Where exactly do we think the commoditisation of female beauty ends ?


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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Something I have been pondering for a while

It seems currently both men AND women are working in unison too commoditise female beauty to a very dangerous level

A worryingly high number of males are already "paying to play" in some way shape or form and a worryingly high number of women are allowing them to do it

I mean I am currently on holiday in Santorini was in a club last night and two NZ chicks basically admitted to they are just traveling around for free by using men as cashpoints

I think they had been fvcking said men too

At its core is this not prositiution ? haha

If I was a woman and I had a choice between getting laid , and getting laid and getting expenses covered I think I would go with the latter unless I was ridiculously into the former but even then I don't believe these women are able to just mentally switch from viewing a man as a walking cashpoint to suddenly viewing him as a long term partner of mutual respect

My EX certainly couldn't do it and I binned her as a result

I don't have an issue with paying for dates or paying for my girl to have a nice lifestyle providing its no the fundamental basis of our relationship which is what I feel like a lot of the most attractive women are currently seeking

I have serious concerns with this culture that's been bread around the communisation of female beauty

like I am looking at some 17/18 year old girls that are already manipulating and using men

It's not a mindset you can easily change and quite frankly its quite scary.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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One theory I have now Is that on the female side of all this there's now no room left for mediocrity you can't simply be an average woman anymore

you need to be AT LEAST A 7 and even then you're competing with hoards of of 8's & 9's who are literally some of the most beautiful women in the world

But just as everyman cannot be In the top 10% NOT EVERY woman can either but there is one fundamental difference

The barriers to become a top 10% MALE are extremely difficult to acheive and most will fail this keeps the Supply very very low

The barrier to become a top 10%. Female is extremely easy to achieve and can usually be done with minor cosmetic works, makeup and a semi decent gym routnine

Gentlemen I think we are approaching a point soon where women are actually going to have too start grafting for the high value men

Because I aint even that valuable and I can see through all this crap its only a matter of time before so many of these girls are trying to sell their " services" its going to hit an oversupply point

I believe within the next 5 years a lot of guys are going to get opportunities to sleep with women WAY above their leauge


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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You already see something like this happen with OF. A hb8 will thinks she's a 10 and she can monetize her beauty, only to find out she will harfly make any money. Same with prostitution/stripping. It's tough, because in other countries and cultures female beauty is more common and less special. A beautiful but poor Eastern European woman will.offer herself for 30/40 euros. She might be way prettier than a delusional western hb7.

Another thing that's happening is that too many men are pulling back from dating. Some women start to realize that a fit, smart, gamed up , good in bed, pockets full of cash, stand up dude, charming ect ect ect us RARE. Hence how I didn't even used "goodlooking ".

Lastly, if you are correct it will means TONS of manic depressed women in the near future. Because beauty fades, and Chad cheats. At some point, around 40 fgese types of women will have yo admit there's a new generation of pretty and young women.
Time will tell if 40 will become the new 20 like many women claim. If it's not, their fecked.


Aug 19, 2013
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Eye of the storm
You are correct in thinking the problem is perpetuated by both men and women, but I view what you describe as just weakness in general. For men the weakness is prioritizing physical attractiveness above pretty much all else. For women the weakness is a lack of morality. For both it's a lack of self-respect.

If all of the most physically attractive women in the world had this exploitative nature, then to me they wouldn't be the most attractive women in the world. They'd be something nice to look at, to use and toss aside, not worth keeping at all. Honestly though, I wouldn't even be using them because I have integrity and self-respect.

The barriers to become a top 10% MALE are extremely difficult to acheive and most will fail this keeps the Supply very very low

The barrier to become a top 10%. Female is extremely easy to achieve and can usually be done with minor cosmetic works, makeup and a semi decent gym routnine
Also just want to point out how percentages work. 10% of anything is 10% of anything. There's not unlimited room among 10% of females, only 10% of females can be in this group, same as only 10% of men can be in the 10% of men group. Either the top female group needs to be larger than 10% or the competition is so fierce as others are constantly bumped down that it's hardly an advantage anyways.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2020
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At its core is this not prositiution ? haha
Yes it is.

If you break it down, ALL women are prostitutes. That's not to insult women.

I don't have an issue with paying for dates or paying for my girl to have a nice lifestyle providing its no the fundamental basis of our relationship which is what I feel like a lot of the most attractive women are currently seeking
Pay for everything and not make it the foundation? Very difficult to have it both ways. Once the money runs out, she will move on.

That's why men have to get a girl PREGNANT when the girl is YOUNG. The girl will get emotionally involved when she is young + has a baby.

When the woman is older, she could CARE LESS about a relationship based on emotions. She needs UTILITY from the man.

like I am looking at some 17/18 year old girls that are already manipulating and using men

It's not a mindset you can easily change and quite frankly its quite scary.
Why do you care?

If Sosuave members had a daughter, and that daughter said "Dad, I can go either go to school for 4+ years, study hard, pass exams, get a degree, apply for a Masters Program so in 10 years I can buy a house, OR I can go to acting school, use my sexuality, get PREGNANT from a RICH man and be set for life."

You all are going to tell her to go to school? Come on.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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There are girls on Seeking that bounce back and forth between LA, Dallas, and Miami. Whatever poor fool they can convince to buy their next airline ticket and put them up is when they move to the next city. The most desperate Sugar Daddy provides an apartment and some spending money. The rest of the money comes from other dudes that are more attractive and fun, but not willing to spend as much. They supplement with Onlyfans, and $tripping. Every now and then they go to Bumble/Hinge.

They concoct all sorts of b.s. stories when you ask them what they do for a living.


Dec 30, 2022
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I personally think that alot of you would have a different outlook if you were socially extroverted and lived in big cities.

I'm thankful I grew up in NYC and live in Chicago because I get to see just how much variety there is in the ideals of women. I mean sh.t I met beautiful women who were still virgins till like 26-27. I met fat girls with high bodycounts, Great women who didn't care about se.x or romance and were morea bout life and intellectual pursuits, driven by passions, career, family, etc

Sure you meet alot of h.oes in the inner cities.. Ofc - I mean probably even moreso than anywhere else because it's alot of competitive mentality and following the herd/ influence by media and music culture and everyone to some extent thinks they're a star or a special character /main character, but I've been blessed to meet all type of women.

You would be so surprised how many women don't have an ego and just live a very small and quaint life and who aren't motivated by men or think about men 24/7 like some men do about women

I think that's my main factor and motivator to why I stick around SOSuave, I just met and been with so many diff chicks, It's nice to be able to talk about. would be even better if there was a voice chat community and we could weed out the weirdos and incels .. But I think its important to see all types of perspectives at the same time.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
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One theory I have now Is that on the female side of all this there's now no room left for mediocrity you can't simply be an average woman anymore

you need to be AT LEAST A 7 and even then you're competing with hoards of of 8's & 9's who are literally some of the most beautiful women in the world

But just as everyman cannot be In the top 10% NOT EVERY woman can either but there is one fundamental difference

The barriers to become a top 10% MALE are extremely difficult to acheive and most will fail this keeps the Supply very very low

The barrier to become a top 10%. Female is extremely easy to achieve and can usually be done with minor cosmetic works, makeup and a semi decent gym routnine

Gentlemen I think we are approaching a point soon where women are actually going to have too start grafting for the high value men

Because I aint even that valuable and I can see through all this crap its only a matter of time before so many of these girls are trying to sell their " services" its going to hit an oversupply point

I believe within the next 5 years a lot of guys are going to get opportunities to sleep with women WAY above their leauge
You miss the whole point on how guys rate girls

Guys think that 60% or more of girls are above average, while girls only rate 20% of the guys as above average

Taking this into consideration, what you say will very likely not happen

What could happen is a war or big civic unrest from all incels ( which you can see happen at a higher frequency already )


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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You miss the whole point on how guys rate girls

Guys think that 60% or more of girls are above average, while girls only rate 20% of the guys as above average

Taking this into consideration, what you say will very likely not happen

What could happen is a war or big civic unrest from all incels ( which you can see happen at a higher frequency already )
"Luckily " women have the need for relationships more than men do.

A man can be alone, a woman cannot. More and more stories popping up on how women are desperate for a man , willing to pay ect.

I wonder if that 20% number is an effect of modern dating(women got spoiled and deluded by the male thirst) , or if it's a scientific fact. Can it change ,so women will be attracted to 50% of men due to NOT being able to get that 15/20 percentile of top men?


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
The only thing certain is that women will sacrifice the top man out of their possibilities with bad actions. There will always be a cleanup man for every woman regardless of what situations she gets herself in to or how many points she loses. Is it going to be the Rich Tupac with a Degree or the Tarzan that she was butting her head against to get with? No, but let's be honest, that was never going to happen anyway. Women are just like us men when it comes to not wanting to risk their lives for another person that could potentially change. Furthermore, a woman can rack up a high body count, but as long as she continues to remain in shape, be childless, and hide her bad personality traits, she will still be in the top of the SMV ladder until her 30s.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
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"Luckily " women have the need for relationships more than men do.

A man can be alone, a woman cannot. More and more stories popping up on how women are desperate for a man , willing to pay ect.

I wonder if that 20% number is an effect of modern dating(women got spoiled and deluded by the male thirst) , or if it's a scientific fact. Can it change ,so women will be attracted to 50% of men due to NOT being able to get that 15/20 percentile of top men?
Male thirst mostly :)


Don Juan
Nov 17, 2022
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Two things may increase the supply of hot women, and make them more attainable:

1.) The advent of GOOD sex bots will occupy a lot of men.
2.) Diet drugs like GLP-1 agonist drugs will become more mainstream and a lot of big girls will become skinny and therefore hot.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
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Not a new thing. Males and females have been playing their respective hands since forever. Men rely on provisions and women rely on their fertility. The only difference between modern society and hunter gatherers has been the incidence of the sexual revolution. Women still use their sexuality to meet their gains, though the gains are no longer (just) survival and procreation.
The endgame is and always will be the aging process; in particular the menopause and decline in physical beauty. Not things men have to deal with. In fact a man's SMV never need decline if he keeps himself in good knick, at least we'll in to later life.
Women may now being living the life they always dreamt of. But it's still men who give it to them. Personally I wouldn't invest a whole lot in a woman who takes unreasonable advantage, beyond basic animal pleasure.
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Master Don Juan
Mar 7, 2022
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Go to Asia or any eastern European country (not at war); pull out tinder... I guarantee you the "dating experience" will be different than the west. Western women are delusional. They are feed crud like "barbie" and they believe it. Women in other countries know they have a shelf life even of they are beautiful. Society in those cultures do not put women on a pedestal and do not lie to them like the west does. Those society know beauty is ephemeral and related to youth. Those women know not to over play their hand unlike the west.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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Go to Asia or any eastern European country (not at war); pull out tinder... I guarantee you the "dating experience" will be different than the west. Western women are delusional. They are feed crud like "barbie" and they believe it. Women in other countries know they have a shelf life even of they are beautiful. Society in those cultures do not put women on a pedestal and do not lie to them like the west does. Those society know beauty is ephemeral and related to youth. Those women know not to over play their hand unlike the west.
I’m not well travelled. How do you know this?

With my paltry globetrotting experience, I’ve concluded, possibly in ignorance, that there’s no majority-trad female population wherever there are cellphones. Female hypergamy and their anti-social tendencies are the same all over. It’s just that historically they were restrained.


Master Don Juan
Mar 7, 2022
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I’m not well travelled. How do you know this?

With my paltry globetrotting experience, I’ve concluded, possibly in ignorance, that there’s no majority-trad female population wherever there are cellphones. Female hypergamy and their anti-social tendencies are the same all over. It’s just that historically they were restrained.
I know this because I have family in those countries. I am fairly well traveled and have been to those countries and met couples there.

Example of a majority-trad female population is Dubai. I have in laws there. To a lesser degree is Asia. Examples are China and Thailand. I also have in laws there. Compared to the USA, there are very few single moms and ladies over 30 that have high expectations. They know their values.

While I personally haven't been to Eastern Europe, many people that I know well and trust tell me the people there are "based" when it comes to relationships and beauty. No single mom over 30 is expecting chad there.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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Example of a majority-trad female population is Dubai. I have in laws there. To a lesser degree is Asia. Examples are China and Thailand. I also have in laws there. Compared to the USA, there are very few single moms and ladies over 30 that have high expectations. They know their values.

While I personally haven't been to Eastern Europe, many people that I know well and trust tell me the people there are "based" when it comes to relationships and beauty. No single mom over 30 is expecting chad there.
Then I assume there are far fewer incels in those places.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
Reaction score
Gentlemen I think we are approaching a point soon where women are actually going to have too start grafting for the high value men

Because I aint even that valuable and I can see through all this crap its only a matter of time before so many of these girls are trying to sell their " services" its going to hit an oversupply point

I believe within the next 5 years a lot of guys are going to get opportunities to sleep with women WAY above their leauge
Can’t some of these issues be alleviated by arranged marriage or, in softer form, matchmaking by family involvement?


Master Don Juan
Mar 7, 2022
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Can’t some of these issues be alleviated by arranged marriage or, in softer form, matchmaking by family involvement?
Yes, but then that would require society to agree that average women and average men are the same. It would require women to be self aware. Women in the USA are not self aware and society does very little to correct them. Instead, western society give them movies like barbie. Heck, a lot of American dads feel uncomfortable telling their daughters to not sleep arround, not act like their beauty will last forever.

In other cultures dad tells their daughters that their beauty only last a while and to use it to find a good man quickly. As an young average woman with beautythat derives from basically youth, dont put too much stock on the average mans looks. What father says that stuff to their daughters here in the USA? Not many...