Approach Journal: The Summer of NickSaiz65


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score

Approaches Done: 33

Ayo man, tonight really just kind of fvcking sucked tbh.

We were approaching, and nothing seemed to hook at first. Eventually, we met a two set that was receptive and allowed us to pull them.

However, my wing’s cousin was in town for a class reunion and was hanging out with us. He’s not a game guy, but he jumped in some sets with us. On the set that hooked, it was a two set. This created a lopsided situation with three guys and two girls.

I ended up needing to defer to my wing’s cousin for one of the girls. (I’m not going to c0ckblock my wings cousin who lets me crash at his place.)

So I ended up going back out to game.

Unlike the last FR, I can’t point out any technical error here. I can only chalk it up to bad luck and drawing the short end of the straw this time. Which happens.

I enjoyed gaming this weekend, but I can’t say that it wasn’t brutal in some ways lol. I did expect to get kicked around when taking the game seriously this year though, so the fight goes on.

Somewhat outside of the scope of this thread, but I ended up spending a LOT of money this weekend :\
Gonna be on the code grind all of Sunday, to make this money back.

I’m having a great time in Nash, but I don’t want to become too overreliant on my wings. After I make some more money and I have more freedom, it wouldn’t be bad for my development to do some solo sessions too.
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Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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33 approaches in one night is a very high number. That seems close to spam approaching. Spam type approaching can work. One of the most successful seducers I know in the real world was spam approacher with a weak opener, but he is 6'4" and was fit when he was actively seducing new women. He decided to give up the seduction lifestyle by getting into a long term relationship and eventually getting married.


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score
33 approaches in one night is a very high number. That seems close to spam approaching. Spam type approaching can work. One of the most successful seducers I know in the real world was spam approacher with a weak opener, but he is 6'4" and was fit when he was actively seducing new women. He decided to give up the seduction lifestyle by getting into a long term relationship and eventually getting married.
I’m not at the 50 approaches or pull level yet like AG Hayden has done, but I’d say we’re putting in a sufficient amount of volume to get results.

I wrote this last FR when I was pretty drunk(thanks Disaronno and Grey Goose lol) so I realized I left out some details.

First of all, these girls that we approached were two pretty attractive black women.

The other detail is that while this is “technically” an L for me, I totally don’t mind to take one for the team when needed. I’m confident that if it were just the two of us, this would have been a close. But again, taking one for the team is fine and definitely needed sometimes. There’s always other women out there.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
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7/21/23 NIGHTGAME FR: Close But No Cigar

Approaches Done: 18

Since I’m incapable of writing a field report that isn’t a full essay lol, here you go. This was a very interesting night with many groups. Got a bit of a late start again, but we made the most of it.

After pregaming a bit, my wing and I hit the strip around midnight.

As per usual, the bulk of the meaningful interactions were on the street. There were two that stood out in my mind.

I directly approached a two-set: a cute white girl with dark hair and piercings, and her midriff out, as well as her blond friend. We vibed a bit, and then eventually I asked what they were up to. The dark haired girl answered that they were out “scamming men” and then eventually showed me a bag of cocaine that she had in her purse for some reason :rofl:

I invited them back to an afterparty, and they declined. First, the girl asked who would be there. Then she said, “I feel like you’re going to try to have sex with us, so we’ll decline.” I told her that I had no sexual expectations, but it just wasn’t working. I decided to get the number and move on.

I was about to walk away, but she said “Wait, text me before you leave.” She then insisted that we take a picture together first and sends it to me.

After that, we approached another set, this time of two white girls. After I approached, the blond girl commented that she noticed me staring intently at her pizza. (Can you tell that I’m on a diet rn? )

Same deal as before, we vibed and flirted, then I invited her back to an afterparty. She hit me with the same objection the other girl. She said “I feel like you just want to have sex with us, I’m not coming to your afterparty. I have to sleep!”

After that, she got so sh*t testy that it was ridiculous. She was asking me things like “would you still want to fvck me if I had 6 kids” and “are you into golden showers” lol. After a while, I realized that this set was a complete waste of time, and I ejected.

After that, something very interesting happened. The girl from earlier started FaceTiming me. She asked what we were doing, and I said that we were about to roll through to the afterparty, and that she should come through. She said she was down, but that she was with some Canadian people that she met. On the FaceTime, I saw three other guys in the car. In my head, I was like wtf? I didn’t know what to make of that, so in my head, I interpreted it as a rejection and that she was just screwing with me or something. I sent her the address anyways.

It was getting late, so we were about to throw in the towel, but then I get another call from the girl. She says “Hey I’m at the spot. Where are you at?” I’m surprised she came through, so my wing and I go down to get her.

The fvcked up part is that she arrives with the three other Canadian guys THAT SHE JUST MET. I don’t even know what to think, my head is spinning because I have so many questions. I’ve never seen a situation like this before.

1.) So, these guys just dropped these girls off at another dudes house?

2.) Why are they still here?

3.) What tf do I do about this situation?

My wing forgot his keys, so he had to go back up and get them. In the meantime, I needed to entertain the whole group. In the back of my mind, I was thinking, “There’s no way we can allow these random dudes up here. That’s just totally unacceptable.”

My wing eventually comes down, and then the girl eventually starts making excuses about how she’s exhausted and had to go home. This set is just insane, so we call it. I’m like, I don’t even know what’s happening anymore lol.

I asked my wing for feedback. The first thing is, I’m still being too nice to those people. I need to be a bit more of an assh0le. Something like, “Hey you and your friend can come up, but we’re not comfortable with having a bunch of random guys over.” Stuff like this would fall into not only being more confident/assertive, but AMOGGING. It’s very important that I do this so that I don’t allow sh*t like this to happen. You can’t let people subtly disrespect you. I used to think that AMOGGING wasn’t a real thing, but I’ve had experiences that prove it absolutely is, and it needs to be considered when gaming. I need to re-review Occam’s Razor, I’m pretty sure that he has a section going over stuff like this and how to handle it.

It may have been even better to tell her over the call that those guys can’t come over. Again, being a bit more of an assh0le. I want to be respectful to people, but in this world, that doesn’t work all the time. Again, good reference experience.

The biggest obstacle from pulling was those random guys. If it was the two girls, I’m confident we could have gotten them up. I’d say she had some interest in me to come through, my wing put it as “she came through on the strength of you.” The fact that those guys were hovering is so annoying.

We also came up with a way to address the objection of “Who’s there” or “Will it just be you” for the afterparty. This is a very common objection that we get. When the girls say that, the answer will be “A couple friends are on the way!”

All in all, good night. Though we didn’t pull, this also shows the power of getting a number.

I’m going out for around Two on Saturday(tonight.)
Talked to another wing about it. He agreed that all I really could’ve done is AMOG the guys and tell them they couldn’t come up, or just forget it because that girl is acting like a crazy person by bringing other dudes over to another man’s house lol.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
I wrote this last FR when I was pretty drunk(thanks Disaronno and Grey Goose lol) so I realized I left out some details.
Nice choices in alcohol!

Getting drunk isn't great for seduction either. I think the max for good gaming is 2 drinks.


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score
Nice choices in alcohol!

Getting drunk isn't great for seduction either. I think the max for good gaming is 2 drinks.
I think Disaronno, and Grey Goose with some Red Bull are a great combo. Not gonna lie I did get kind of lit though lol. More lit than I usually do at least.


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score
Okay, I don’t want to turn this thread into my own personal diary, but I really need to get this off my chest. My two jobs, especially my programming job, are driving me up the freaking wall lol. I almost hit the point of “I can’t do this anymore” today at both of them lol.

@SW15 I’m definitely somewhat feeling the effect of working 60 hours a week. However, I think that this is the only way because if I didn’t work this much, epic nights like the ones I’ve been writing about wouldn’t be possible.

I think this deserves it’s own separate thread for me to vent about my programming job :rofl:
Ironically, I find myself way more annoyed by my programming job than by my side hustle in a kitchen.

It really really sucks to not go out Fridays and Saturdays back to back, because doing so lets you build momentum and I think I’d get laid more. However, I think I really need that Saturday to get some extra time in coding. (It depends on the week whether I work Sundays or not.) I’m betting that spending that Saturday to code will alleviate much of my stress.

The only other option would be to go back down to working 40 hours a week, program in the afternoons, and press pause on getting out of debt. However, that’s extremely fiscally irresponsible and I know it would come back to bite me in the ass lol.

Just wanted to get this off my chest, probably will make a separate thread about my programming job. However, it’s really important that I keep doing this job so that I have the financial ability to keep going out like this.

Sorry for the mini-rant. Now, back to the show.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
Reaction score
Okay, I don’t want to turn this thread into my own personal diary, but I really need to get this off my chest. My two jobs, especially my programming job, are driving me up the freaking wall lol. I almost hit the point of “I can’t do this anymore” today at both of them lol.

@SW15 I’m definitely somewhat feeling the effect of working 60 hours a week. However, I think that this is the only way because if I didn’t work this much, epic nights like the ones I’ve been writing about wouldn’t be possible.

I think this deserves it’s own separate thread for me to vent about my programming job :rofl:
Ironically, I find myself way more annoyed by my programming job than by my side hustle in a kitchen.

It really really sucks to not go out Fridays and Saturdays back to back, because doing so lets you build momentum and I think I’d get laid more. However, I think I really need that Saturday to get some extra time in coding. (It depends on the week whether I work Sundays or not.) I’m betting that spending that Saturday to code will alleviate much of my stress.

The only other option would be to go back down to working 40 hours a week, program in the afternoons, and press pause on getting out of debt. However, that’s extremely fiscally irresponsible and I know it would come back to bite me in the ass lol.

Just wanted to get this off my chest, probably will make a separate thread about my programming job. However, it’s really important that I keep doing this job so that I have the financial ability to keep going out like this.

Sorry for the mini-rant. Now, back to the show.
Are you still playing guitar Nick? Programming isn't the most creative thing, maybe a little shredding can help you get back into balance.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
I don’t want to turn this thread into my own personal diary, but I really need to get this off my chest. My two jobs, especially my programming job, are driving me up the freaking wall lol. I almost hit the point of “I can’t do this anymore” today at both of them lol.

@SW15 I’m definitely somewhat feeling the effect of working 60 hours a week. However, I think that this is the only way because if I didn’t work this much, epic nights like the ones I’ve been writing about wouldn’t be possible.
Too much work will lead to a sense of burn out/exhaustion. It seems like you're feeling it.

The nights where you've gotten laid from approaching have been good nights.


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score
Are you still playing guitar Nick? Programming isn't the most creative thing, maybe a little shredding can help you get back into balance.
I won’t even lie, it’s been a full month and a half since I’ve touched my instrument for a serious practice session. I did schedule a lesson for this Friday though.


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score
Too much work will lead to a sense of burn out/exhaustion. It seems like you're feeling it.

The nights where you've gotten laid from approaching have been good nights.
Yeah man, they’ve been super exhilarating.


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score
Sorry guys, you caught me on a really bad day. Both jobs were absolutely brutal yesterday lol. I slept on it and I feel much better.

I realized I’m wayyy overthinking this. The main thing is, if I’m working two jobs, I need one full day during the week to focus on programming so that I’m ahead of the curve on my main job and I’m making good progress towards my promotion. Without that extra day, I’ll just barely eke by on the main job. In the long run, that would screw me over. If I don’t get scheduled to work on Sunday, that day will be Sunday itself and I can go out twice. If I do work on Sunday, then I’ll just go out on Friday for that week. It’s literally that simple, I can play it by ear as needed too. I just need to keep my performance high at both jobs so I can meet those financial goals.

Other than that, I just need to take 30 mins- 1 hour to myself to relax and do whatever each day so that the week doesn’t feel like just a nonstop stream of work. That and workout each day, plus playing my instrument whenever I can like @BillyPilgrim said. Game is way higher priority, but it’s still good to play whenever I can.

Following all of those rules makes a 60 hour workweek manageable, imo. That and sleeping as much as I can so I can try to avoid getting in moods like yesterday.

Originally, I had thought about doing Overemployed(two remote tech jobs at once.) However, I’m starting to think that maybe that isn’t the best idea. If I’m struggling a bit to manage one remote tech job and a side job, I can’t even imagine two remote tech jobs. I already have to be super meticulous planning out work and game with 60, but 80?!?! I likely wouldn’t even have time to game, I think, as in literally.

I apologize guys, I’m doing my best to keep this game related and not get into my personal stuff. I feel that the two are definitely linked though so sometimes it’s a bit tricky not to lol.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score

Didn’t go out, as I’ve been mentioning earlier in this thread. Instead, I caught up on my sleep and literally slept 15 hours lol. I felt fvcking amazing. I had a bit of time, so I started Link’s Awakening DX instead of just playing Mario Kart 8 tracks over and over lol @Dr.Suave . Felt great to have some time for me, and I was rejuvenated for the next night out, instead of having to slam like three energy drinks to make it through the night.

7/28/23 Nightgame

Approaches: 26

I don’t have too too much to comment on for this particular night, honestly. The biggest issue tonight was the c0ckblock friends. One of our girls would be down, but then the other friend would c0ckblock and drag the other girl away.

A Couple Notable Examples:

1.) The very first set we approach, my wing’s girl is obviously feeling him. It was to the point where they were making out with each other on the street. She was down. I was engaging the fat friend, but as soon as my wing invited them to an afterparty, the fat friend made a phone call and was like “please please please pick us up.” And just like that, they were gone.

I hope I’m doing a decent job of winging in these situations… maybe I could be more overtly sexual with the fat friend or something so that she doesn’t block? I suppose I’ll review Occam’s Razor again for the section on c0ckblocks and how to deal with them.

2.) I approach a super hot brunette who is FaceTiming with her friends. She’s traveling down from somewhere, but I forget where(likely because of the Disaronno) I tell her she’s cute, and she’s very receptive. I tell her that she should come to our afterparty, and she could even bring her friends if she wanted to. Her friend over the phone is like “No! No! You’re the only one in our group that is unaccounted for. Everyone else is home. We have a flight at 11 AM!”

The girl I approached was even like, “Y’all are so lame. You don’t even want to go to an afterparty?” In my mind, I’m thinking, I’ve caught flights at 5 AM on literally no sleep. Also, y’all came all the way down here just to stay in the house? You can do that in your home without shelling out for a BnB.

I suppose I could’ve pushed harder for the angle of “Just come over for 10 minutes” or “I’ll bring your friend right back.” Again, I need to review the c0ckblock objections.

I am fvcking exhausted, but I’m having a blast and I wouldn’t have it any other way.


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score
I just realized that this thread is called “The Summer of NickSaiz65” and summer is over in a month. I guess I could rename the thread or something. Or just start a new one?

I do enjoy writing these. Definitely want to pull and close again before the summer ends if I can.


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score
Keep the thread going and re-name.
I think it could make sense to keep this thread going until I move. That’s enough to keep momentum but not so much that my thread reaches 200 pages and is completely overwhelming lol.

By the way, I won’t be able to go out and fight the good fight this upcoming weekend. I spent all of my money on some new kitchen gadgetry lmao so I have to sit down for a second. I’ll use this to catch up on my sleep, studying, and mental health then I’ll hit the field hard again.

Also I just love the name “The Summer of NickSaiz65” so I’ll keep it even if it’s not summer lol. It just rolls off the tongue
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