Erm…a difficult topic

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Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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Officer Derek Chauvin didn't kill George Floyd over race - he killed him because he hated his guts. If you assume those two didn't know each other, check the facts in more detail. Both worked as bouncers, and George Floyd was great at his job - de-escalating conflicts, and keeping things calm. The bad cop, Derek Chauvin, was the opposite - a hothead bouncer who created trouble where it wasn't needed. (Police officers get paid poorly, so they take second jobs). Chauvin was fired from that job because of George Floyd's complaints about him - Chauvin hated Floyd's guts.

I speculate in the back of that police car, where nobody could hear, Chauvin whispered "I'm going to fvcking kill you", after which George Floyd started struggling. In my view, there was nothing unintentional about kneeling on Floyd's neck - it was murder one, intentional homicide planned before the fact (when Chauvin was driving to the scene, hearing Floyd's name).

You could still say the assumption that Chauvin could kill Floyd and get away with it was racist... but George Floyd was not killed because of his race. He was killed because Derek Chauvin hated his guts.
by George you’re right

Millard Fillmore

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2023
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So you do not like the truth. But you are right, I am not some woke and gullible kid today. Yes I am a white male, but just not easily tricked.

Tell everyone why miscegenation laws have existed? Is it because whites “hate” everyone else, or was it for whites to protect themselves?

Here is more information that clearly describes from the belly of the beast, how widespread this black on white fetish is being pushed, but only against white people
Cool story bro. I'm not clicking your weird dark web links.

Threads like these often attract racist retards. You'll get no rebuttal from me since you can't handle a ball busting.


Sep 10, 2023
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Cool story bro. I'm not clicking your weird dark web links.

Threads like these often attract racist retards. You'll get no rebuttal from me since you can't handle a ball busting.
There is nothing racist about anything I have typed here.

Also there is nothing retarded about me or any of my thoughts.

I will continue to use this topic to discuss the topic and I will begin by posting the many many videos of “people of color” violently attacking “white” people.

Here is video #1 and I will continue posting the links as they come through the news:
Warning Graphic Content::


Sep 10, 2023
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Here is yet another “POC” attacking a white female:
Warning very graphic content as usual::

These are not “white knight“ links. They are mixed race relationships with a black male and the white female who gets brutally assaulted. How is this being a “white knight”?


Sep 10, 2023
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by George you’re right
George Floyd died from a fentanyl overdose.

Also George Floyd was a menace with a long criminal record including beating up women and holding a gun to a pregnant woman’s belly.

A person would have to beyond stupid, or just driven by ethnocentric racism (low IQ tribal mentality) to defend George Floyd, let alone to create over 500 riots nationwide to trash our cities because he has the same darker skin color as them. The rioters and people creating memorials for the thug George Floyd are basically devoid of critical thinking skills whatsoever. None.


Sep 10, 2023
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Cool story bro. I'm not clicking your weird dark web links.

Threads like these often attract racist retards. You'll get no rebuttal from me since you can't handle a ball busting.
How are my links “dark web”? These are just basic examples found online every day.

And I am not posting anything for you. It is for other people, not you.

Here is a longer read, but this begins to describe how common it is in Africa, for the Africans to set up rape gangs to rape white women in Africa.

The above link also depicts the truth about Affirmative Action.

It shows how the black Africans have absolute hatred of whites, but they also like raping white women. They do it in rape gangs where they case houses and go in to repeatedly rape white women for multiple hours, often in front of their white husbands, or they just murder the white husband.

These are Africans with such low IQ’s it is questionable whether or not they are the same species as white humans.

And it is not really even a difficult topic. It is just the hard truths. And the online search results obscure a lot of these instances and real information because they keep the false narratives alive.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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George Floyd died from a fentanyl overdose.

Also George Floyd was a menace with a long criminal record including beating up women and holding a gun to a pregnant woman’s belly.

A person would have to beyond stupid, or just driven by ethnocentric racism (low IQ tribal mentality) to defend George Floyd, let alone to create over 500 riots nationwide to trash our cities because he has the same darker skin color as them. The rioters and people creating memorials for the thug George Floyd are basically devoid of critical thinking skills whatsoever. None.
We saw the video and that is an absolutely appalling way for a supposedly civilised 1st world police department to treat citizens.

Whatever was his ultimate cause of death, as lovers of freedom, as the United States purports to be, you must be against the over-use of force in this situation.

The state are paid to protect citizens and uphold the law. There was no reason to apply heavy handed force of that nature so in terms of an opposition to a police force who have clearly forgotten their place and act liks Fascists, I get the point.

I have no time for race agitators but I do have a problem with government employees acting likestate bullies in any jurisdiction.

resisting arrest or not, that was not proportionate force under any definition. Resisting arrest doesn’t make for “anything goes”. It calls for a reasonable response.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
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Hi XMan,
Your post on South Africa is heart breaking.....I travelled around the Country in a Camper Van for three months 35 Years ago during last Days of Apartheid...Goodness but the Dutch Boers made that Country Run...It was an exceeding happy land...I was there and I saw it...Sure it was paternalistic but everyone ate well and most worked...all the Utilities functioned superbly for ALL races they were better off than any other Country in Africa.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 31, 2023
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There is nothing racist about anything I have typed here.
Calling blacks a "separate sub-species of humans"[1] that "permanently damages the DNA of white women"[1] is not racist?

I think the problem is you don't understand DNA. Black men and white women have babies. Their DNA is not "incompatible" - they have viable offspring, who can go on to have their own children. Maybe the theme here is you not knowing what you're talking about.

Also, you do not speak for "The majority of white people", and if you mention your "disgust" of inter-racial couples in making a hiring decision, that's racial discrimination. So the law will also disagree with your claims of not being racist, apart from being wrong.

The same happens when “race” mixing between white females and black males. If you look at it with honesty, the white female and black male combination is more like two separate sub-species of humans, with the sub-Saharan belonging to a different group altogether, incompatible DNA. So this is the one combonation that permanently damages the DNA of white women. The same cannot be said for other combinations.

When a white male sees a white female dating a black male, the white male is repulsed by the female. The majority of white people are disgusted by the combination.
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