No, don't do it! Walk away!
It really hurted hearing my cousin told what she said to her wife.
This is what happened:
Last 2 weeks together she was distant since her father’s birthday, we still met once a week rather than twice. She didn’t initiate a single msg during this time but replied to mine but took her time. One day I called her twice she didn’t pick up and later on I called her 4 times and left a msg and she finally replied very angry even told me to **** off. Next day we exchanged msgs and she said I’m more into this than her and she doesn’t have time to meet always twice a week that’s stressed her out. 2 days later she ended it.
post break up. I sent some 10 msgs 5 days later drunk but deleted them she didn’t see them only 1 msg where I said I was drunk and miss her.
3 days later I sent a msg asking to talk to her face to face. She replied we won’t meet to talk and that she made her decision and it won’t work out anymore. We exchanged a few more msgs back and forth and she kept saying no that things went too fast too serious. A week later I sent a birthday msg to her and apologized for not accepting the break up right away and she replied thanks no hard feelings. And that was it 32 days no contact.