As a short man


Senior Don Juan
Jul 25, 2010
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I don't get the problem my fellow short men have with their height.

I know that we short men are less desirable to women than taller men and apparently we will be less successful in our careers than taller men, but none of that bothers me.

I'm 5ft 5inches and my height has never been a problem for me, I attract women and if a vast majority of women reject me for being a shortie, then who cares, it's just their preference.

I am so comfortable with my height that I'm currently trying to get with a girl who is 6ft without heels and would have no qualms with her towering over me with or without heels.

Also one positive any short man can take away from this thread is that short men statistically outlive their taller counterparts. ;)

Mr. Kalikoat

Don Juan
May 3, 2014
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Same here FS.

I'm 1,72m (I'm not sure how much that is in feet, I think 5'7) and I've been with girls taller than myself more often than I've been with girls shorter than myself (such is the curse of where I live, women are frikkin' tall here).

The tallest girl I've been with was 5'9 and I was totally fine with that. She was fine with it too.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
My company built a style and dating site for short men

Good stuff there


Senior Don Juan
Mar 12, 2014
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San Diego
I'm 5'7. I haven't had an issue with my height since high school. Some women prefer taller men, which is just fine by me. I'm in great shape, have tons of charisma, very confident, good smile, and generally alpha, so the lack of height isn't too much of a hindrance to my game.

The only two long-term relationships I've been in were with women that were taller than me. I'm a fan of long legs (;

Thing about taller women is that, while not impossible to game, are harder because they will generally view you as lesser until you give them a reason to think otherwise.


Don Juan
Feb 24, 2014
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I'm 5'7, don't see it as a problem really, its never held me back. When I was 19 I fvcked a girl who was probably 6ft tall and looked like Mandy Moore. Its all about attitude and how you project yourself. All that said, I typically go for girls as tall or shorter then me, its just what I prefer.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 25, 2010
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
The problem is exactly what you said it was, short guys dont understand why they get overlooked and automatically disqualified by so many women just because of their height. It doesn't mean you can't do pretty well even when short, but it definitely makes things more difficult. I'd say that thr shorter guy will have to have a wider range of women he is willing to settle for than a taller guy, all things being equal, if he wants to secure steady sex.
I know exactly why a lot of women reject me for my height and I don't really care, it hasn't stopped me from attracting some gorgeous women.

As I say there's a girl I'm in the process of pursuing and she is much taller than me and if she has a problem with my height then that's cool, I'll use her as a social networking tool.

I've learned from this site not to be outcome dependent, not to obsess over the things outside of your control and lastly seize every opportunity, no matter how small that opportunity might be.

If at 5'5 I can score some good looking girls and some average and below average looking women, then there's no reason my fellow short men cannot do the same.

Height like penis size or male patterned baldness only becomes problematic when you make it a problem.


Don Juan
Dec 23, 2013
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Feel you man, I'm 5'5 too. Good thing about that if it you have an average (or even better, an above average) wang it makes it look much longer hahaha:rockon:


Oct 20, 2006
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FortunateSon said:
I don't get the problem my fellow short men have with their height.

I know that we short men are less desirable to women than taller men and apparently we will be less successful in our careers than taller men, but none of that bothers me.

I'm 5ft 5inches and my height has never been a problem for me, I attract women and if a vast majority of women reject me for being a shortie, then who cares, it's just their preference.

I am so comfortable with my height that I'm currently trying to get with a girl who is 6ft without heels and would have no qualms with her towering over me with or without heels.

Also one positive any short man can take away from this thread is that short men statistically outlive their taller counterparts. ;)
A short person just has to work harder in other areas to compensate. The manager of one of the clubs I go to is a short, bald man in his 40's. But he became state champion in body building and is pimp daddy. He pretty much rules.

PS - I'm 6'5" and had an extremely awkward childhood. Didn't really fill out normally until age 27. It's a huge advantage now, but most of the best years are gone. So height can cause issues too.

3agle 3yes

Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2012
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FortunateSon said:
Height...only becomes problematic when you make it a problem.
Not only is it not your problem, buts it's actually hers.

There is something important that men who feel insecure about their height need to realise.

What women RESPOND to will always overcome what they want.

The average woman doesn't like tall men because they are tall...they like tall men because they perceive certain prejudices from them...namely masculinity.

Logically this makes NO SENSE...height bears no relevance to how much of a man you are.

The idea that shorter guys need to "work harder" or "overcompensate" suggests somehow they are inferior...which they are not.

So, no excuses guys.


May 19, 2014
Reaction score
Boy -glad this thread was posted. This is my sort of subject.

I'm (almost) 5'7" - and have dated many women taller than me. I'm in great shape, good looking, have a great job and over the years (since a divorce at 38) have developed confidence and attitude that women respond to.

I've gotten more insecure about this however not that i'm in a relationship. She is 5 5 - but VERY attractive, flirty and gets tons of attention. I think guys see her as an easy target when i'm around. Takes some energy to deal with that.

Anyway, a few things i've picked up on the way regarding my height, confidence and women

One of the best practical pieces of advice i have heard is that for short guys to really be confident, esp with women, they need to be much better in many areas of their lives, better shape, better dressers, funnier, more confident, better jobs etc - than their taller counterparts.

I have found that my height really made me work at my game in a good way, i learned to really connect with women and also pick up on their signals

i have heard many times that women LIKE that i am short and confident. Many tall guys are never able to develop this

But it is also something that is always on my mind, and i do have to work at the "who cares" attitude more and more


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
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Chicks like what they like and give zero fücks. I met a couple where she is easy a 6 footer and he's like 5'7". The girl must do modeling, her face is amazing. Slim body. Homeboy needs a ladder to eat this chick out, but he's got her. 10 years I think he said. Just spill your juice and if she licks it up, you got her.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 12, 2014
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San Diego
pbsurf said:
I have found that my height really made me work at my game in a good way, i learned to really connect with women and also pick up on their signals

i have heard many times that women LIKE that i am short and confident. Many tall guys are never able to develop this
Lack of physical stature DOES necessitate you being well-rounded. You need to have personality and charisma. Taller, more genetically gifted men get by on talent rather than work, so are at a disadvantage in my eyes. I've stolen some talent from taller counterparts in the past, and it's gratifying knowing that it's possible.

3agle 3yes

Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
pbsurf said:
One of the best practical pieces of advice i have heard is that for short guys to really be confident, esp with women, they need to be much better in many areas of their lives, better shape, better dressers, funnier, more confident, better jobs etc - than their taller counterparts.
I still don't believe they need to "work harder".

Everyman should be in good shape, dress well, be charming, confident etc...

REGARDLESS of their height.


May 19, 2014
Reaction score
3agle 3yes said:
I still don't believe they need to "work harder".

Everyman should be in good shape, dress well, be charming, confident etc...

REGARDLESS of their height.

Of course - that is the point of this site and all the dating advice out there.

But trust me - a truly confident short guy gets attention because it is sort of rare. ALL of the tall women i've dated - 5-7 to 5-9 were fascinated by my attitude that i just didn't care about my height. And they (ok, except for a few ONS) were all hot.

And my attitude was bolstered by my dressing well, grooming, hobbies (surfing, snowboarding etc) being in top shape, etc.

Tall guys, when it comes to girls, can get by on A LOT less. Very few short guys can pull it off without really bringing something much more to the table than just what they were born with.


May 19, 2014
Reaction score
3agle 3yes said:
I still don't believe they need to "work harder".

Everyman should be in good shape, dress well, be charming, confident etc...

REGARDLESS of their height.

Of course - that is the point of this site and all the dating advice out there.

But trust me - a truly confident short guy gets attention because it is sort of rare. ALL of the tall women i've dated - 5-7 to 5-9 were fascinated by my attitude that i just didn't care about my height. And they (ok, except for a few ONS) were all hot.

And my attitude was bolstered by my dressing well, grooming, hobbies (surfing, snowboarding etc) being in top shape, etc.

Tall guys, when it comes to girls, can get by on A LOT less. Very few short guys can pull it off without really bringing something much more to the table than just what they were born with.


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2024
Reaction score
I don't get the problem my fellow short men have with their height.

I know that we short men are less desirable to women than taller men and apparently we will be less successful in our careers than taller men, but none of that bothers me.

I'm 5ft 5inches and my height has never been a problem for me, I attract women and if a vast majority of women reject me for being a shortie, then who cares, it's just their preference.

I am so comfortable with my height that I'm currently trying to get with a girl who is 6ft without heels and would have no qualms with her towering over me with or without heels.

Also one positive any short man can take away from this thread is that short men statistically outlive their taller counterparts. ;)
Thanks for sharing this!!Curious: How do you see your social aspect of life?
I'm 160cm, 20cm below national average.
My biggest problem, is not only women, but I cannot feel "dominant" in the social aspect of life.
I have to feel dominant, then woman will come. Woman it's not my focus.
I want to be dominand and feel good withing my height!


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
Reaction score
Thanks for sharing this!!Curious: How do you see your social aspect of life?
I'm 160cm, 20cm below national average.
My biggest problem, is not only women, but I cannot feel "dominant" in the social aspect of life.
I have to feel dominant, then woman will come. Woman it's not my focus.
I want to be dominand and feel good withing my height!
When I went through Basic Training, we had a drill sergeant about your height. He was solid muscle. And good at his job. He definitely had our respect


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score
I'm 5ft8 and bald-ish.. But I killed it in the gym and look good physically. You just gotta improve in other ways.

By the way bald suits me, everyone says I wouldn't suite having hair, and I have been stopped twice, just to be told that I look like Andrew Tate lol.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
Reaction score
I'm not short, but a good line to use on OLD is "we're the same height when we're lying down" (implying it doesn't phukcing matter) and then charm them in person once you meet..