My GF has a friend who is visiting her from another state for several months while on a temporary work assignment in our area. 49yo. When it comes to adult women, this friend is about the sweetest, nicest female you could want to meet. She is very respectful to me, very caring. Even helped my mother with some things and wanted nothing in return. I have a lot of good things to say about her.. But here is the issue. Even with all those GOOD things, she is still a CHEATER. She is cheating on her BF back home! She has been getting on the dating apps and getting her lay on whenever she has time. I have seen her do a video call with her BF back home and say "I love you". Then later that same day go out with another dude. What prompted me to write this was this past weekend. She flew home just for the weekend, two nights, and came back to my GF's house. I asked her "Did you see (BF) while you were home?" She said "No, I didn't have time". I don't think she even told him she was coming home. But then she said she went to a party and hooked up with another guy! :-( WOW. My conclusion: even the sweet and nice ones will cheat if given a chance. I really think it's programmed in them deeper than the world ever thought. Even in the ones who are really nice people otherwise. The risk of getting caught is low for her, so she is going for it. I think the only way to fix this is to make it so a man can take action if his woman cheats and scare them into behaving. Something we will never see in the USA and only a tiny few other countries do/will. God help us!