List your set in stone pinnacle top 10 turn-offs in a woman

Giovanni SouthSide

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2022
Reaction score
Tijuana, Mexico
1. Bad legs/ fat/ flat ass/ shapeless figure like a can of coca cola. If the legs are sexy and juicy, the rest of the body will be fine. It's the canary in the coal mine.

2. Unnatural/heavily altered appearance (e.g. tats of any kind, nose piercings, fake nails, dyed hair, lipstick, excessive makeup)

3. Gratuitous use of vulgar language. Loud.

4. Feminist SJW traits. Politically charged. Unfeminine mannerisms. not wanting to be a mother.

5. Roast beef looking puzzy, very dark untreated butthole and just gnarly odors from any of her 3 major holes. Instant boner fainter. I'm OCD about bad smells.

6. Attention whxring. Takes immense pride in telling stories of male thirst traps directed at her/bringing up past flames. The lower she is on the 1-10, the worse it is.
This combined with selfies and social media addiction puts her in the plate 50% discount bin quicker than spit disappearing on a hot skillet.

7. Coldness derived from intense desire to
compete with me on everything. Has to have one up on me. Crass, aggressive, masculine. Commanding language.

8. Machine gunning sh1t-test questions instead of knowing how to hold a conversation
(in collaboration with having no discernible interests in anything beyond their nose = insufferable)

9. 24/7 gym obsessive, or girls who lift too many weights. Overly muscular women are injured women. I prefer that natural feminine look even with some baby thickness.

10. The "always busy" girl that would rather grind long hours at a company. Has a 50-60 hour workweek and a circle of friends/co-workers to entertain, plus needs her "me time." You have to schedule her two weeks in advance to get a slot in.

Honorable mentions:

1. older than 29

2. spawns from another man

3. If they've ever had an abortion. The ultimate expression of hypergamy. Fetus hearts can start beating in about 18 days. Killing babies says everything you need to know about their character.

4. Her being tall (I’m 6’1, but prefer chicks to not be over 5’7)

5. Getting all up in my business when she knows I know better.
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Don Juan
May 20, 2023
Reaction score
1. Botox sausage lips

2. No ass

3. Career women with boss B, hyper competitive attitudes

4. Loud, vulgar, highly opinionated, excessively drunk

5. Excessive tattoos

6. Short hair, rainbow hair, or some ridiculous hair style

7. Most women that are "420 friendly"

8. Can't put the damn phone down for 5 minutes

9. Scoffs at traditional gender roles, especially motherhood

10. Drives a pickup truck


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score
01. Agressive, Masculine personality, competitive

02. Multiple large tattoos

03. Fat, out of shape, doesn't look after her figure

04. Low intelligence, not so smart, however challenges people who are considerably smarter than her

05. Drinks too much & smokes

06. Has a high body count, been ran through.

07. Comes from a broken family/household

08. Has lots of male friends, addicted to male attention validation

09. Addicted to social media

10. Constantly on her phone


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
Dress sense and appearance are absolutely massive for me women dont need to do that much, looking good and dressing correctly for every occasion is absolutely essential

Its nice in practice but in reality you don't want her looking like a complete sl00t with every guy in the restaurant thinking about fvcking her

Some guys are into this , I am not one of them I want a lady I am serious about to reserve herself for me

To be fair most are pretty on the ball with it but I have come across a few who have tried to " create their own look " and failed miserably

A girl I was dating in the summer must have worn the same pair of shorts nearly every time I saw her , it was a big turn off

Underwear and lingerie again both massive for me you want her to make an effort for you in the bedroom given its an absolutely massive part of the male / female relationship

a lot of women seem to really struggle with this simple concept in fact I think i've only been with 1 or 2 in my life that were really good at it and the amount of blokes that have told me their partners simply can't be bothered to be sexy for them is astounding

I can't understand how any red blooded woman wouldn't want her man to be bursting out of his pants for her constantly but obviously there are a lot relationships with very weak masculine / feminine polarity


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
Reaction score
1 everything mentioned so far
2 if she mentions childhood abuse or brings up some dark sh!t about being abused and we haven’t even been on but a few dates or even been on a first date yet. The earlier they bring this up the worse they are. Keep that **** to yourself or talk to a therapist, I’m not a therapist.
3 if she’s never had many relationships but always had mostly guy friends
4 if she mentions she has anxiety


Mar 6, 2017
Reaction score
S.- Single mom
1.- More than 3 notch count. Or lying about her notch count. Or lying in general
B.- Fake Boobs
3.- Femin@zi
4.- Masculine
5.- Unpleasant personality
6.- Doesnt pass The Boner Test
7.- Victim mentality
8.- Too much make up
9.- Vulgar language
10.- Attention wh0re
Short hair
Drinks too much
Distracted too much by phone


Senior Don Juan
Dec 14, 2021
Reaction score
1. High body count
2. Masculine
3. Doesn't take care of herself physically, bad hygiene, fat, bad skin, sloppy clothes e.t.c.
4.Drinks too much / Drugs
5. Needs constant validation on the internet
6. Dresses Proactively/ Sl utty
7. Lots of male Friends
8. Disloyal
9. Unstable / Personally Disorder / Victim Mentality
10. SJW type
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Giovanni SouthSide

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2022
Reaction score
Tijuana, Mexico
something I've noticed from some of the women I have met is that they start looking the same after a while. Sure the individual genetic physical features are unique but if you're in a high traffic bar they dress like they have been to the same shop, gotten the same tattoos and carry the same air. I'm not green to the herd mentality of women but it gets to the point of repugnant sh1t. No essence of individuality.
Also yes the tattoo and mutilation thing is starting to piss me off too with the lengths they go.

Girls who eat a lot around me in one sitting.

I had an older chick stay over once. She was a fitness addict (automatic fvck buddy material) and had an amazing body, but when breakfast time came, she nearly cleaned out my kitchen.
She asked for permission to grab food but in my mind I was racking up disgust.
I counted two breakfast granola bars, a banana, a bowl of cereal all on top of the breakfast she cooked for me (3-4 eggs and chilaquiles with diced potatoes etc.). I know she was spending a lot of time in the gym going every day but still, the amount of food she took down that morning and the time she took in the bathroom to take a dump made me never want to call her again.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score
1 everything mentioned so far
2 if she mentions childhood abuse or brings up some dark sh!t about being abused and we haven’t even been on but a few dates or even been on a first date yet. The earlier they bring this up the worse they are. Keep that **** to yourself or talk to a therapist, I’m not a therapist.
3 if she’s never had many relationships but always had mostly guy friends
4 if she mentions she has anxiety
The abuse is one is real chit.. Those girls 99% of the time turn out to be volatile and to some degree abusive people themselves.

I would say any significant trauma a woman has experienced, including her staying in a toxic relationship for a long time, will leave her a damaged broken person.


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score
1. High body count
2. Masculine
3. Doesn't take care of herself physically, bad hygiene, fat, bad skin, sloppy clothes e.t.c.
4.Drinks too much / Drugs
5. Needs constant validation on the internet
6. Dresses Proactively/ Sl utty
7. Lots of male Friends
8. Disloyal
9. Unstable / Personally Disorder / Victim Mentality
10. SJW type
01. High body count
02. Masculine (too many diks makes them masculine)
03. Lots of male friends
04. Unstable personality disorders

The above are common as shyte these days, especially in the third world country I live in (United Kingdom)

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
I can't date a girl with flat chests, short hair, butt crack hair, or a mustache. Yes, as a matter of fact I do speak from experience!

Giovanni SouthSide

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2022
Reaction score
Tijuana, Mexico
You're not wrong lol, but once you encounter a chick who owns up to things its hard to not notice it that much more moving forward. In fact i'd argue accountability is the most attractive personality quality in a woman for me, it's just rare...
Co-sign. I agree. Accountability is the offsetting feature for her LTR nomination. A keeper. Owning up to her sh1t while saying “I am sorry sir” oozes her bedrock respect for you.
As much as I rain down a black list on these lost bxtches, most men do not learn from their mistakes as well. The people who do learn from their mistakes tend to be men, though. We have reasoning capacities, when practiced, allows us to tease out "feelings" from the cold objective truth. Women are mostly about feels. It comes down to discipline. Who tends to have discipline? The patriarch.

Women are also notoriously incapable of objective self-reflection. A man with four failed LTR's under his belt would have no difficulty admitting that there is something wrong with him. A woman, on the other hand, would never admit anything of the sort. She would rationalize her failures in every way possible and ultimately find a way to throw blame on the dude other than herself.
just like politicians, they reframe things. e.g a girl who was a no good hoe will claim that she was 'finding herself'. A woman who divorces her husband says she's 'starting over'. etc.

A woman’s nature is affectation: clothing, make-up, etc. She learns from very young to cover up the naked truth with an attractive veneer. Her intellectual perspective will often mirror this framework—ugly truths in the world are refurbished with euphemistic expressions. A desperate older woman becomes a “cougar,” a frivolous divorce becomes a “change of life,” etc. So their mistakes are usually given a linguistic makeover. Women love to polish a turd and call it a diamond.

The biggest problem for most Western men is their continual denial of a woman’s cognitive dissonance. He believes in the equalist narrative, so he’s always making excuses for her lack of accountability. He’s always being let down. He’s like a child on Christmas Eve, naively hoping that that Santa Claus will eventually come down the fire escape. But Santa never comes…and neither does a woman’s sense of accountability.
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