Erm…a difficult topic

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Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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So, as many of you know my wife is of a different race.

I don’t really give a shyt aboht her race. She’s hot. That’s it.

when I see other dudes trying to Mack white women, I feel like there’s an underlying spirit of antisocial behaviour with it.

as an example. I’m on a Facebook page. Quite often I see dudes talking about how they “Impregnate white women” - this is clearly meant just to upset white guys. I get it - I’ve trolled people before. Another example. Middle Eastern/Muslim guys are always going on about “white women don’t have fathers. How can you let woman behave like that? Your women get what they deserve” type thing.

now, my wife is Asian and Asian girls generally like white guys. I don’t see white guys trying to bait Asian men - provoking them. If anything we are respectful dating them.

It’s starting to make me edge into being racist. Tell me I’m wrong. It’s quite often here and on other forums a POC with a white girl is using it to wave it in peoples faces. Genuinely, I don’t see white guys dating other races women doing that
Am I selecting out the idiots?

I’ll give you an example. A black footballer raped a white girl and it was recorded on tape. Mason greenwood. He gave her a black eye, a busted lip, and was on an audio recoding telling her to “put her fkig legs up”

it was rape by anyone’s measure.

I have a mate who is black and he was like “it’s not the full story, she obviously deserved it, the media was tough on him”

I literally couldn’t speak to this guy after. How in the world he couldn’t condemn it bothers me. It makes me think they all stick together no matter what. Even if a woman is raped.

sad fact is, he avoided prosecution and she’s still with him (money)

check her face after he beat her. It’s all online.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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Our media and governments certainly don't do anything to stoke this.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2021
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OP, I'm Asian.

Trust me, since white women are superior in terms of look especially in the age range from 15 to 25. At this age range, no women from any other races could beat white women in terms of beauty. I don't give a fvck if you guys think this is racism or not.

So, where I'm from, if an Asian dude - who is ALSO inferior to the average white dudes in terms of looks, height, wealth, social status, passport power, d!ck size, you name it... - can get laid with a white woman, he's considered superb in his peers' eyes.

Perhaps this explains the fact that colored dudes have to flex that they have white gfs, while white dudes don't need to do the same thing with their colored gfs?


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2021
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White people have to perform to a higher level of social equality and understanding than other races.

White person says the N word - canceled and fired. It's on the news next day.
Black person calls a white person a cracker - nothing happens. No news.

Its not racist to point this out; there is different treatment and expectations for people of different races. It shouldn't be this way, but it is.
Exactly. White people are EXPECTED to perform BETTER than any other races in terms of EVERYTHING while at the same time receive LESS TOLERANCE also in terms of EVERYTHING.

A white dude is expected to be RICHER, MORE HANDSOME, HAS BIGGER D!CK... than a colored dude.

A colored dude calls a white dude whatever he likes => No probs.

A white dude calls a Pakistani dude "Paki" => He's doomed.

A white dude calls a negro the N word => He's doomed (and his whole neighborhood gets looted and burned to the ground the same day)

The world is actually allowing racism against white people to happen widespread. It's fact.
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Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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OP, I'm Asian.

Trust me, since white women are superior in terms of look especially in the age range from 15 to 25. At this age range, no women from any other races could beat white women in terms of beauty. I don't give a fvck if you guys think this is racism or not.

So, where I'm from, if an Asian dude - who is ALSO inferior to the average white dudes in terms of looks, height, wealth, social status, passport power, d!ck size, you name it... - can get laid with a white woman, he's considered superb in his peers' eyes.

Perhaps this explains the fact that colored dudes have to flex that they have white gfs, while white dudes don't need to do the same thing with their colored gfs?
Eye of the beholder dude.

A beautiful SE Asian woman to me, not to everyone, is equal in my eyes. It’s the eyes. I find them incredibly beautiful and they don’t even need makeup. It’s nice waking up to the same woman.

If this is the general view round the world then it would explain the legions of dudes in developing countries harassing women on Facebook and social media.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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As has been said a million times (don’t agree):

You cannot oppress an oppressor.


Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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I am not too sure about this OP but I do get your frustration. However, it depends on the spaces you are in. When white guys express the preference they have for Asian women or Latinas, it is often celebrated as progressive and accepted as forward thinking. However, flip the tables and all of a sudden, a Latino or Asian guy saying he loves white women is attacked relentlessly by people of all colors. The biggest culprits here are women of color who will shamelessly chase white men but then throw a tantrum if a beautiful white girl goes with a man of color.

Plenty of white guys out there brag about their foreign conquests of women of other races and rub it in the faces of other guys, granted it is more in the younger generation, I have seen lots of example of it. Just check out the entire Black Pill movement, it is all white incels throwing racism at minorities and telling them that they are undesirable because they are "ethnics" and all ethnics are ugly or whatever.

Moreover OP, if you are willing to hear the intelligent answer man, here it is.

Winners really do not care about this stuff, regardless of their race.

It is like that.

Most of the times, cool and good looking dudes dating hot girls of other races are not gung ho on racial pride. They are not the main ones preaching racial superiority, it is often incel dudes of their race living vicariously through them.

White Chads are not the ones putting down other races or bragging about how they conquer women of various colors, it is normally mentally ill white guys or incels who are doing that sort of stuff.

Handsome black dudes are not talking about how they conquer white women, it is often black dudes who get the gutter trash of the white world or just straight up incel/mentally ill black dudes doing it.

Ethnic slayers with good looks who get white girls are not crying about how life is unfair or how white women are a prize to be conquered, it is often incels from those backgrounds doing it.

Winners and guys who are heading in the right direction in life do not waste their time with this garbage.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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I live in a very ethnically diverse part of the US, huge metro as such ive befriended men of just about every race in the past.

To a man, with non white males they all fetishize white women, it’s kind of a trip to watch a smart, good looking corporate sales woman who is white sell 5 years of consulting and 30 million dollars of software to a male Indian SVP/EVP. Even if it’s not the right software package for the enterprise.

It’s real.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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I am not too sure about this OP but I do get your frustration. However, it depends on the spaces you are in. When white guys express the preference they have for Asian women or Latinas, it is often celebrated as progressive and accepted as forward thinking. However, flip the tables and all of a sudden, a Latino or Asian guy saying he loves white women is attacked relentlessly by people of all colors. The biggest culprits here are women of color who will shamelessly chase white men but then throw a tantrum if a beautiful white girl goes with a man of color.

Plenty of white guys out there brag about their foreign conquests of women of other races and rub it in the faces of other guys, granted it is more in the younger generation, I have seen lots of example of it. Just check out the entire Black Pill movement, it is all white incels throwing racism at minorities and telling them that they are undesirable because they are "ethnics" and all ethnics are ugly or whatever.

Moreover OP, if you are willing to hear the intelligent answer man, here it is.

Winners really do not care about this stuff, regardless of their race.

It is like that.

Most of the times, cool and good looking dudes dating hot girls of other races are not gung ho on racial pride. They are not the main ones preaching racial superiority, it is often incel dudes of their race living vicariously through them.

White Chads are not the ones putting down other races or bragging about how they conquer women of various colors, it is normally mentally ill white guys or incels who are doing that sort of stuff.

Handsome black dudes are not talking about how they conquer white women, it is often black dudes who get the gutter trash of the white world or just straight up incel/mentally ill black dudes doing it.

Ethnic slayers with good looks who get white girls are not crying about how life is unfair or how white women are a prize to be conquered, it is often incels from those backgrounds doing it.

Winners and guys who are heading in the right direction in life do not waste their time with this garbage.
This, right here, is truth. Mostly.

All I would slightly disagree with is that the idea white guys are celebrated for dating outside isn’t true in my experience but it depends on the context.

I’m a decade older than my wife and look like I’m approaching middle age. Or in the early stages of it. My wife also looks younger (Asian women until they hit 60 seem to stay looking like they’re 25)

So, I’ve experienced a lot of bad vibes because of this. I’ve had questions and comments. Liberals do NOT like this kind of relationship. I’ve literally had an entire group of previous friends treat me like a pariah. Mainly the women, they are all middle aged liberal where women and I think they don’t want their men getting similar ideas.

I agree there are some awful white guys who bomb off to Thailand et al and treat them terribly. The other point is some places are pedo resorts for the most despicable European and American men.

I would also note that there are lots of very rich men around the world but mainly the Middle East who use their wealth to buy western escorts and then humiliate them, and they put it online too. I saw one where this very attractive blonde girl was made to walk like a dog and act like one by two UAE dudes smirking and the comments - now we can translate, we’re universally criticising the WOMAN. “She’s on drugs” and worse. There was some really nasty stuff said on there.

This kind of thing screams it’s more than just beauty or sechs, it’s some kind of antisocial pride thing and it’s worrying. As the west loses its place as the most developed, how on earth will things end. There are surely lots of decent people out there but it’s kind of a drag.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 4, 2023
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Fruitbat, stop looking for validation from Liberals. They're miserable and they want you and your wife to be as well. If your friends left because you chose a wife that makes you happy then were they really your friends in the first place? The same thing happens when an older man dates a younger woman. Bitterness and self-righteousness writ large.


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2020
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I met an older Asian woman with like 5 teeth at the pool, had to of been like 60, she would do all these acrobatics in the sauna in front of me, I really couldn't believe some of the things she was doing, we'd meet and talk every day for like 2 weeks, I helped her get a discounted gym pass through a low income program, then she invited me to her house for a massage.

Good freaking lord, this woman was an animal, she gave me like an hour massage then no lie rode me for an hour and sucked me off for a full hour, never came so much in my whole life. I need to see her again

Younger Asian women are insufferable, but the older ones, hell yeah lol

Millard Fillmore

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2023
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Race is a human-concocted fantasy

When aliens invade they will kill or enslave us all equally, they won't give a sh*t who's white, black etc


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2020
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Liberals do NOT like this kind of relationship. I’ve literally had an entire group of previous friends treat me like a pariah. Mainly the women, they are all middle aged liberal where women and I think they don’t want their men getting similar ideas.
Of course liberals dont. White men are the root of all evil and you having an asian wife is literally colonialism 2.0, you are exploiting that poor woman.

My wife makes a habit of pointing out to me again and again when we see a mixed couple with a white man, how women from other countries are gold diggers, only looking for a passport, age badly or are in some other way not fit.
Each time she does, i made it a habit to point out that i have seen a lot worse then this woman, that men in general are just fed up with western women for obvious reasons and that it is understandable these men look for a better life.

She usually has to agree and i know i administered the prescribed dose of dread game for that day.

While its okay for white women to badmouth foreign women, as a man try badmouthing a illegal imigrant thats wifing up a western landwale to anker himself into the social system and count the seconds until you get called out for racism.

Meanwhile they cover up the fact that most white women get killed by "minorities" and call it "a problem of masculinity".

So these double standards are not really set against white people but against white men.

Make no mistake, "they" (globalists and their useful idiots) are at war with "us"(white men).


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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Of course liberals dont. White men are the root of all evil and you having an asian wife is literally colonialism 2.0, you are exploiting that poor woman.

My wife makes a habit of pointing out to me again and again when we see a mixed couple with a white man, how women from other countries are gold diggers, only looking for a passport, age badly or are in some other way not fit.
Each time she does, i made it a habit to point out that i have seen a lot worse then this woman, that men in general are just fed up with western women for obvious reasons and that it is understandable these men look for a better life.

She usually has to agree and i know i administered the prescribed dose of dread game for that day.

While its okay for white women to badmouth foreign women, as a man try badmouthing a illegal imigrant thats wifing up a western landwale to anker himself into the social system and count the seconds until you get called out for racism.

Meanwhile they cover up the fact that most white women get killed by "minorities" and call it "a problem of masculinity".

So these double standards are not really set against white people but against white men.

Make no mistake, "they" (globalists and their useful idiots) are at war with "us"(white men).
I do often think this but in the end analysis, we are among one of the more competent groups in society. For all the pressure, we are still highly sought after by most the world’s women.

I used to get plenty women from other cultures show interest online. Also, I’ve noted white women opening up too, if they like chocolate so be it. And there’s plenty of black guys who are just like you and me. I can’t be a hypocrite as I’m also attracted to the mystique of different women.

The bit which grates is just the disrespectful one. We have girls regularly being harrassed at school by new arrivals . I think they live in very repressed societies. Their only real interaction with western women is either watching p0rn or seeing girls on social media. They think it’s some world of fantasy where the girls are up for it 24/7 and don’t get the context - they like the ego boost but they’re not up for just romping with anyone all the time. I don’t think they get it.

I’ve seen some say things like “your culture can have abortion” and then just assume the girl will be up for sleeping with them off the bat. It’s like they have a very low resolution view of it and don’t get the nuance. Girls might like the likes but only the most damaged are just going with anyone. Especially someone low value.

The issue is for me when our open and laid back societies mix with theirs it doesn’t work. All their women are off limits but they are Uber keen to get involved with ours - and famously in the UK targeting orphaned girls and getting them on drugs. Of course, this is the worst elements of their society . Just as ours jet off to Cambodia.

but the flexing is annoying. As I’ve said, I feel no need to flex over the men in her culture. I go out of my way to show I’m NOT that kind of guy. Pride and arrogance are not traits we generally see positively but some of the comments I hear out of some of theirs is just lame. Although over in her neck of the woods sometimes some of the younger guys I can tell don’t like it, and I had a bit of a battle with heruncles - who I now have a great relationship with, as they think white guys chase tail and aren’t committed to family.
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Mar 6, 2017
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I'm Latino, and the Latino who's born in Latin America that tells you his not racist, is a liar, granted there are bad people in every races, but if you've had too many situations with a certain race, you'll be cautious with that race. But now with cancel culture you gotta be careful. Society will get what it deserves.
Latino born & raised in Latin America here. Please explain to me how Im a racist.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2018
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Eye of the beholder dude.

A beautiful SE Asian woman to me, not to everyone, is equal in my eyes. It’s the eyes. I find them incredibly beautiful and they don’t even need makeup. It’s nice waking up to the same woman.

If this is the general view round the world then it would explain the legions of dudes in developing countries harassing women on Facebook and social media.
Completely agree.

I actually nearly only date Asian women. No western woman has treated me like an Asian women have. In general, they are far better behaved then the rest and in my opinion are generally more attractive.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 4, 2023
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Racism is color blind if you ask me. Just look at American women's reaction to Passport Bros going overseas with their comments about foreign women in those countries.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Racism and Xenophobia is rooted in tribal culture, where anyone not part of the tribe is a potential threat. As such, you cannot take it on emotionally or you'll sink right in the ****. It takes the rational sense to realise that we may look different on the outside, but we're all still human.

Even Americans. :cool:


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2020
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To be fair, it is men who kill most of them.

And there is a masculinity crisis.
My buddy went into a high security prison, he was in with murders N stuff, said the most common crime he heard about was dudes killing their wives.

I have no idea how that would even work, maybe even though he killed her, all her stuff gets defaulted judgement towards him, maybe it gets sent to the next of kin, I would imagine the latter, incentive for men to outright kill their wife's to escape a bad divorce can't be that high
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