The issue is not whether or not she is physically fat, or has a gross level of fatness, but her mindset that she is an 8, which we would called "entitled", which is usually blamed on hoeinflation via social media/swipe apps/and being alpha-widowed by chad-type guys, etc.... I would definitely say that more than 50% of women are ENTITLED have an inflated perceived value compared to their actual value. Whether its a 1 who thinks she's an 8 or a 3 who think she's a 9 or a 5 who thinks she is a 10 doesn't make much a difference with me, it's still the principle.
Do you see lots of self-improvement / blackpill or sexless issues directed for women or guys on youtube? Exactly. Someone like her doesn't need to self-improve, but it's instead gets the "you go girl" and get that chad you are entitled to type of messaging, (unless it's on one of Pearl's channels that just exposes how far out of left field a women's sense of entitlement could be). That's the product of thirsty guys and even chad-like guys dumpster diving on a bad night and creating a mess like that.
We should see, how guys should tackle this hoeinflation. If she has OnlyFans, don't subscribe to her. If you are a chad/chadlite/upper-tier normie and need to bust a nut after someone didn't work out, don't dumster-drive as you are ruining everything and creating a mess like that. If you are hitting dry-spell, don't deal with women like her. Whatever guys can do to contribute their part to curb this out of control hoeinflation.