Aight, since dude co-signed your POV and not mines, Imma fall back and give you the last word.
Whether its rare or not or whether someone has all those attributes or not is really not the point. Those are just examples of what people might find creepy in someone's behavior.
Well here is the point, the question is; is OP exhibiting any behavior that those particular women found creepy?
He may or may not, but based on the little information we have, I dont see any indication that this is the case.
If you do, then we just have to agree to disagree...not just in this case, but in
theory as well.
And no one talks with a complete monotone voice. its unnatural dude. Its basically how robots talk.
That's bullsh!t. I think what you mean is
I've known of people who talk in monotone voices, particularly instructors of schools I intended.
Ever heard the way Hank Hill (King of the Hill) talk?
There are people who naturally speak like that.
That is just the way that they talk.
True, everyone that you encounter on a daily basis doesn't speak in a monotone voice, but the ones that do doesn't need to be labeled as
That is some judgemental stigmatized bullsh!t.
Abnormalities can scare people. Again not rocket science. If everyone you know does not talk monotone. butthen one person does, it will stand out as strange.
Um, no. I wouldn't find it
You have a poor way with words.
I may find it
different. I may find it
But I wouldn't find it
strange, because
strange in this context has an unjustified stigma attached to it.
There's really no need for an argument to anything I'm saying.
There is a reason to put bullsh!t in check.
None of it is left field.. Its all simple concepts that are culturally /societally accepted.
When did the memo go out that monotone voices aren't culturally/societally accepted?
And who signed off on it?
Ofc this thread just lacks any detail on the situation, the types of conversations being had, and a plethora of other details tht could have been presented. Regardless, if I had to make a theory,---a s they say, the subconcious mind is very powerful. usually the first thought an experienced individual has about a situation is the most probably.. and to me that is that he came off creepy to those girls..
Then we simply disagree.
ie: as a stranger theres a process in building rapport with people
Rapport building is not needed to get laid, especially in 2023.
, -- I think he failed to build rapport with the most basic of gestures, probably didnt say hello and introduce himself, and say his relation to why he was there (in the case everyne was wondering who he is), etc and the girsl jsut awlked off.
If the chick ain't attracted to him, he can do all of that sh!t and still get rejected.
If he is a ugly mofo in her eyes, do you think him saying
hello will transform his face into Channing Tatum in her eyes?
I think the 3rd girl was probably just in a bad state of mind, could have possibly been prejudging him based on his race.. might have been assaulted by a guy of the same race, etc. -- Some part of my intuition almost tells me that at least one of the girls might have been put off by him racially.. Not sure why. I think his name being Anour. Alot of places can be superficial af.
So, let me get this straight..
On one hand..
You: We just don't have enough information to know what really went on.
On the other hand..
You: (all of the speculative sh!t you just said above).
It might be a good theory considering that most people are normal and can have some hint as to why someone would act so adverse to them.. but since he seems clueless, it can be hinting at that (something most people probably dont expect)
Alan Roger Currie once stated that all he said was "Good Morning, how is your day?" to a woman.
Her response?
F#ck off, creep.
He gave her a standard, typical greeting, and that was her response.
Some women are just bytches, bro...and it may have very little to do with the dude.
But anyways, I'm done.
This dude clearly doesn't take advice and all of these "what did I do wrong" threads have become sickening.