That's exactly my point though. Environmental factors shape how "badass" someone is going to be. And yes, the Brits were pretty badass at one point in time. So were the Scandinavians. And even the French. A French soldier from the Napoleonic Wars era would almost be a different species of man compared to a modern day baguette-eating Parisian (despite having the same genetic makeup).
Black have a higher percentage of fast twitch muscle fibers compared to others, is that because their mom took them to the park when they were kids or because in centuries they evolved to certain tasks?
Do blacks have bigger d1cks and higher levels of androgens compared to asians cause they needed it to survive in their environment or was there a different short term reason?
If black have more masculine biological traits compared to asians, is my observation about mixed black kids to be more masculine wrong?
That's what I said to corrector when I compared the different outcome coming from mixed race africans and mixed race asians where the first make more manly men and the second makes more feminine women but somehow you disagreed.
Now if blacks have high level of androgens by race, being partially black boost them or not?
If asians have lower levels of adrogens being partially asian reduces them or not?
I dont understand why we even have this conversation, you probably didnt even read the post to which corrector was replying.
My original point was clearly about a biological point of view, it had nothing to do with upbringing (which ofc influence your outcome but surely doesnt change your dna).
Anyway it's a waste of time debating like this, my post was clear, if you disagree fine with that.