I've never understood people who can text and message, accept dates, and then act like functional mutes on the actual date. Being shy isn't an excuse, either. I mean, just f*cking TALK, as the creator intended us to do.
I've dated a few women like this and it NEVER works out. Usually I won't contact them again but if they're hot, I'll give it another shot or two and hope they open up. Rarely do they. So I find myself carrying the conversation 80% of the time which is arduous and exhausting.
I actually had one of these last night. The worst Tinder date and one of the worst dates of all-time. Woman shows up, looks ok, but doesn't smile, barely acknowledges me, and hardly speaks two words. I'm carrying the conversation, using some wit and humor and asking questions. She seemed angry based on some of her answers about being a nurse (hates fat, smelly people and homeless so took an admin nursing job), hating OLD (almost yelled it), etc. She asked 3 questions: what do I do, have I been married, and do I have kids. Impressive creative questions, lady. Stereotypical angry older woman. The date ended after about 35 minutes when we agreed we weren't a fit. I even offered to pay for her drink to which she replied she had her own money. Wow, just wow. I mean a real b*tch.
Maybe some of the females on SS can chime in on why these women even bother to date when they're so damn bitter,
I'm taking an OLD detox for a while.