Rio's 101 and emotional swing theory

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Don Juan
Feb 10, 2003
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I've just had a chance to read up Swinggcat's Push-Pull theory. It is quite interesting as the underlying basis of Swinggcat's Push-Pull theory is the same as Rio's 101 theory. Basically, both ideas hinge on swinging an emotion negatively to one direction, and finishing up by swinging the emotion back to positive in the opposite direction. The net effect of this is the so called "emotional swing" that so many chicks get excitement from.

As Swinggcat mentioned, this technique is often employed in Soap Operas to give women "emotional rollercoaster" rides. I'm sure that skilled seductionists have used this idea for ages but it's nice that Rio & Swinggcat have broken the structure of it down and have named it with a terminology we can use.

Of interest to note is that some women use this very method to hook a lot of guys:

The 1 or positive swing: She flirts with you and gives you an indication that she may like you

The 0 or negative swing: When you make a move on her, she pushes away with a variation of the "Lets Just Be Friends" line, refuses to give you her telephone number, cancelling a date, etc.

The 1 or positive swing: After giving you the run-around, she flirts with you again.

The above example can also be viewed as a Pull-Push-Pull according to Swinggcat.

Interestingly, a side of effect of many jerks is that they give their women various "emotional swings" ... thus, jerks more frequently 101 their women than your standard nice guy.

Anyways, here is Rio's 101 theory (original source at: ):

Date Posted: 2002/01/22 10:06:00 AM EST
Author: Neo-Rio <unknown email address>
Subject: The 101 Primer

Here is the 101 Primer document that I promised. Feel free to discuss this, suggest improvements, other examples, make comments, etc.


The 101 Primer - The Core Framework of Seduction

I was inspired to write this document because of the confusions surrounding the two kinds of SOIs (Statement Of Intent) and because some people out there didn't understand the 101 theory correctly when I originally posted bits and pieces of it on ASF ( It has been because I didn't understand it fully at the time unlike I do now. For that reason, here is a detailed explanation that will do away with the old terminology and replace it with something that can actually be
taught in a logical, thought out process without the confusion.

WHY 101?

I came up with 101 after a burnt-out alcohol filled intensive PU (Pick Up) session at night on a train to Tokyo when my mind got a direct link to my subconscious. It was there that I not only found God, but also how to seduce women should the 101 plan be done correctly and completely. I don't care if you don't believe me on that one and if it wrecks my credibility wih you. After all, I
saw God and you didn't.;) Besides, God is the creator of all life. If we want to create life (hint hint!) we have to understand it.

101 can be broken down into the numbers 0 and 1. 0 representing negative. 1 representing positive. I'll represent emotions with their numbers from now on in brackets for the rest of this document.

Similarly, if you think of computers, you will know that the transistors inside their chips only understand light-on (1), or light-off (0). Similarly, if you think of the first chapter of the Bible, you will know that God separated darkness and light. You will also be aware, that if you consider the ancient Chinese Yin-Yang symbol, that it contains a dark side and a white side. Many similar ancient and religious stories and such that speak of creation consume themselves by discussing these opposites as somehow being able to exit together in a kind of ordered chaos (how's that
for a contradiction?). Also, there is the old saying that humans cannot appreciate good feelings, without feeling bad feelings - and similarly cannot revile bad things without good things.

Going back to the Yin-yang symbol, one side is white or good (1) and the other side is dark and evil (0). Together, they make a circle. The circle represents a sense of completeness or enlightenment or infinity. Which, if one applies oneself to the search for enlightenment, is essentially a good thing (1).
Note the seeming contradiction here - that is, good and bad together is actually still good (which begs the question, is bad REALLY bad at all?)

In this way, we have 101. That is to say that in life there is good, there is evil, but all in all life is a positive experience. 101 is the basics of whatever follows in life. (Such as you will notice that the first subject of a university topic is called something-or-other 101). And for some reason, Jewish people really like this number. The Isreali army's top crack commando unit is numbered 101, and unit 101 makes an appearance in "Saving Private Ryan". Maybe that's just chance or coincidence.... or maybe I'm starting to see 101 everywhere anyway.


Before I lose some of you completely, let's now move away from the spiritual/philosophical aspect and start applying this to seduction theory. Let's not also forget that as students of seduction, we try to use logical structure to create emotion. This too is a contradiction in terms (logic vs. emotion) - but with 101 we have a plan to merge the two together into something workable.

As most students of seduction are aware, the conscious mind can be bypassed through telling stories - because stories are fiction and therefore not limited to reality. Once the listener is placed in this state of "anything goes", the storyteller can insert all kinds of emotion into his/her target audience without resistance. Stories also follow a typical plan. That is, (1) beginning, (0) a middle, and (1) and ending. The beginning is the time in the story where everything is good and normal (1). Slowly as the story progresses, there is a problem that becomes apparent, which results in the climatic point of the story (0). Eventually as the climax subsides, the story winds its way towards conclusion - when things are explained, and the ending is either a happy one, or a good one with a different situation than the story started
out as (1).

Both 1 and 0 create a contradiction - and a MYSTERY. Confusing women like this makes them curious and wanting to know more. When you give them a plan of action (1) to solve the mystery (10) - they are coerced into doing whatever it is you really want them to do. Throughout the period of mystery, however, your intentions are mostly obscure to the female - thus giving her
a task to complete (usually something that you want her to do anyway) to get what she wants, which is what you are offering (which, if you want to leave a bad taste in her mouth, you don't have to give).

101, in this way, is pure manipulation. It works as an effective "double bind" to influence people. Let me point out that I'd rather not have to use mind-control to get women. Instead, I'd rather install good feelings into them, and let them work on it. However, not all women are going to be like this, thus we have a need for 101. 101, however, is only manipulation in so far as it is a contract of conduct between two people ? as I will be showing later on. In this sense, 101 isn't really bad manipulation at all, because people use contracts all the time to do business together. 101 is about gentle persuasion to get women to do
what they really want to do anyway ? in a safe environment.


I find that 101 can be used in many different ways during the course of seduction. Three common ones spring to mind (but there are many others)

1. As a general seduction plan (e.g. Takeaways)
2. As a way to set relationship expectations
3. As a way to give a woman controlled emotional swings (flirting, NEGs,

Depending on how you use a 101 routine, the parts of each component will be


Now I'm going to explain the components (and their many vairations in usage) in detail so that you can use it to pick up women. I'm going to use the analogy of a contract in order to explain 101. 101 IS a sales contract (in an extreme seduction sense: think "marriage"), because it is a logical plan to make two people safe in being able to express their otherwise"illogical"
and uncontrollable feelings (note the contradiction). In each of the parts, you can use NLP or some other kind of languaging skill to speak to her emotionally. Also, I'm sure you will find many other pick-up techniques will fit in nicely into the framework.

Also, pay particular note to the presuppositions that 101 makes. There are very important, and will be explained first, followed by ways each part of 101 can be used
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Don Juan
Feb 10, 2003
Reaction score

Presuppositions are:-
* You display value to the chick. You really want her to have it. It is what is motivating you to approach. (patterning, incredible connections, lofty talk about bullsh*t you promise to do for her)
* Your real intentions are made vague (e.g. like MTLs "get with you" comment) so that the chick can find her own value from this (be it sexual or otherwise). All bases are covered this way.
* Your intentions are made doubly vague by making your real intentions seem like hers. (when they are not). See mirroring, eliciting and feeding back values etc. Being the man she wants to f*ck, being the product she wants to buy etc.
* You swing her emotions positively

Other techniques:-
- Show of interest (SOI) - Can either be through complimenting, or asking a woman about something that you find particularly interesting about her. etc. This is done genuinely (of course) and will require some observation on your part to figure out exactly how to do this. If the woman is ugly, you probably won't be able to find something to ask about anyway.
- Statement of Intentions - You tell her that your only intentions are to make her happy in the ways that she likes. Well this is somewhat true because it is a good thing to make people happy, but not 100% true either (because we want sex as well). Meanwhile, your REAL intentions come later on in the third part. The "noble" intentions told here are to build value.
- Story telling, and entertaining of some variety.
- Mirroring. Things in common (You want the same things as her - so you say)
- Building value - Presenting a situation to a woman that you know she would
enjoy (The rich and famous have this part easy)
- Creating a good first impression.
- Pre-supposing is key here, as she has not bought anything or received anything from you yet. You need to create the image in her head, and be able to back up claims that you can actually do these things you promise for her. She needs to believe that you will deliver.
- Positive emotional swing
- Getting her to say "yes, yes" immediately
- Getting the chick to promise you things from the value you gave (giving you a rule and a mental weapon to use against her in the next part). An example by Rock Harders: After displaying value, he would get the woman to agree that she liked him and had a good time talking with him. She would then have to continue to agree with this so she would have no excuses about coming out to see him when he called her up ? because she said she liked
talking to him.
- Describe this to her emotionally, and dramatically
- Should this part be missing, you will not attract the woman to you at all.


Presuppositions are:
* You lay down the rules of interaction, and back up the rules with logic, reason, and your own CONGRUENCE.
* You make her feel guilty - on her own accord for breaking your rules. This guilt will give her no room to move or fight back with you. She recognizes that she is wrong, and that it is all her fault (very important).
* You stand by your rules, no matter what (congruence)
* You swing her emotions negatively

Other techniques:-
- Your rules. This includes expected behavior from both you and her. Let's remember, your word is law. Your rules come #1 in your life above any woman. You need to be able to enforce your own rules and terms and conditions despite anything that she does. Your rules must follow logical argument and leave no room for emotional responses. They must be followed, IF you are to
continue to feel comfortable about giving of yourself to her. What rules to have is worthy of another separate post.
- This is your appeal to her nobler motives (That is, a good moral
explanation of why she should respond to your 101 at all) - and a way to avoid future arguments (cause you have the good reason). Tell a story about your own mistakes in order to highlight your noble motives - if need be.
- Do NOT let this part get heated or turn into an argument (should you be laying down rules of conduct) - or you will kill the seduction at this point. Rational logic (and stories about how your logic is right) will prevail here only. Insults will not.
- Defaulting the chick. Find some reason (logically preferably) which explains to the chick that she has thrown away her chance to get more of the value you were offering. This can often be explained verbally - or even done at random with body language to throw the chick off and make her self-conscious - all by herself.
- Negative emotional swing
- Display being busy, occupied, hard to tie down, be controlled, or limited to one chick (social proof)
- Demand respect
- Showing a willingness to walk
- Throw down a challenge
- Make her feel that she is wrong - all by herself. Indirectly call
attention to her mistakes.
- Describe this to her logically.
- Should this part be missing, you will allow the chick the opportunity to
walk all over you.


Presuppositions are:
* You tell her what to do.
* You make this part seem as if the thing you want her to do now, is not really what you want for yourself (See the first 1), ....but in actual fact it is! ;)
* You leverage her guilt.
* You dangle a positive emotional swing in front of her.

Other techniques:-
- To provide her with a suitable solution to the contradictions of the 1 and 0, in case she can't figure out what to do about it. Make it sound fun and enjoyable.
- Your real intentions revealed in a disguise here. You get her to do an activity which is beneficial for you, under the pretense that it's not what you really want (Remember, the nobler motives) when it is. See the SOI used as a bluff in the first part. Pay particular note to the set up that goes into this.
- Complete a ritual to make sense of the two conflicting emotions.
- Hold a positive emotional swing in front of her.
- Get her to prove herself to you, if you are to give her what she wants.
- Describe it to her emotionally
- Find a solution for her to get with you in the way you specified (perhaps she is in a club with friends). Make it easy for her to buy.
- Allow her to save face here - by doing what you suggested.
- Use future pacing. Get her to think about how happy she will be after she
makes the decision.
- Make it appear like it was her idea, and it is in her interests.
- Ask her about her thoughts on doing what you suggest, and if she has anything to add to it.
- Should this part be missing, you will probably not advance the seduction at all.

These are, in a nutshell, the basics of generating your own seduction patterns to chicks.As you can see, it contains an emotional swing. Women particularly enjoy having emotional swings - so with 101, you can plan on making one. 101 can be used in many different ways, either in patterning, or in the context of a seduction. You can also see very easily how the plan would fall to pieces if one of the steps were to be missing.


Detecting 101 is actually quite difficult - unless you know what to look for. Difficult because people have a natural tendency to avoid those people who are selfish and wanting to use us - and if those people are doing this in an obvious fashion - we avoid them. 101 is different however, because we are GIVING our targets things they want. When someone is apparently giving
things to us, we cannot even slightly consider that they are being selfish - and it slips under the radar. Suddenly, the target learns that she will have to pay for it to keep it, and that is her responsibility, then the tables are turned. She leads herself into believing that she is in the wrong, and we become totally innocent. At all times, we have to consider the motives of
those people we trust doing things for us. Indeed, those who GIVE are greater than those who receive. Putting people in debt to you gives you a lot of power.

On that note, here's how women can use 101 to seduce us men:

1 - First, women build their sexual value (a bit obvious, right?) through appearance - or by approaching us and suggesting to us that they really want to have sex. All the while, confusing men into believing that she wants sex as much as men do ? without actually saying it.
0 - Then, by accusing the men she attracts of doing something supposedly bad
(e.g. perving, looking at other women, not paying her enough attention, accusing us of being players, going out with male friends, perving, some other kind of nonsense that PUAs [Pick Up Artist] will easily dismiss), she can turn the tables in her favour. Some bitc*es will simply treat men like sh*t and not accuse men verbally.
1 - When she has induced enough guilt in her target male, she can start demanding committed relationships and all the stuff that she REALLY wants.

As you can see however, that if detected, destroying a 101 double-bind is easy if you pull one of the components out of it. Now, pulling apart a female seduction plan will ensure that you never get rejected or manipulated ? but if you fail to build your own 101 plan too, you will not get laid. Let's look at how to rip apart a woman's seduction plan:

1 - If a person rejects the value presented them. (e.g. NEG theory, insulting the woman, showing negative interest in her)
0 - Attacks the logic or reasoning behind the challenge (dealing with her sh*t tests effectively)
1 - Or by refusing to carry out the solution, or carrying out a solution different to the one intended (Refusing to supplicate)
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Don Juan
Feb 10, 2003
Reaction score
Similarly, your seduction can fall apart if a woman:-

1 ? Rejects the value you are presenting her (because you failed to elicit her true values and/or put her in a state which lets her feel this value)
0 ? Rejects the rules of interaction you have (Because you failed to present
a challenge to her, gain respect, explain your rules properly, or she has found a crack in your congruency to keep your own rules)
1 ? Rejects the things you want her to do (because you failed to convince her that they were in her interests)


Here's a few tips on using 101 as openers. Pay attention to the fact that sex is not a value that most women look for - and therefore it is not one that we can use in the first 1 of 101 (E.g. "I will f*ck you hard" as an opening line). Saying that risks us getting slapped. The exception to this of course is a seductress who takes you for a sucker and will try to play you herself (as in the female seduction example) - only to get played by you
anyway! Sex is NOT a mutual experience to a woman because she has a lot to lose if she gets pregnant. I find that good SOIs tend to be vague enough to be interpreted sexually and non-sexually. Saying things like "I'd like to take you home" or "I want to get to know you on an... intimate... level" or "I want to make you....very... happy" will cover both bases and attract a
wider range of chicks (in my experience)

Also, try not to SOI or build value in ways you cannot possibly bring to realization later on. If the value you build is too unrealistic (e.g. I want to buy you a Ferrari, get married to you), she won't believe you - and if she does and you don't deliver later on - you'll have a really pissed off woman to deal with.

After this, once you have achieved good rapport with a woman after building significant value, is to break rapport and default her behaviour ? using whatever logical reason you can. Here you can lay down your rules of conduct, tell stories about why you have rules of conduct, and educate her in following them.

Then, once you have got her into a guilt trip, you can give her ways to save face. One way will be to go out with you or do something else.

Note:- Ignoring a woman, walking away, or telling her to go away is NOT part of 101 AT ALL.
Ignoring a woman gives her zero emotional swing whatsoever ? unless you have displayed SIGNIFICANT value, which you know she will do anything to keep. Persistence is key to getting any chick. Only AFTER you have had sex and continued to display significant value to woman ? that ignoring a woman completely EVER becomes a technique.


Here are some examples of 101 in action:-

1 - Build rapport and value with a woman.
0 - Accuse her of something which you don't like, in a rational manner, until she believes that it's her fault. (e.g. not coming to see you, not calling you up enough etc.)
1 - Tell her that she has to make it up to you by doing exactly what you want - if you are to give her the value you gave her before. (This is otherwise known as a takeaway)

1 - Tell the woman that you like her hair
0 - Tell her it's out of step with the style these days.
1 - Tell her it looks nice anyway
(This is otherwise known as a Neg)

1 - Use a blatantly sexual PU line
0 - Say you were just kidding, and get to know her a bit better.
1 - Use another blatantly sexual PU line.
(The direct and powerful PU style of Grand Master Flash. Note how value is built with sex, real intent is disguised as a joke, and the challenge for her is to have a sense of humour and allow him to bombard her with sexual feelings)

1 - "You look like the sort of person that I'd like to make very happy"
0 - "But I could be very wrong about you, because I just met you. I don't know if you are the kind of person who likes adventure or intense emotional experiences."
1 - "So how about we meet over there for coffee so we can find out if we could really like each other?" (Simple PU opening to entice a woman to coffee)

1 - Remind woman of all the good things you have done for her.
0 - Tell her that she has messed up by doing whatever it was that annoyed you, and that she will have to suffer the consequences.
1 - Tell her that if she wants to be back in your good graces, she's going to have to have sex with you in exactly the way you want. (Dealing with women you are with, who are giving you a hard time)

1 - "I like your foreign accent
0 - It will probably annoy the hell out of me after a while
1 - But it's kinda cute"
(Some playful flirting. This 101 is tried and tested ? and works)

1 - I want to do anything sexual you'll like
0 - But I this is my job, and you have to respect that. These are my rules.
1 - I need $100 a half hour to see if you want nookie.
(How a prostitute could use 101. Note also, that women have to offer sex upfront in order to build value with men before they can lay down rules and conditions - or even attempt to pull off a 101. Be warned then, of women who talk about sex to you too early after you meet them)

1 - Woman dresses up sexy in a bar
0 - Woman gets angry when guys hit on her
1 - Woman demands that she be treated right by men and shown a good time (Typical female instincts. By using sex to build value, laying down rules to enduce men into guilt, and finally by using that guilt to tell men what they should be doing - which just happens to be what she wanted them to do for her all along.)

1 - I really like you
0 - However, I don't want to f*ck you (chick feels sting of rejection)
1 - I want to make love to you
(I saw this in a film called "Some Girl". A PUA picks up this chick and uses these lines to lay her. I was thrown back when I heard it, cause it was pure
101. Note that the strength of it comes in the fact that women like to hear "make love" (unselfish male) rather than "f*ck" (selfish male) - but the emotional swings are still present - which makes the final 1 all that more powerful when it is said.)

1 - Give value. Compliment women. Invite her somewhere.
0 - Suddenly, with no warning given, look at her funny, and back off from her as if she has some disease. (Made the women get self-concious)
1 - Mention that you would like her to come to (wherever you want to go), but you are not sure if she's the right person for it - but you'll still invite her anyway (A style of PU I learnt from a PUA on Guam. He made the women feel very good and then suddenly very bad all on their own accord - and they didn't hate him for it at all - because they believed that they were at fault. He used
the guilt as leverage to get chicks to go out with him)

There are also ways to use 101 outside the field of seduction too, such as in business or simply as ways to be poetic:

1 - Christ was born
0 - Christ died
1 - Christ will come again
(It's kept Christians in hope for all these years)

1 ? Telling people that God really loves you, and that you can go to heaven
0 ? Telling them that there are rules for this, and that they must be followed or risk eternal damnation
1 ? Telling them to sustain the organization financially, do some ridiculous ritual, or commit terror attacks, is their only key to paradise. (How organized religion can be used to manipulate people)

1 - I love you
0 - I'll kill you
1 - But I'll love you forever
(Using 101 to create emotional swings. This is actually a line from a music track by Enigma. Imagine saying that to a chick!)

1- These knives we sell will never go blunt on you Mrs. Jones, and that saves you time and money.
0 - But they're probably way too expensive for you to buy upfront
1 - So, let me show you here just how you can spend only 2 cents a day over a period of 3 months to pay for them.
(A mock sales pitch)

1 - I really wanted to take you to the fair today Jimmy
0 - But since you didn't eat your vegetables, which are good for you, so I'm not going to take you.
1 - So now, I'm only going to consider taking you if you clean your room.

1 - That's a pretty dress you are wearing this morning, and you are a very attractive young woman.
0 - Now, don't get stuck up. I just said that to make you feel good.
1- From now on, I wish you to be a little bit more careful with your
punctuation (An actual use of 101 as told in Part 4 Chapter 1 of "How to Win Friends and Influence People". The principle of the chapter was to "Begin with praise and honest appreciation" - i.e. the first 1 of 101.)


At times when you are using 101 to lay down some rules to a chick, or patterning a woman, be serious. Use deep tonality.
At other times, when you are using 101s to create value to a chick (e.g. 101s in storytelling, or flirting) then you can swing your own emotions around as much as you want.

Sorry if this sounds confusing, but I find it interesting to note how 101s can be stacked inside other 101s. Eg. Using 101s in story telling (to get emotional swings) as the first 1 in an overall 101 seduction plan.
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Don Juan
Feb 10, 2003
Reaction score

Be warned to not use 101 recklessly. 101s can be abused to the point where you can severely mess with a chick's head. This is very easy to do if you are primarily using 101s as emotional swings. If you overdo this, you can crosswire her emotions totally and drive her nuts.

You can also come up with all sorts of silly rules for the woman to follow if you have displayed enough value (e.g. You will have to learn how to quack like a duck if you ever want me to be nice to you ever again). Once you have got a deep emotional connection with a woman, use your common sense and DON'T abuse it. Sure it may be fun for a while, but treating a woman badly for no reason will take its toll on YOUR conscience ? and then you will have to re-evaluate what you are really looking for in your relationships with women, and what you really want them to do for you.

Also, remember that by having illogical rules (that cannot be defended rationally), or rules that most people will object to ? you may run the risk of being challenged by other men (or other women who are getting a better deal). This can severely affect your social reputation in a negative way ? hence this warning.




Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2003
Reaction score
Red Sox Nation
Originally posted by Maximus_Decimus

Be warned to not use 101 recklessly. 101s can be abused to the point where you can severely mess with a chick's head. This is very easy to do if you are primarily using 101s as emotional swings. If you overdo this, you can crosswire her emotions totally and drive her nuts.
I don't think you have that much control of a person's emotions anyway. Yes you may get them mad, or angry or pissed off but the level you're implying that this works in is far beyond this. I don't think people in a normal setting would allow anyone to get to that level no matter how much NLP says that you can through stories. Unless you've gotten them to trust you completely. And that only happens when you have a person's best interest in mind.


Don Juan
Feb 10, 2003
Reaction score
Wanted to bring up 101 theory and Push/Pull again with respect to the Mystery Method. Backturns and Qualifiers/Disqualifers are bascially examples of how the Mystery Method uses the 101 theory or Push/Pull technique.



Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
New York
Dear God. How about just being masculine?


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
New York
soniq said:
that has nothing to do with anything.

it's a technique, it doesn't involve masculinity, unlike you i don't have to check my pants every 5 minutes to to make sure my balls are still there.
OK. You spend a few months mastering this--or any other technique--and get back to us.

Women want to fvck MEN. I think that has to do with everything.


Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
Lol I was doing this subconciously for a while now.

101 is everywhere with chicks.

Then you hear some guy go why is a girl putting up with this or something like that, analyzing it at the very top of cake while there are many layers under it.

Looking at the situation logically.


Don Juan
Feb 10, 2003
Reaction score
whistler said:
OK. You spend a few months mastering this--or any other technique--and get back to us.

Women want to fvck MEN. I think that has to do with everything.
A year after posting this, I suggest not to strictly use it as a technique per say but to instead, understand and internalize the underlying ideas. Simply understand the underlying ideas Rio and Swinggcat are getting at and why 101 or Push/Pull is very effective with women.

In general, if you are a fun guy and charismatic with women, you will automatically be using 101 and Push/Pull subconsciously. Rio and Swinggcat are simply "breaking down" in detail what a lot of charismatic men (with women) automatically do.



Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
Solid gold. I too realize this is what i've been doing subconciously all my life, with girls, with lots of people. I think it started out from trying to be funny, to confuse expectations.

If I said something nice it occured to me it would be funny to undercut it, then nice to reassure them again. Give their little emotions an adventure. Only later did I begin to fathom it's true power, bwoohaha.

And yes, women were clearly taught this technique at primary school.


Don Juan
Feb 10, 2003
Reaction score
Nighthawk said:
Solid gold. I too realize this is what i've been doing subconciously all my life, with girls, with lots of people. I think it started out from trying to be funny, to confuse expectations.

If I said something nice it occured to me it would be funny to undercut it, then nice to reassure them again. Give their little emotions an adventure. Only later did I begin to fathom it's true power, bwoohaha.

And yes, women were clearly taught this technique at primary school.
Yes, Nighthawk hit it right on the mark!

Any man who is charismatic with women is simply giving "their little emotions an adventure."



Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
It's just like how you tease a cat or child with something it wants. It might not even want the thing very much when you begin.

Here you go... Nope, I've taken it away! Haha, don't worry, here it is again - you want it more now, don't you... well, haha, I've taken it away again... where is it? Just out of reach... oo, now you really want it! here you go. Wow look how happy you are now.

Except instead of raising interest levels in a rattle or ball of string you are raising interest levels in you and your positive attention. And it's all amplified by your frame of complete control.


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2024
Reaction score
So, women in this era, give men many hints: Women read romance, and spicy romance for a reason.
Isn't this telling us they want to be on an "emotional rollercoaster"?
Now, you're a men, and you want to be on an emotional "flat serenity", right? This is what i personally like for my life. Also your family life should be your safe home, not your war.
This is why I always find hard to provoke and make a women feel "emotionally right" in her terms, in mypresence, but I have successfully helped to make her feel "relaxed".

Is it possible for a men to make a women feel that emotional rollercoaster attachment, while still being flat, and hard as a rock?


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Is it possible for a men to make a women feel that emotional rollercoaster attachment, while still being flat, and hard as a rock?
Sure, but your attitude should be like an indulgent father to a hormonally crazed teenager.

And 'emotional self control' is not the same as 'emotionless stoic robot'. When people tighten up on their emotions, they should they really don't have the self-control they display. That's why you should be relaxed and more fatherly than dominant. You want to be 'in control' but not 'controlling'.

Controlling behaviour shows insecurity in your authority. True authority is recognised and doesn't need to be enforced.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Please explain the difference in behaviour with an example
Indulgent father: treats annoying woman like pouty teenager to make her realise she should change her behaviour.
Dominant: treats annoying woman like a burden and forces change in her behaviour, needs to project 'alpha', gets exhausted.


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2024
Reaction score
Indulgent father: treats annoying woman like pouty teenager to make her realise she should change her behaviour.
Dominant: treats annoying woman like a burden and forces change in her behaviour, needs to project 'alpha', gets exhausted.
I now know what you mean by that.
Is Indulgent father seens as "beta" in an LTr, or is the way to go?
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