Approach Journal: The Summer of NickSaiz65


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
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32 approaches in one night is a lot of approaches. If that was one venue, that could be considered spam approaching.

There are men that don't approach 32 women in one year. That's an accomplishment.
Oh yeah… I’m aware that AG Hayden goes out with some guys who say they can’t go home until they either do 50 approaches or pull.

That’s part of the reason why they’re pulling and banging left and right.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I’d say about half of these were on the streets. Tbh most of my pulls come from the street outside the club now that I think about it.
Street game is super difficult. Impressive!

I’m aware that AG Hayden goes out with some guys who say they can’t go home until they either do 50 approaches or pull.

That’s part of the reason why they’re pulling and banging left and right.
AG Hayden's methodology is a tough methodology for learning approaching. A guy will either endure massive trauma from rejections on 50 approach nights and quit (possibly going MGTOW) or become a successful seducer. I don't see much middle ground in results from that methodology.


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
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To Go Out or Not To Go Out, That Is The Question

To be honest guys, I’m debating whether or not it’s worth it to go out this weekend.

I’m completely slammed on Friday, so that’s a no-go. I have an obligation Saturday afternoon(violin lesson) and I’ll be working my part-timer on Sunday at 4 PM. So realistically, the only time I’d be able to Game is Saturday Daygame and/or Nightgame in Nashville.

While I’m pleased we nearly pulled last weekend, I’m also slightly annoyed about the whole situation lol. I almost want a redemption round, with the same amount of effort.

I suppose I could do a one day rental and return after hours at Enterprise. (The service there is miserable compared to Hertz.)

Or, I could stay at the house and not spend my doubloons, study for the certification that I need to get a promotion, build my skills to escape the system, etc. so on and so forth. Maybe that’s a better use of my time and money.

I know for a fact that I’ll be in Atlanta next next weekend. And realistically the answer probably depends on the budget, but I thought maybe you guys could persuade me one way or the other lol.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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To Go Out or Not To Go Out, That Is The Question

To be honest guys, I’m debating whether or not it’s worth it to go out this weekend.

I’m completely slammed on Friday, so that’s a no-go. I have an obligation Saturday afternoon(violin lesson) and I’ll be working my part-timer on Sunday at 4 PM. So realistically, the only time I’d be able to Game is Saturday Daygame and/or Nightgame in Nashville.

While I’m pleased we nearly pulled last weekend, I’m also slightly annoyed about the whole situation lol. I almost want a redemption round, with the same amount of effort.

I suppose I could do a one day rental and return after hours at Enterprise. (The service there is miserable compared to Hertz.)

Or, I could stay at the house and not spend my doubloons, study for the certification that I need to get a promotion, build my skills to escape the system, etc. so on and so forth. Maybe that’s a better use of my time and money.

I know for a fact that I’ll be in Atlanta next next weekend. And realistically the answer probably depends on the budget, but I thought maybe you guys could persuade me one way or the other lol.
Atlanta is full of hot black girls and black girls like to have money spent on them to get in their pants. Save up this weekend bro.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I know for a fact that I’ll be in Atlanta next next weekend. And realistically the answer probably depends on the budget, but I thought maybe you guys could persuade me one way or the other lol.
You have existing non-gaming plans for this forthcoming weekend (July 15-16). Take that weekend off of Nashville and your budget probably won't allow for it anyway. Focus on the Atlanta weekend (July 22-23).


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
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Atlanta is full of hot black girls and black girls like to have money spent on them to get in their pants. Save up this weekend bro.
Hahaha I’d say that’s true to an extent I’d say. I’ll be meeting another wing out there. I’ll take the advice and save this weekend.

The trouble with me staying in the house on weekends is, even though there’s always something to study, I get soooooo bored and I hate it lol. This is even with the PS5 and Switch I have. The weekends where I go out entertain me the most.

I might take a compromise and talk to a couple women in my small town at a bar on Saturday.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score
You have existing non-gaming plans for this forthcoming weekend (July 15-16). Take that weekend off of Nashville and your budget probably won't allow for it anyway. Focus on the Atlanta weekend (July 22-23).
Sounds like a plan man.

Of course, I’ll still be working. My efforts will just go towards earning my certification, because I need that to get a raise which will allow me to comfortably live in the big city once I move.

Probs not a bad idea to watch some game videos too, it’s very difficult to find time to watch them during the week.


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
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You have existing non-gaming plans for this forthcoming weekend (July 15-16). Take that weekend off of Nashville and your budget probably won't allow for it anyway. Focus on the Atlanta weekend (July 22-23).
By the way, meant to mention this before I fell asleep last night. But this is the last time I’ll be in Atlanta for a good few months. I’ll go visit my older sister one of those days, and meet up with my wing for 1-2.

After that, it’s all my small town and Nashville for the next handful of months. Atlanta is simply not in the budget right now lol


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
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Atlanta is full of hot black girls and black girls like to have money spent on them to get in their pants. Save up this weekend bro.
Save your energy and make it a big weekend in Atlanta.
Okay, slight change in the schedule…

My Friday obligation got wiped and my violin lesson on Saturday got rescheduled to next Monday.

Y’all think I should still stay in the house and chill, or should I go out this Friday now? I estimate that going out will run me about $90 total(drinks, parking, transportation, everything.) I suppose I’m cool with either or.

I’m very mentally exhausted from work rn and I am incapable of making critical thinking decisions at the moment:lol:

(P.S. I’m still running with the plan of going out once every Friday instead of going out every 2 weeks.)


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Y’all think I should still stay in the house and chill, or should I go out this Friday now? I estimate that going out will run me about $90 total(drinks, parking, transportation, everything.) I suppose I’m cool with either or.
Do you have $90 in the budget for this? Probably of getting poontang in any given night out at the bars is low.


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
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Do you have $90 in the budget for this? Probably of getting poontang in any given night out at the bars is low.
Sure, that’s fine. It wouldn’t set my saving plan back, because all of my gaming money is generated by my side job.

By the way, I know I talk about finances a lot, but I think it’s a critical part of this just like looks and fashion are. If your finances are in shambles, you won’t be able to game. I always wondered why more PUAs don’t talk about this.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
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7/21/23 NIGHTGAME FR: Close But No Cigar

Approaches Done: 18

Since I’m incapable of writing a field report that isn’t a full essay lol, here you go. This was a very interesting night with many groups. Got a bit of a late start again, but we made the most of it.

After pregaming a bit, my wing and I hit the strip around midnight.

As per usual, the bulk of the meaningful interactions were on the street. There were two that stood out in my mind.

I directly approached a two-set: a cute white girl with dark hair and piercings, and her midriff out, as well as her blond friend. We vibed a bit, and then eventually I asked what they were up to. The dark haired girl answered that they were out “scamming men” and then eventually showed me a bag of cocaine that she had in her purse for some reason :rofl:

I invited them back to an afterparty, and they declined. First, the girl asked who would be there. Then she said, “I feel like you’re going to try to have sex with us, so we’ll decline.” I told her that I had no sexual expectations, but it just wasn’t working. I decided to get the number and move on.

I was about to walk away, but she said “Wait, text me before you leave.” She then insisted that we take a picture together first and sends it to me.

After that, we approached another set, this time of two white girls. After I approached, the blond girl commented that she noticed me staring intently at her pizza. (Can you tell that I’m on a diet rn? )

Same deal as before, we vibed and flirted, then I invited her back to an afterparty. She hit me with the same objection the other girl. She said “I feel like you just want to have sex with us, I’m not coming to your afterparty. I have to sleep!”

After that, she got so sh*t testy that it was ridiculous. She was asking me things like “would you still want to fvck me if I had 6 kids” and “are you into golden showers” lol. After a while, I realized that this set was a complete waste of time, and I ejected.

After that, something very interesting happened. The girl from earlier started FaceTiming me. She asked what we were doing, and I said that we were about to roll through to the afterparty, and that she should come through. She said she was down, but that she was with some Canadian people that she met. On the FaceTime, I saw three other guys in the car. In my head, I was like wtf? I didn’t know what to make of that, so in my head, I interpreted it as a rejection and that she was just screwing with me or something. I sent her the address anyways.

It was getting late, so we were about to throw in the towel, but then I get another call from the girl. She says “Hey I’m at the spot. Where are you at?” I’m surprised she came through, so my wing and I go down to get her.

The fvcked up part is that she arrives with the three other Canadian guys THAT SHE JUST MET. I don’t even know what to think, my head is spinning because I have so many questions. I’ve never seen a situation like this before.

1.) So, these guys just dropped these girls off at another dudes house?

2.) Why are they still here?

3.) What tf do I do about this situation?

My wing forgot his keys, so he had to go back up and get them. In the meantime, I needed to entertain the whole group. In the back of my mind, I was thinking, “There’s no way we can allow these random dudes up here. That’s just totally unacceptable.”

My wing eventually comes down, and then the girl eventually starts making excuses about how she’s exhausted and had to go home. This set is just insane, so we call it. I’m like, I don’t even know what’s happening anymore lol.

I asked my wing for feedback. The first thing is, I’m still being too nice to those people. I need to be a bit more of an assh0le. Something like, “Hey you and your friend can come up, but we’re not comfortable with having a bunch of random guys over.” Stuff like this would fall into not only being more confident/assertive, but AMOGGING. It’s very important that I do this so that I don’t allow sh*t like this to happen. You can’t let people subtly disrespect you. I used to think that AMOGGING wasn’t a real thing, but I’ve had experiences that prove it absolutely is, and it needs to be considered when gaming. I need to re-review Occam’s Razor, I’m pretty sure that he has a section going over stuff like this and how to handle it.

It may have been even better to tell her over the call that those guys can’t come over. Again, being a bit more of an assh0le. I want to be respectful to people, but in this world, that doesn’t work all the time. Again, good reference experience.

The biggest obstacle from pulling was those random guys. If it was the two girls, I’m confident we could have gotten them up. I’d say she had some interest in me to come through, my wing put it as “she came through on the strength of you.” The fact that those guys were hovering is so annoying.

We also came up with a way to address the objection of “Who’s there” or “Will it just be you” for the afterparty. This is a very common objection that we get. When the girls say that, the answer will be “A couple friends are on the way!”

All in all, good night. Though we didn’t pull, this also shows the power of getting a number.

I’m going out for around Two on Saturday(tonight.)
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Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
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Game Schedule Going Forward

I’ve been thinking on it, and I do think the best play is to stick with the schedule of going out once a week on either Fridays or Saturdays until future notice. I deviated from it this weekend, but I’ll go back to that original schedule from now on unless it’s a special occasion.

I need a day to clean my apartment, and do some extra work for my job so I can get promoted and get a pay bump. Having a whole day for that so I don’t lose my sanity trying to squeeze all that extra work in after 9 PM during the week would be great. Then all I’d have to worry about is hitting a workout, then relaxing a bit before the next work day.

On top of that, I don’t want to burn out my welcome with my wing/future roommate. I crash on his couch after we’re done gaming, or after we pull.

I think I’ll stay on this schedule for a bit and see how I feel. I can always add in more gaming sessions later if needed.
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Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
After that, she got so sh*t testy that it was ridiculous. She was asking me things like “would you still want to fvck me if I had 6 kids” and “are you into golden showers” lol. After a while, I realized that this set was a complete waste of time, and I ejected.
That is insane! Good for you for ejecting.

The fvcked up part is that she arrives with the three other Canadian guys THAT SHE JUST MET.
Very fuccked up. I could not deal with that. Eject!

The dark haired girl answered that they were out “scamming men” and then eventually showed me a bag of cocaine that she had in her purse for some reason :rofl:
If a woman has a bag of cocaine in her purse, she is likely interested in having sex.


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score
That is insane! Good for you for ejecting.

Very fuccked up. I could not deal with that. Eject!

If a woman has a bag of cocaine in her purse, she is likely interested in having sex.
I should’ve told her “hell yeah I’ll give you a seventh” to fvck with her but I didn’t end up saying it lol.

I’m not sure of a better way to deal with that than what my wing suggested, blowing the other dudes out and telling them they can’t come up. I guess I’m the future I’ll just AMOG tf out of them like so, I can’t get myself walked on like that lol.

I’ve noticed that girls who do coke are usually the biggest freaks.


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
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Update on the ATL Trip

I had to postpone this because it would be a bit expensive. Right now, the bulk of my money is being used to pay down some very high interest credit cards and it’s a bit tough to go farther than Nashville for a couple months or so.

I’ll make it happen by the end of summer though, or at least within a few months. I’ve always had a good time every Atlanta visit.