Sure...Cut out toxic people, but if you are viewing everyone as lacking common sense that is your own bias clouding your judgement. In fact, you are likely being too judgemental from the onset and are engaging in cognitive distortions.
You ever reflect and think to yourself maybe you are the issue? Maybe you are the a**hole? I am not saying you are and I had a phase like what you describe, but in time I realized I had my part in the dynamic as well and when you start hacking away at relationships left in right you will be alone, people will think you are a d**k and you lose social networks.
A vastly better option is to put a healthy distance between people you don't synergize with anymore and remain cordial if you cross paths.
If someone is genuinely bad for your well being and drains you then by all means pull the plug, but generally speaking...
These people are rare and often times you simply outgrew a shoe that used to fit. Doesn't mean you are better or worse than them, but simply no longer the right size for one another.
Keep in mind though...
"If everywhere you go it smells like s**t, maybe it's time to check your own shoes."