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Woke And Sober


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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SMART Recovery(An organization I've belonged to since 2013)'s current Executive Director(Who also just happens to formerly be the organization's first DEI chief), recently sent out the following newsletter:

"Considering Power Dynamics in Our Meetings
Power dynamics exist any time human beings gather in a community with one another, and our self-management mutual support group meetings are no exception. Noticing and attending to the power dynamics that exist in our meetings is critical as facilitators. Not doing so is a barrier to empowerment that we should all be concerned about if we want our meetings to be safe places for for all participants to pursue their recovery journeys. What do we mean by power? In this context, we are referring to the real and perceived agency that one has over one’s own life and circumstances. There are a variety of factors that help to determine the relative power that an individual perceives in a given situation. Consider these examples:
Accumulated Recovery Time
Closeness to the Facilitator
Financial Security
Relationship Security
Education Level
Gender Identity
Sexual Orientation
Physical Health and Ability
Mental Health and Ability
History of Trauma
While there are no absolutes as we consider the relative power of individuals in our meetings, we generally learn enough about participants to be able to recognize when an interpersonal situation is occurring between individuals that are not equally “powerful” at that time. It is crucial in those situations that we, the rained facilitators, intervene as necessary to reinforce the agency of the less powerful party to describe their experiences in their terms without judgment from other group members. If a participant is new to the group, we should assume that they are at a relative power disadvantage simply as a newcomer. Telling new or less powerful participants to use a SMART tool or how to use a SMART tool in response to a share is NOT what we are trained to do when a participant shares something vulnerable with the group. Instead, we should validate the person’s experience, ask how the group can provide support, and use our motivational interviewing skills to explore the share with the participant if they are interested in doing so. If a fellow participant, especially a more powerful participant, invalidates a person’s share, we should remind them that we don’t give direct advice in SMART Recovery and proceed with the steps above.
SMART Recovery is an incredible tool for empowerment when it’s implemented in a way that respects that not every person is starting off on a level power playing field. I hope that you’ll join me in reflecting on this topic with an open mind in the spirit of continuous improvement and wanting SMART Recovery to not just be accessible to all, but also empowering for all.
Pete Rubinas (he/him/his)"

In response, I posted this, in several online SMART Recovery forums:

"Let me begin by expressing my admiration for Mr. Rubinas's courage and intellectual acuity... He's publicly acknowledged that Race IS NOT a social construct, and that it's indeed vital for us to start forming conclusions about each other, the minute we notice the colors of our skins, hair textures, and facial features. For the past several decades, a handful of unfailingly honest Americans (David Duke, Amy Wax, Nick Wade, J. Philippe Rushton, Anthony Cumia, etc)have waged a lonely crusade, in championing this uncomfortable truth, and it's refreshing to see SMART abide by the ideals we preach... Namely, our commitment to rigorous scientific inquiry and hard-nosed empiricism

As a swarthy-complexioned child of immigrants to The US myself, words cannot describe the joy which electrifies every fiber of my being, whenever I read or hear the leaders of our civic and private institutions encourage fellow citizens to notice my bronze skin tone, raven hair, and aquiline nose, then jump to conclusions regarding my station in life, beliefs, favorite foods, and overall world view based upon my physical traits alone, BEFORE they've even spoken with me. This is an immense improvement over the dark days of The Early-Mid 2000s, when both The Department Of Homeland Security and the producers of TV's 24 convinced pasty-complexioned America that they were performing their civic duty, each time they looked at me, and reflexively inferred: "When he's not beating his wife within inches of her life for exposing too much ankle in public, he's probably beheading infidels in his backyard with a scimitar!!!"

So far, the only reactions I've received have been the mods at these SMART Recovery forums deleting my post
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Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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Just when we think those who espouse Equity And Inclusion couldn't reveal themselves to be any more racist, sexist, and homophobic, they inevitably up the ante
In any event, what I've written here is far less scathing what I posted over at SMART's official Reddit page Which, not surprisingly, was removed by the mods for "Bullying and unkind words"

Fairly certain she didn't pick up on the post's satirical atmosphere either


Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2019
Reaction score
Rigorous scientific inquiry and hard nosed empiricism... These they/thems delete your posts or ban you because you're disrupting their echo chamber.

You can't have a debate with these people because they aren't interested in debate or truth. All they care about is power, it's literally the title of the newsletter, and it doesn't phase them in the least if they have to lie, cheat or steal to get that power.

True believers in DEI/Marxism are Machiavellian at the very least (BAMN) and often Narcissistic too. That's 2 out of 3 of the dark triad. It's no wonder that Marxism always ends in suffering, starvation and bloodshed.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
Reaction score
Rigorous scientific inquiry and hard nosed empiricism... These they/thems delete your posts or ban you because you're disrupting their echo chamber.

You can't have a debate with these people because they aren't interested in debate or truth. All they care about is power, it's literally the title of the newsletter, and it doesn't phase them in the least if they have to lie, cheat or steal to get that power.

True believers in DEI/Marxism are Machiavellian at the very least (BAMN) and often Narcissistic too. That's 2 out of 3 of the dark triad. It's no wonder that Marxism always ends in suffering, starvation and bloodshed.
Very true. I mentioned in an earlier post on this thread that my full-length lampoon of the newsletter, posted and now deleted from SMART'S Reddit page ( ) was far more scathing. Here's the rest of it:

"All of that said, I'm also now compelled to express my dissatisfaction with Director Rubinas(And perhaps our current leadership at SMART more generally)'s omission/overlooking of the most marginalized demographics in America today. The steady increase of attendees who come to us bedeviled with sex and porn addictions all but guarantees that our meetings are already playing host to many of the following three, even if most of them haven't spoken openly of their predicement(s) in meetings:



-How can I say this tactfully... People Who Are Anatomically Stimulated By Pre-pubescent Humans (PWAASBPHs)

The monumental power differential which exists between us "normies", who can speak openly about our lovers and engage them in public displays of affection to our heart's delight, and those who belong to the aforementioned segements of the population, no doubt contributes heavily to their remaining silent on these same topics during SMART meetings

Law and societal prudery forces the corpse f-cker to press his lips to those of his throughly decayed paramour strictly within the concealment of his basement, the literal animal lover to rim her Saint Bernard's anus only in the privacy of her own living room, and the PWAASBPH to speak freely of their predilection nowhere, except the most obscure corners of The Internet

Any thoughts as to how we can rectify this disparity are most welcome. Would it be too forward to start asking everyone in attendance at our meetings if they're currently engaged in necrophilia, bestiality, or violating The Other Taboo Centered On Kids? Or whether or not the porn they consume regularly includes sequences such as these?

Is not making such inquiries of our attendees less a matter of being "too forward", and more a matter keeping meetings Safe(According to the redefinition of that word, via the miracle of Concept Creep )for those present who copulate only with living human beings over the age of 18?

If we're not to ask direct questions like "Does anyone here sodomize cadavers you've stolen from the local morgue, fellate the Clydesdales whilst visiting your family farm on the weekends , or re-enact scenes from Greek mythology with your neighbor's 5 year old?", how can we possibly attend to power differentials that we're not aware of?

If it's A-OK for us to make such inquiries of the lambs in our flock, and a few(Or perhaps many)who are present answer in the affirmative, is it then "invalidating" for those of us who DON'T get our jollies off with the dead, non-human animals, and People Below The Age Of 12 to display even mild disgust, upon learning that we're in presence of those who do indulge in such hobbies?

I've already broached this subject at a Wednedday SMM meeting and with my regional coordinator
The results of doing so ranged from non-existent to diasterous. At the former, the only person to respond was a fella named Michael*, who spent the entire hour talking without actually answering the question. While the latter fell to the floor in some sort of seizure before I'd even finished asking her(Relax: She/her are her preferred pronouns. Girl goes out of her way to make everyone's aware of this, the minute they meet her), now claims that she developed PTSD from the words I uttered, and is threatening me with a lawsuit. So any help will be great

*This particular Micheal claims to have recently written a book on Stoicism, and also admits that when he runs a meeting, he doesn't actually do anything that we advertise
He's also confessed during SMM to using elements of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (specifically, using Pros And Cons, instead of the Cost-Benefit Analysis in SMART's workbook) during the meetings he facilitates yet, like the crack dealer who regularly calls the cops on his neighbors for drinking a beer while standing on the side walk, doesn't hesitate to report on his fellow facilitators if they so much as mention another approach that falls under the umbrella of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy(ACT, Schema-Focused Therapy, etc)whenever he's in earshot. Mike Mike's devotion to the principles of candor and integrity couldn't be more unassailable"

The Reddit mod who deleted my exercise in gallows comedy provided the following rationale for doing so:

"Your post/comment was removed because it violates a community rule (ie. no bullying or unkind words). You are making attacks towards individuals that cannot be corroborated. Please direct your concerns towards the national office if you have issues with them"

Fair inference: She managed to somehow be offended, DESPITE not even getting the joke
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Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
Reaction score
Very true. I mentioned in an earlier post on this thread that my full-length lampoon of the newsletter, posted and now deleted from SMART'S Reddit page ( ) was far more scathing. Here's the rest of it:

"All of that said, I'm also now compelled to express my dissatisfaction with Director Rubinas(And perhaps our current leadership at SMART more generally)'s omission/overlooking of the most marginalized demographics in America today. The steady increase of attendees who come to us bedeviled with sex and porn addictions all but guarantees that our meetings are already playing host to many of the following three, even if most of them haven't spoken openly of their predicement(s) in meetings:



-How can I say this tactfully... People Who Are Anatomically Stimulated By Pre-pubescent Humans (PWAASBPHs)

The monumental power differential which exists between us "normies", who can speak openly about our lovers and engage them in public displays of affection to our heart's delight, and those who belong to the aforementioned segements of the population, no doubt contributes heavily to their remaining silent on these same topics during SMART meetings

Law and societal prudery forces the corpse f-cker to press his lips to those of his throughly decayed paramour strictly within the concealment of his basement, the literal animal lover to rim her Saint Bernard's anus only in the privacy of her own living room, and the PWAASBPH to speak freely of their predilection nowhere, except the most obscure corners of The Internet

Any thoughts as to how we can rectify this disparity are most welcome. Would it be too forward to start asking everyone in attendance at our meetings if they're currently engaged in necrophilia, bestiality, or violating The Other Taboo Centered On Kids? Or whether or not the porn they consume regularly includes sequences such as these?

Is not making such inquiries of our attendees less a matter of being "too forward", and more a matter keeping meetings Safe(According to the redefinition of that word, via the miracle of Concept Creep )for those present who copulate only with living human beings over the age of 18?

If we're not to ask direct questions like "Does anyone here sodomize cadavers you've stolen from the local morgue, fellate the Clydesdales whilst visiting your family farm on the weekends , or re-enact scenes from Greek mythology with your neighbor's 5 year old?", how can we possibly attend to power differentials that we're not aware of?

If it's A-OK for us to make such inquiries of the lambs in our flock, and a few(Or perhaps many)who are present answer in the affirmative, is it then "invalidating" for those of us who DON'T get our jollies off with the dead, non-human animals, and People Below The Age Of 12 to display even mild disgust, upon learning that we're in presence of those who do indulge in such hobbies?

I've already broached this subject at a Wednedday SMM meeting and with my regional coordinator
The results of doing so ranged from non-existent to diasterous. At the former, the only person to respond was a fella named Michael*, who spent the entire hour talking without actually answering the question. While the latter fell to the floor in some sort of seizure before I'd even finished asking her(Relax: She/her are her preferred pronouns. Girl goes out of her way to make everyone's aware of this, the minute they meet her), now claims that she developed PTSD from the words I uttered, and is threatening me with a lawsuit. So any help will be great

*This particular Micheal claims to have recently written a book on Stoicism, and also admits that when he runs a meeting, he doesn't actually do anything that we advertise
He's also confessed during SMM to using elements of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (specifically, using Pros And Cons, instead of the Cost-Benefit Analysis in SMART's workbook) during the meetings he facilitates yet, like the crack dealer who regularly calls the cops on his neighbors for drinking a beer while standing on the side walk, doesn't hesitate to report on his fellow facilitators if they so much as mention another approach that falls under the umbrella of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy(ACT, Schema-Focused Therapy, etc)whenever he's in earshot. Mike Mike's devotion to the principles of candor and integrity couldn't be more unassailable"

The Reddit mod who deleted my exercise in gallows comedy provided the following rationale for doing so:

"Your post/comment was removed because it violates a community rule (ie. no bullying or unkind words). You are making attacks towards individuals that cannot be corroborated. Please direct your concerns towards the national office if you have issues with them"

Fair inference: She managed to somehow be offended, DESPITE not even getting the joke
Hell, I'm not even convinced that that moderator over at SMART's Reddit page/those of her ilk more generally(The organization's current Executive Director included)actually picked up on the acerbic nature of the opening portion of my reply/lampoon to and of that damn newsletter:

"...As a swarthy-complexioned child of immigrants to The US myself, words cannot describe the joy which electrifies every fiber of my being, whenever I read or hear the leaders of our civic and private institutions encourage fellow citizens to notice my bronze skin tone, raven hair, and aquiline nose, then jump to conclusions regarding my station in life, beliefs, favorite foods, and overall world view based upon my physical traits alone, BEFORE they've even spoken with me. This is an immense improvement over the dark days of The Early-Mid 2000s, when both The Department Of Homeland Security and the producers of TV's 24 convinced pasty-complexioned America that they were performing their civic duty, each time they looked at me, and reflexively inferred:
"When he's not beating his wife within inches of her life, for exposing too much ankle in public, he's probably beheading infidels in his backyard with a scimitar!!!"


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
Reaction score
Rigorous scientific inquiry and hard nosed empiricism... These they/thems delete your posts or ban you because you're disrupting their echo chamber.

You can't have a debate with these people because they aren't interested in debate or truth. All they care about is power, it's literally the title of the newsletter, and it doesn't phase them in the least if they have to lie, cheat or steal to get that power.

True believers in DEI/Marxism are Machiavellian at the very least (BAMN) and often Narcissistic too. That's 2 out of 3 of the dark triad. It's no wonder that Marxism always ends in suffering, starvation and bloodshed.
On a similar note, a friend of mine who relies heavily on Townhall for his news recently remarked "We could do with less violent criminals and gang members coming across the border". Understandable as such anxieties are, I can't help but suspect:

A 21st Century answer to Adolfo de Jesus Constanzo ( )coming stateside, to rid us of recent Swarthmore grads hellbent on turning The US into one gigantic Safe Space, would be the most welcome import this side of Samsung flat-screens

A south-of-the-border Messiah such as this arriving on our soil could easily be the equivalent to The Orkin Man appearing at the front door of a mansion, that's built entirely of Springwood
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