Today at the gym, there's this gorgeous Indian or Pakistani girl working out and she decides to do the bend over exercises in front of me while I work out. I automatically assume she has a boyfriend and what the guy looks like. Drum Roll, I was correct because her boyfriend was just at the other corner of the gym. He was a tall, but lanky looking Indian or Pakistani guy that was definitely pulling above his league. Now, if this guy would've gone for a white woman, there's no way in fvcking hell he would pull a similar caliber woman to his current gf.
As I drive home, I am listening to some dating red pill video, and it is obviously a brown guy complaining about struggling with women and you can tell he is only shooting for white females. I feel like this is the majority of non incel guys struggling with women at the end of the day. They have a decent job, they workout, and have the looks to attract a woman, but they over here chasing after Beckies lol. I can understand African American guys doing this, but for the other brown guys including African men, why? Where I am at, I see a lot of beta/fat Indian and Hispanic men with hot women, so why are you choosing to chase after meh/10 Becky's over them?
As an African American male, myself, I was born in a 99% white environment where I basically had no choice, but to pursue white women. After I left my hometown to a major city, I outright refuse to date one unless they are Non-American because Latinas, Indians, and Asians are so much better.