Facebook "Are we dating the same guy" groups


Apr 25, 2016
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Has anyone heard of these groups? They are private groups that cover certain areas across the country. Only women are allowed to join. I had no idea these groups existed until this weekend. Some of them have 20-65K members in each group, depending on the size of the area the group covers.

The way it works- a woman can post a pic of a guy either with their first name only or ANONYMOUSLY and other women can comment on the guy.

I recently had a female friend let me know that a pic of me was posted on the group that covers my area. There were several comments, all good, but one chick made a comment to my pic "Hard no". I know the chick that commented with this, as she is butt hurt that I cut her off a couple of years ago.

1.) Not sure how these groups can use people's pics without their permission.

2.) If your pic was on there, is bad publicity still good publicity?

3.) I think it would be good to start one for women lol. Women bytch about single guys talking to mulitple women, but they dont like that same pill when they have to swallow it. Maybe put some of these rachet women on blast.



Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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1.) Not sure how these groups can use people's pics without their permission.
Publicly taken photos can be used without permission in private groups.

2.) If your pic was on there, is bad publicity still good publicity?
I don't care what's on the internet. People who frequent those websites are insecure. Let them gossip, do not partake.

3.) I think it would be good to start one for women lol. Women bytch about single guys talking to mulitple women, but they dont like that same pill when they have to swallow it. Maybe put some of these rachet women on blast.
Really, you want to lower your moral and ethical standards mimicking a bunch of insecure women? What is wrong with you?


Apr 25, 2016
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Publicly taken photos can be used without permission in private groups.

I don't care what's on the internet. People who frequent those websites are insecure. Let them gossip, do not partake.

Really, you want to lower your moral and ethical standards mimicking a bunch of insecure women? What is wrong with you?
Point #3 was how these insecure women would always destruct if the shoe was on the other foot.

Be careful with the "what's wrong with you" comments. Either play nice on my threads or stay off them.

And most men don't even know these groups exist. Which was the point of my post.

Agree with the not partaking comment in your post.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Be careful with the "what's wrong with you" comments. Either play nice on my threads or stay off them.
I'm genuinely curious why you want to follow the examples of insecure women online, making your own gossip FB pages.

I think you're being a mite sensitive, not just quoting me here but even sending me a PM telling me lay off the 'what's wrong with you'. Maybe you should take your own advice to heart and grow some thicker skin.

And what's with the 'be careful' warning? Since when are you the arbiter to what happens on 'your thread'. You only want posters to agree with you?
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Apr 25, 2016
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I'm genuinely curious why you want to follow the examples of insecure women online, making your own gossip FB pages.

I think you're being a mite sensitive, not just quoting me here but even sending me a PM telling me lay off the 'what's wrong with you'. Maybe you should take your own advice to heart and grow some thicker skin.

And what's with the 'be careful' warning? Since when are you the arbiter to what happens on 'your thread'. You only want posters to agree with you?
I have thick skin. I never said I wanted to follow the examples of insecure women online. Read much?
I welcome posters who have varying opinions. Just not people who just want to hijack posts and run their mouth. That would be you.


Master Don Juan
Apr 28, 2018
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I think generally speaking any press is good press when it comes to dating. Only way that isn't true would be if it was something along the lines of bad hygiene or not being able to get it up on a regular basis. But the "hard no" comment? Who cares. Honestly, I think most women are intrigued by the "he's a bad guy/he's a player" stories and want to know for themselves. It adds mystery and mystery is good.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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I never said I wanted to follow the examples of insecure women online. Read much?
3.) I think it would be good to start one for women lol. Women bytch about single guys talking to mulitple women, but they dont like that same pill when they have to swallow it. Maybe put some of these rachet women on blast.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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There are facebook groups to post women.

There used to be a site called the dirty.com that was very controversial. Men and women got posted, the majority were women being posted. This was the worst of the worst. Mostly really hot, insecure, crazy girls.

If you think there are defamation concerns, Have your lawyer send a cease and disist letter. There are several law firms that handle issues like this.

I had a friend that got posted on several of these sites by the same chic. Some of what the she said was true but most of it was not. It definitely was harmful to him. To settle the score(she was a cop) he posted her on several community pages on Facebook about them having sehx while she was on duty. Her colleagues saw it and it brought lots of unwanted attention her way. She quickly agreed to take it all down if he would.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
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USA, Louisiana
Women have been doing this for eons. Oh sure, the internet makes it easier. Used to be women washing clothes, around the well, quilting bees, then came the telephone. Before social media, they would send out a group text to friends asking, "Does anyone know John Doe?" then those friends would send a text to their friends, and in less than a day, it's almost certain someone you dated would end up in this text string, and everything you did with her, your new lady will know it.

You can't hide anything from women, especially today. Right after your date, they are all trying to dig sh1t up on you. But don't worry about women running you down, women know that some chicks are just butt hurt and will say bad things about you that might not be true. Where most men fvck up is that they try and lie about things. If she catches you in a lie you are done. Own your mistakes, and don't get defensive.

As far as men doing something like this... well @AmsterdamAssassin is correct, if something like that actually worked then it would already have been done. The truth is most men blunder blindly into dating and they don't even bother looking for red flags, until they are wrapped in the 'red flag' getting beaten over the head with the flag poll... they also know other men are competitive. I don't care how crazy a chick is, there are at least a dozen dumb @ss men that will ignore that and still go for it. The minute some dude posted a picture and name of a woman on one of these sites, she would get flooded with offers... "Here's one that is single, she looks pretty good.... what... this dude says she's nuts... well I'm different."


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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I had a friend that got posted on several of these sites by the same chic. Some of what the she said was true but most of it was not. It definitely was harmful to him. To settle the score(she was a cop) he posted her on several community pages on Facebook about them having sehx while she was on duty. Her colleagues saw it and it brought lots of unwanted attention her way. She quickly agreed to take it all down if he would.
Good response. It's difficult to go against a former partner who is in a position of authority. I had an ex threatening legal problems for me that I knew she could do easily (as she worked as a paralegal for a law firm). I sent her threat to her boss and she was fired instantly.
She's probably still furious at me, but after getting her fired she wouldn't be dumb enough to try that again.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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As far as men doing something like this... well @AmsterdamAssassin is correct, if something like that actually worked then it would already have been done. The truth is most men blunder blindly into dating and they don't even bother looking for red flags, until they are wrapped in the 'red flag' getting beaten over the head with the flag poll... they also know other men are competitive. I don't care how crazy a chick is, there are at least a dozen dumb @ss men that will ignore that and still go for it. The minute some dude posted a picture and name of a woman on one of these sites, she would get flooded with offers... "Here's one that is single, she looks pretty good.... what... this dude says she's nuts... well I'm different."
Everybody thinks he can tame the crazies, but you have to be crazier than them to get them to fall in line...

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
Reaction score
Has anyone heard of these groups? They are private groups that cover certain areas across the country. Only women are allowed to join. I had no idea these groups existed until this weekend. Some of them have 20-65K members in each group, depending on the size of the area the group covers.

The way it works- a woman can post a pic of a guy either with their first name only or ANONYMOUSLY and other women can comment on the guy.

I recently had a female friend let me know that a pic of me was posted on the group that covers my area. There were several comments, all good, but one chick made a comment to my pic "Hard no". I know the chick that commented with this, as she is butt hurt that I cut her off a couple of years ago.

1.) Not sure how these groups can use people's pics without their permission.

2.) If your pic was on there, is bad publicity still good publicity?

3.) I think it would be good to start one for women lol. Women bytch about single guys talking to mulitple women, but they dont like that same pill when they have to swallow it. Maybe put some of these rachet women on blast.

These are 100% real, I saw a guy get absolutely blown up a few weeks ago. He’s probably going to have professional repercussions from it. It’s not that he broke the law he just looks like a total scumbag and works in education. The positive is that it’s all based on your social media or app presence. Keep that to a minimum and you will be okay.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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Lets be real ; most men wont ever be mentioned in such a group. Congratulations OP, you are definitely within the top 25 percentile of men.

We all know, with how backwards women are that being in such a group MIGHT be beneficial to a man. But u do think you gotta be im the upper echelon of top tier dudes. If lets say two hb4,s publicly shame you, it might work against you.

Bur yeah, we should know by now that this is one of the many backwards ways how women make sure "the rich get richer" aka a player's reputation gets our there. Ideal to became infamous amongst women how want "nothing steady ". Free social proof.

Sounds similar to that new Tinder feature where they can share profiles of matches. None of them will EVER talk about Good guy Greg and publicly worship him..


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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It’s not that he broke the law he just looks like a total scumbag and works in education.
That's the vulnerable part. Of course they know that linking 'scumbag' to someone working in education will have professional repercussions. Better to either not let anyone know what/where you work or make sure they cannot throw anything that sticks.

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
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That's the vulnerable part. Of course they know that linking 'scumbag' to someone working in education will have professional repercussions. Better to either not let anyone know what/where you work or make sure they cannot throw anything that sticks.
To be sure, these groups are almost entirely made of butt hurt women who spread their legs open before taking the time to read the fine print so to speak on whomever they were going out with, which is a complaint that is literally as old as time. But as anything these days, digital records are forever and now it’s the man’s job to be on his game about the potential repercussions of OLD as well. Also, and this needs to be fairly understood, some people are just bad actors who due to technology can exponentially increase the rate in which they harm people, and you can see why these women want to know what’s going on. But more likely than anything else it’s a bitching session on steroids. I am loosely connected to the original founder of this concept so I am pretty up on how this works. Just be smart out there guys.


Apr 25, 2016
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I sent her threat to her boss and she was fired instantly.
She's probably still furious at me, but after getting her fired she wouldn't be dumb enough to try that again.
So its ok to get a chick fired for threatening legal problems for you (which was probably a bluff that she thought would work on you and backfired), but people are "thin skinned" for talking about something that does exist in the women community? Come on man.

He’s probably going to have professional repercussions from it. It’s not that he broke the law he just looks like a total scumbag and works in education.
Better to either not let anyone know what/where you work or make sure they cannot throw anything that sticks.
To these 2 posts ^^^^^ I essentially work for the goverment and have pretty deep security clearances. If I have to level up to the highest government clearance, you bet they can find anything if it exists. These clearances can range from 5-15k to be performed (each) and they require the diggers to dig. Its often at that level they find things that the employee didnt even know existed.

@AmsterdamAssassin we both know how CRAZY some butthurt chick that we ghosted after smashing can be. Imagine they get on a fb group like this where they can choose to post or comment anonymously.....and go on there and say that a guy is abusive.....or has a drug problem. Or has psychological issues. For a business owner, someone working in the public eye, someone like me who requires certain security clearance for my position.......it could be a real disaster.

All because some rachet hoes want to talk about dudes that get dates easily. Because lets face it, Billy Bob living in his moms basement that works at the car wash isnt showing up on those groups.

That was my point. @AmsterdamAssassin , apologies if I took your comment earlier the wrong way. But we all know these chicks would become a puddle of emotional disaster if the shoe was on the other foot. Especially stating the truth about how they dont take care of their kids, etc.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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@AmsterdamAssassin we both know how CRAZY some butthurt chick that we ghosted after smashing can be. Imagine they get on a fb group like this where they can choose to post or comment anonymously.....and go on there and say that a guy is abusive.....or has a drug problem. Or has psychological issues. For a business owner, someone working in the public eye, someone like me who requires certain security clearance for my position.......it could be a real disaster.
I'm not disagreeing. I had my share of mental exes... it's what you get from dating the 'passionate but crazy women'.
And I agree with the security clearance. I used to work under conditions that required extensive security clearances, but I have to say that in that phase of my life I didn't have an internet presence at all. No social media, nothing that could trace me down. That's what I mean by being discreet and making sure they don't know enough about you to do harm.

So its ok to get a chick fired for threatening legal problems for you (which was probably a bluff that she thought would work on you and backfired), but people are "thin skinned" for talking about something that does exist in the women community? Come on man.
I'm not going into details, but this wasn't about my skin or ego. She threatened my occupation and she had enough power to manipulate one of their lawyers into making trouble for me, so I conferred with my legal team and we knew that a preemptive strike would work best. If you think I enjoyed getting her fired, you're wrong. I had no idea what the law firm would do, but I couldn't allow her to mess with my work. In her case, she could've received a simple rebuke not to mess with someone like me (she had no idea who she had been threatening), but the law firm found reason to fire her. If that ended her paralegal career, so be it. Maybe she shouldn't have threatened someone, it shows ethical flaws that don't belong in the legal profession.

That was my point. @AmsterdamAssassin , apologies if I took your comment earlier the wrong way. But we all know these chicks would become a puddle of emotional disaster if the shoe was on the other foot. Especially stating the truth about how they dont take care of their kids, etc.
All I said was that, unless absolutely required, we shouldn't resort to that type of behaviour.
You were talking about payback: vilifying women on social media the same way they go after men on FB, but I think that is weak behaviour unbecoming of men. My opinion was to not pay attention to that type of behaviour. You have to know when to ignore silly behaviour.
Women gossip. They think that is social behaviour, but practically everyone dislikes being the subject of gossip, so the gossip ladies will find themselves ostracised before long.

I essentially work for the goverment and have pretty deep security clearances. If I have to level up to the highest government clearance, you bet they can find anything if it exists. These clearances can range from 5-15k to be performed (each) and they require the diggers to dig. Its often at that level they find things that the employee didnt even know existed.
And I can understand your worry. As I said, my work required a solid reputation and a clean record as well, so I understand the pressure, but the best defence is to be discreet and keep your love life out of the spotlights, not looking for payback.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
Everybody thinks he can tame the crazies, but you have to be crazier than them to get them to fall in line...
Truth. If she is crazy... than she is comfortable with crazy... and anything other than crazy, just doesn't seem right.

I've lost count of how many crazy chicks I've known in my life... at some point they all have an "Ah Ha" moment and try to turn their lives around... they'll go out and get a real job, start pulling their sh1t together... but that never lasts, they just can not help what they are.

If a crazy chick ends up with a normal dude... well they can keep things going for a little while, but eventually that ends, and crazy chick is off again, leaving the guy because he is 'boring', or 'he just can't handle me.' The normal guy is just weird to her.. the normal guy puts too much pressure on her to be a decent human being you can be in a relationship with.

Oh he can handle you okay... but he doesn't like you coming home late drunk every other night.... And if he is a quality man, with self-respect, he won't put up with it and toss you out.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Truth. If she is crazy... than she is comfortable with crazy... and anything other than crazy, just doesn't seem right.
I was pretty wild myself, so I could more than match their craziness.
But you get older and outgrow your 'wild oats'.

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
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There must be a few lawyers on this forum, perhaps they can weigh in on some ideas around this?