TV news is a dying business. Ratings are declining, even for local TV stations that are less affected by declines in cable and satellite TV subscriptions. Compared to even 20 years ago, it's not nearly as glamorous.
@manfrombelow is correct that she won't reply to your email to her work email address, regardless of what you said. Even with local TV news being less glamorous than 20-30 years ago, there are still plenty of simps who email her looking for dates/sex.
With women who work prominent public-facing jobs, you need to find a way to meet her in real life during her non-work, leisure time. It's no different than trying to date a stripper, bartender, or waitress. You can't expect to be successful sending emails to a woman's work address, sliding into her LinkedIn DMs, or sliding into her Instagram/Twitter DMs. There's a lot of competition there and most men can't compete well there. Plenty of women look down upon men who try to get dates on LinkedIn.
The idea of approaching women while they are at their jobs containing interaction with the general public is a topic that is somewhat contentious among men. When I think of women who work with the general public, these are the categories that come to mind of women to approach. Strippers...
@I_have_BDE -- how close are you to being top-tier, 'Chad' level?