Sometimes.More Rage bait by OP, who cares??? do you post anything else besides rage bait?
Explain the hooking up part if it's that easy actually.Single moms are easy, hell even moms are easy. I tried. Especially housewives. lol. I’m already on a roll with a single mommy whom I met through my niece.
edit; not talking about dating. Talking about hooking up, sex.
This is true. For childless men, even a casual sex arrangement is going to be easier with a childless woman.A man without children who has his sh*t together and his game together does not need to date single mothers.
At least if the were honest enough to say that they want protection and economical support and are willing to pay back with companionship and pragmatic would be a decent deal but instead they have all the demands of single childless women + more.I had always though that the only reason to date single mommies is to have it easy.Shouldn't a man "bringing his A game" be dating childless maidens?