortunately??? ) women seem to be the biggest motivation for most men. So Op at least gives the man who is lost a program. Its like fitness. Tons of programs having all one goal, to make you stronger and/or bigger. Some dudes apparently will feck more while in prison..yet I wouldn't advice anyone to go to jail just to become a DJ.

Contrary to my odd and extreme example, if you accomplish something ( although arguably being a REAL THUG is an accomplishment to some women nowadays!!) ,if you accomplish something, even if it's motivated by women you still did it. You still _fill in huge succes_ and now you can show it off. And use it as leverage to get the next success.

Contrary to the man who NEVER accomplished any damn thing. Ofcourse there are outliers, but most men from that scary 63% statistic also lack such things. The drive to be the best, and being the best at things will get you more attention from all people, that's just facts.

Its just yet another program. The man who is lost and has no plan can try this. Or the Cold approach program , or the passport bro program ect ect.

Giovanni SouthSide

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2022
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Tijuana, Mexico
Fvck social media. That’s a woman’s playground.
Bring value to the table in person. Show you're interesting, confident and not needy.

Show up at the social functions then slip out to head to other ones. Keep a busy schedule but only stay at one place 30 minutes or an hour. Use the “Irish goodbye” if you have to.. People get intrigued.

Look busy, when people talk about Mystery Method and old game methods, one thing utilized is the false time constraint. You look important, and show that you are high value (high value people in the US are always busy).Social status in the US is determined by and large how busy you are.

Push/Pull dynamicThis goes what I have already said, but you can be unreachable to prospects or friends for a few days, week, fortnight, and then swoop back in. This way, social interactions become more interesting and people automatically assume you are up to big things. It's a way to build dramatic tension I find.

And when it comes to women, get the female to talk about her favorite topic-- herself.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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How can individuals navigate the complexities of societal status and personal value to authentically position themselves for success and be in demand?
It's a good question and one I have been trying to answer myself

The way I see it is if you aren't born into a natural hierarchy or aristocracy you have 2 options

1) Climb the social ladder - the larger the city the taller the ladder and usually the higher stages of the ladder are intentionally shut off from usurpers heck in some cases it can be difficult to even find the bottom rung you usually need SOME kind of contact within a higher level of the social hierachy to kind of usher you in

Smaller cities / towns have smaller ladders but that's because there is very little at the top anyway .... it's usually full of people with a lot of bravado who couldn't make it anywhere else ( big fish / small pond syndrome )

2) Create value - this could be at a product or service level or even an inspirational / philosophical one you create something people either want or want to be involved in this naturally draws admiration and success but its far far easier said than done ........ many people these days try to cheat the game by going on reality tv shows and leveraging the audience exposure they get , for the record I don't believe this is at all sustainable in the long term and why the majority of reality stars end up back at the bottom within a few years

it really depends on your personality ....I've met people that are so naturally charismatic they tend to just draw people too them and climb the ladder effortlessly

If you're more introverted , have more outlandish views / opinions OR just refuse to fit in then option 2 is going to be the way to go


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2024
Reaction score
It's a good question and one I have been trying to answer myself
Very interesting!
For example, I knew a broke men who met a rich and wealthy girl, married and he elevated his LMS.
He was doing a common job. Now he work as CEO on this girl company. What makes this work out?
He's tall and dress well and the halo effect was huge for him. He don't have any particular technical skill, but instead, the feedback he received everyday in his life, in every social activity He "played", made him so confident.
It was like snowballing for him.

Now, there are people like me, and maybe you, who don't have the "Luck" of getting the positive feedback loop from the society because of something: It could be our exterior or our interior missing something, but we struggle to find the way because of that.

What should we do?
As you've said, we could still find a way to provide value.
Imagine doing this, while still getting back the negative feedback from society, nature and your career too..
It's not a good thing, but if you thrive, and you do it, then you can start to live a normal life, at that point.

It's like someone it's born behind some other, just because he miss something that this society consider as standard?